Your Questions About Fedex

Nancy asks…

FedEx Shipping Times?

How long will it take a 20lb package to get from OR to FL sent via FedEx ground? They say it’s in transit and it was shipped on the 4th, and my b-day is on the 12th, it’s a gift, but there saying it wont be here until the 15th. 11 days seems a bit much to me.

Michelle answers:

Well FedEx Ground is up to 7 days so something is wrong – I’d call FedEx. I work there and ship packages all over and have never had a package take longer than five business days – 11 days is ridiculous – Assuming you are saying Oregon to Florida it should only take 5 days according to FedEx’s Ground Transit Time Map

William asks…

FedEx tracking help!!!?

I ordered a crewneck sweatshirt and have kept track of its locations. it has been 3 days since it has moved and the estimated delivery is tommorow the 25th. it has been in kansas for 3 days so When will I get my package?

– 6/21/2013 – Friday
1:10 am
Departed FedEx location
– 6/20/2013 – Thursday
11:31 pm
Arrived at FedEx location
3:17 am
Departed FedEx location
– 6/19/2013 – Wednesday
11:07 pm
Arrived at FedEx location
7:36 am
Shipment information sent to FedEx

Michelle answers:

The missing information is :
Where do *you* live?

If you live in or near Kansas City, you will probably receive your item tomorrow, as estimated.

FedEx ‘SmartPost’ works like this : FedEx carries the parcel to the US post office nearest the destination. At that point, your tracking will change to ‘Delivered’ (because as far as FedEx is concerned, their job is done). There will be no further tracking updates after that. This is where you wait and wonder when (or if) USPS is going to deliver your parcel.

As you can tell, I’m not a big fan of ‘SmartPost’ and similar services (which many companies are using now), mainly because of the loss of tracking at the end of the process.

Your item will almost surely arrive on time … Maybe one day late, who knows?

I’ve always gotten my ‘SmartPost’ items on time, or occasionally one day past the estimate, but hey, what’s one day? No one’s perfect.

Mark asks…

What is FedEx Smartpost?

I ordered two items off with two-day shipping. It shipped out today, and I live in NC. Right now the tracking says: FedEx Smartpost Charlotte NC Arrival Scan: 2:29 PM Today. I don’t live in the Charlotte area, I live in a city about a 4-hour drive from there, or about 45 minutes flying. I read somewhere that it means FedEx just gave the package to USPS but I don’t know. Does this mean USPS will take like 40 years to deliver my package, or….
Also, I got two-day shipping so I could get it by Saturday as Amazon said. Does this mean I won’t be able to get it on Saturday now….

Michelle answers:

Fedex Smartpost is about the cheapest way for companies to ship these days. Fedex Ground picks up the package and then transports it to the nearest (to you) USPS sort facility. The USPS then makes the final delivery to you. Should be 1 or 2 days after you see a delivered to USPS scan.

Robert asks…

help with fedex tracking…?

i’ve been waiting for my ipod to arrive for a few days now. apple estimated delivery from the fourth at the soonest to the seventh (aka TODAY) at the latest. the fedex truck came by, delivered a package to the office across the street, and left.
this is what my tracking coupon says:





Nov 7, 2008 6:16 AM

Departed FedEx location


6:03 AM

On FedEx vehicle for delivery


12:58 AM

Arrived at FedEx location


Nov 4, 2008 1:05 PM

In transit


7:49 AM

Departed FedEx location


4:33 AM

Arrived at FedEx location


12:19 AM

Package data transmitted to FedEx

any idea why it would go from maryland, to pennsylvania (where i live), back to maryland? fedex irritates me more every time i use it. is there a number i can call or something? help please.
okay thanks for the help. i called and the automated operator said it’s scheduled to arive today. not sure what time, though, since fedex just came by… hope it actually comes.
yay! it came about an hour ago. thank you all for your help!

Michelle answers:

Call fedex and tell the voice automated computer ur tracking number
if it doesnt work than wait for the customer service and ask for help
email me if u need more helps
the w4eb site is

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Your Questions About Facebook Login

Mary asks…

cna someone make a fake facebook login site?

