Your Questions About Fox News

John asks…

Why do people watch FOX news?.?

What attracts people to watch FOX News?.

also, what are the demographics of people who watch FOX news?.

How many viewers does FOX news have?.

Michelle answers:

Fox News is a playground for conservatives. MSNBC is a playground for liberals. Each news station has an enormous amount of hypocrisy. It’s very simple.

I personally hate Fox News. They happily defended Phil Robertson’s comments regarding homosexuality. They say he has the first amendment right to free speech. That is true. However, they got angry and went ballistic over American Atheists putting up their billboards.

MSNBC is the same exact way. They kiss the ground Obama walks on no matter what.

George asks…

Conservative fox news viewer, explain to me this?

This was taken by the Pew Research Center, it isn’t biased, they didn’t show the chart but it shows that people who do not watch news are actually more informed than Fox News viewers and same with those who watch The Daily Show. Fox News is completely f*cking stupid, 63% of Fox News viewers thought Saddam Hussein attacked us on 9/11 months after 9/11! LMAO, watch a real news station. I’m not saying other news stations aren’t biased but Fox beats them all by FAR with their bias.
@Demoncrat Did you watch the video, it was taken from the Pew Research Center…
@Constitutionalist It was taken by the Pew Research Center…

Michelle answers:

Fox News is just here to fuel a dying party with people ignorant and credulous enough to believe in their lies and vitriol. Just last month, O’Reilly claimed that Christianity was a philosophy not a religion. He argued this point against an atheist no less. This is why Faux News has the least informed viewers.
NPR most informed all the way!


Sandra asks…

Bias in Fox news! (Example??)?

I am writing a research paper, but i don’t have Canada background. Hopefully, somebody can kindly help me^^
I want to ask about what kind of bias turn up in Fox News? (example?) what cause fox news have this kind of bias?

Michelle answers:

Fox news does have a conservative bent. What herkk and others like him fail to realize, or admit, is that the major networks had a monopoly for years on the spin they put on the news so that it denigrated conservatives and exulted the left. Read the book Bias and you’ll see examples every bit as provocative regarding the leftist views that were, and are, mandated by those in control of major network newsrooms. Even more compelling is the extreme leftist agenda of the major universities, like Columbia, that train future journalists. The media, Hollywood, and academia have dominated the dissemination of their far left agenda with the arrogance and tenacity of a divine right king. Fox is the critical response to this monopolistic dogma of the left: A sort of information enlightenment.

David asks…

What is your opinion on fox news?

It seems everyone is attacking this news channel, except conservatives of course. I think it should be attacked. Let me explain. Fox news is NOT fair and balanced like it claims. I have nothing against free speech but fox should advertise itself as conservative, rather than fair and balanced like it claims. Im a very left-wing person..i dont care about politics but when it comes to social stuff, im very left. Even i think it would be wrong for the left to have their own “news” channel claiming to be fair and balanced.

Also…Glenn Beck…enough said

So what do you people think?

Michelle answers:

The idea of Fox News advertising itself as conservative is crazy(no offense). Not only is is crazy, but it’s un-American. You see my friend, there is money to be made, and propaganda to spread. Who will pay for propaganda if they can’t still make themselves feel good for thinking that is actually news?

Look at this study: (SEMANTIC FRAMING IN THE BUILD-UP TO THE IRAQ WAR: FOX K CNN AND OTHER U S, BROADCAST NEWS PROGRAMS)Fox News, even more than CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNBC, and public broadcasting, emphasized pro-war framing terms. Fox News over a longer time frame also generally trailed CNN in stories covering the absence of Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, the lack of a pre-war link between Iraq and al Qaeda, majority international public opinion about the war, and the number of American casualties.

The point, by the way, has nothing to do with whether or not we should have gone to Iraq, but with the fact that Fox demonstrates biased presentaion of the things that it says that are even TRUE.

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