I got a notficaton on facebook when i woke up saying that i should go to Pics97 dot com and search my name. Then it said “i bet you didnt remember that, eh?” So since just got up i went to the site and it said facebook login so i put my info in and a stupid picture of a bunch of people came up. I didnt even know anyone.

It was on my phone BTW and i went on my laptop and whe i went to the site it said sispicious webpage blocked. Im going crazy because i was stupid and put the info in wthout thinking.

So i changed both my facebook password and yahoo just to make sure. Do you think that people can make fake sites and i should worry or am i good because i changed my passwords?? Thanks
So since i changed my passwords right away does that mean im ok??

Michelle answers:

Yes they can Make Fake Facebook Login Sites The Only Way to Make sure you are Safe is to Always Check the Address Box if it Says your safe if it says something else than its a Fake Facebook Site

Chris asks…

can someone make a fake facebook login site?

I got a notficaton on facebook when i woke up saying that i should go to Pics97 dot com and search my name. Then it said “i bet you didnt remember that, eh?” So since just got up i went to the site and it said facebook login so i put my info in and a stupid picture of a bunch of people came up. I didnt even know anyone.

It was on my phone BTW and i went on my laptop and whe i went to the site it said sispicious webpage blocked. Im going crazy because i was stupid and put the info in wthout thinking.

So i changed both my facebook password and yahoo just to make sure. Do you think that people can make fake sites and i should worry or am i good because i changed my passwords?? Thanks

Michelle answers:

No, There is no fake Facebook login site…but there are more & more fake Facebook users in Facebook.

Daniel asks…

I need help with my facebook login ?

Everytime i go want to log into facebook, my infomation (email and password) is already entered, so all you need to press is “login” and you could get into my facebook. i already deleted the history and all cookies.. what do i do ?

Michelle answers:

Uncheck the “keep me logged in” option right below your email/username box in the login page

Lisa asks…

Question About My Facebook Login.?

Okay, so my email address got hacked with a bunch of spam, and I deleted the email and made another…
Of course, being the idiot I am, I wasn’t thinking when I deleted the email. So I never considered what I use the email for: my Facebook.

My question here is:
Is there any way I can recover my Facebook, or login with the deleted email? Or do I ultimately have to ignore my facebook and just make a new one?

NOTE: This has happened to me before, and Facebook still hasn’t deleted the first one that I’ve had, which I haven’t touched in about 2 years… So, is there going to be like, 3 of me on Facebook forever??


Michelle answers:

If you only deleted your email you can still access your facebook. If you need to you can re-register your email long enough to change your email.

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Your Questions About Fedex

Sandra asks…

What days do FedEx ship?

What days does fedex ship? do they ship on sunday?
Do they ship on sundays or memorial day?

Michelle answers:

FedEx Ground ships Monday-Friday, except on national holidays.
FedEx Home Delivery ships Tuesday-Saturday, unless there is a national holiday on a Monday, then they get Tuesday off so that they still get a 3 day weekend.

Sharon asks…

Can anybody ship through fedex?

I just want to ship a book and fedex is cheapest but I don’t know how that works, if its only for business??
This book has to be shipped expedited, ususally I do use media mail.

Michelle answers:

Anyone can do business with fedex (its not just for business
we get a lot of non-business customers as well
now you want to ship a book you have a couple of choices
to choose from
how soon do you want your book to arrive
we got first overnight (will arrive at your destination by 8am or
Priority overnight (will arrive the next day by 10:30am
standard overnight (will arrive the next day by 4pm
2nd Day will arrived 2 days after shipment
then we got express saver (will arrive 3 days after shipping
then there is also fedex ground (this will take 1 to 4 days
no guarantee of what time it will arrive)
ground is usually the cheapest)

Paul asks…

How accurate is Fedex?

Just wondering, according to Fedex my package will be at my house by Tuesday.

And according to Google Maps it takes 15 hours to get from where my package is to my house.

Will it be here by the estimated time?

Michelle answers:

FedEx is usually right on time. Just be patient . . .

David asks…

fedex package never received?

so i think my fedex package was stolen, my tracking claims that it was delivered but will FEDEX reimburse me? package is around 40-50$ worth of stuff ordered

Michelle answers:

Okay where you shipping package or where you reciving one
you dont say
if you are the receiver only the shipper can file a claim
if you are the shipper did you request a signature on delivery?
You dont say
where was the package going? You dont tell us

was it going via Fedex express
or Fedex ground or Fedex home delivery -again you dont tell us
was this an domestic or international package-again you don’t
tell us

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Your Questions About Fox News

Ken asks…

Should Fox News apologize?

I must admit I had a smirk on my face as I watched the developing story. Shirley Sherrod’s racial remarks were indeed taken out of context. Fox News took the bait on the few minutes of video that surfaced and used it to blitz the administration which ultimately led to the firing of this USDA official.

The White House, and NAACP already apologized. Now when will Fox News apologize for this?

“They were not interested in hearing the truth. No one wanted to hear the truth,” – Sherrod

Michelle answers:

Perhaps Fox “news” needs to identify what it means to deliver news. Viewers also need to have a clear mind so as not to swallow every word broadcast. Stirring up trouble is not the same as delivering news. Fox is manipulating the events and not for the good of the country. Negative propaganda is given.

John asks…

Fox news laughing at transgenders?

I don’t live in America but I always hear bad things about Fox News so I decided to turn it on and see… So they were laughing at someone called Chelsea Manning and saying “If I wanted to be called a tree would you call me a tree.” I was just wondering if this is the common mindset for America in regards to transgenders.

Michelle answers:

Fox news is not really news. It is the most inaccurate news station in America. Studies have come out that show Fox news viewers are the most uninformed news viewers, due to the massive misinformation on that station.

Ignore them.

Ruth asks…

Why do people criticize fox news?

I always hear about Fox News, and how terrible they are. And biased? Why’s that? Any evidence?

Michelle answers:

Many of us likely hold the idea that media sources labeling themselves as news organizations are required to observe at least minimal standards to report the news objectively, fairly and truthfully.

If the network labeled themselves as “FOX Opinion and Commentary” and scrapped the misleading “Fair and Balanced” shibboleth, they would likely be regarded a less unfavorably than is presently the case.

In 1996, Jane Akre and her husband, Steve Wilson, were hired to create a four-part series on the topic of bovine growth hormone. Their investigation uncovered risks associated with its use, contrary to the claims of its manufacturer, Monsanto. FOX executives pressured the reporters to use statements from Monsanto that were known to be false. When the reporters refused and threatened to report this matter to the FCC, they were both fired.

During the initial trial, a jury found unanimously in favor of Ms. Akre. The Florida Court of Appeals then unanimously reversed the decision, unbelievably contending that news organizations are entitled to report deliberately false information.

During the appeal, according to one article (source to follow), FOX contended the following:

“…During their appeal, Fox asserted that there that there are no written rules against distorting news in the media. They argued that, under the First Amendment, broadcasters have the right to lie or deliberately distort news reports on the public airwaves. Fox attorneys did not dispute Akre’s claim that they pressured her to broadcast a false story; they simply maintained that it was their right to do so…”

FOX reserves the right to lie to their viewers/listeners.

The link to the preceding story:

“Fair and Balanced”? According to this CBS News report in 2010, FOX’s parent company donated $1 million to the Republican Governor’s Association, hardly an action to be expected from an objective news organization. Not exactly fair and balanced. Http://

Media Matters has listed numerous concerns about FOX on the attached link. If you see any text in blue lettering that interests you, you can left click on it to be taken to the underlying article, along with sources. Http://

Although the following article is definitely anti-FOX, ask yourself if any of the proganda techniques described in this article define their methods:

The FOX approach its likely to resonate with a loud, vocal, fervent minority who will watch no other source. They are reassured that if others attack FOX, it is because they are the only source of the real truth, and by implication, their viewers become part of an exclusive “club” possessing this “knowledge.” A significant number of these viewers adopt an exclusive allegiance to this network that mimics religious zealotry.

Anthony Weiner of New York was driven out of office for actions which were distasteful and ill-advised, which would be labeled by most as immoral. But was it illegal? No.

A couple of years ago, Senator David Vitter was named by the DC Madame as one of the johns that her prostitutes served. Prostitutes in Louisiana reported that Sen. Vitter was a regular customer of theirs as well. He appeared with his wife in a news conference, apologizing for his actions, but declined to be more specific. What he did was illegal in both Washington, D.C. And Louisiana. It could be argued that his actions were immoral as well, since he was married at the time. He famously said a number of years ago that Bill Clinton should resign for his actions in office.

Some lesser known news organizations decried this double standard. One can be absolutely certain that FOX was not one of them. The following link will take you to an article describing a conservative Christian group’s call for Vitter to resign in the wake of Weiner’s resignation. The link:

A much stricter standard is applied to Democrats than Republicans by our now right-wing media.

Most of the major networks consistently trumpet the conservative line. FOX merely does this in a far more extreme manner.

Although there is a certain segment of the population who don’t mind being lied to if what they are hearing reinforces their pre-existing beliefs, there are many who prefer the truth, even if it is not always pleasant.

This writer would prefer to avoid any organization that explicitly reserves the right to lie to its viewers/listeners. There are obviously millions (i.e., FOX fans) who believe otherwise.

This writer would submit that the preceding at least touches upon the concerns of those who criticize FOX.

Paul asks…

Fox News claims?

Do you think Fox News really is Fair and Balance as they claim it to be
and your thoughts on people like Bill O reilly and Sean Hannity
in my opinion i dont think they are racists but i think they are very arrogant

Michelle answers:

I think that a lot of the media, prior to Fox News, leaned to the left. I was overseas and came back to the states in 2000 and I remember calling my dad and asking when we got a Republican news station.

I won’t go as far as to say it is Fair and Balanced taken against itself, but compared with other media sources, it offers a differing and sometimes confrontational view of issues that the other media plays like cookie cutter news.

The real issue at hand isn’t whether Fox News is driven by an agenda, because ALL media is driven by some agenda. One of the first newspapers ever published in this country was started by Benjamin Franklin, to spread his Patriotic viewpoint vs. The British (Loyalist/Tory) views.

Media in this country, is anything but Fair and Balanced.

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Your Questions About Facebook Login

Linda asks…

Why can’t I login to facebook?

I went on the facebook homepage right now but when I click login, it loads for a bit then it says internet explorer cannot display this webpage.

Michelle answers:

Facebook is down for maintenance

Steven asks…

different between AND

Michelle answers:

Actually, is a landing page for facebook to login (same as and the “login” is a page (not domain) that is searched in facebook directory.
Whereas, if you put www before that, it will search a whole directory named (that means our browser thinks that it is a domain).

So, the bottom line is,
domains are searced by www not pages.

Daniel asks…

Is anyone else having facebook login problems?

It was working earlier today and now it won’t let me login. It brings me to a page that says this page can’t be displayed. Anyone else getting this?

Michelle answers:

It’s doing it to me and my friends too.

They’re changing the log in page and everything, so you won’t be able to log in at the moment.
It’s not a problem with your computer, its facebook’s problem.

If you want to get on to check stuff go to and then where it has the Gmail link, substitute that for facebook. You’ll be able to log in, but you won’t be able to post messages and stuff.

Maria asks…

Facebook Login problem!?

My login email on my Facebook account got deleted accidentally on my settings on Facebook, and now I can’t login at all. My profile is still there, and I am still getting notifications, but I can’t log into my profile. I have sent numerous messages to the Facebook team since this happened last night, but haven’t received any reply or any kind of help. Does anyone know how I can go about restoring my login email, or getting any kind of access to my profile?

Michelle answers:

Give them some time to respond. They probably get thousands of emails a day and need the time to get to yours.
I’m not sure how facebook would let you delete your login email without replacing it with another email. Maybe if you click on “forgot your password” above where you would enter your password to log in will help.
Also try this link, it may help you as well:

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Your Questions About Fafsa

Lizzie asks…

FAFSA Financial Aid Question?


I am deciding if I would like to apply for grad. school or not. Still have yet to make up my mind. I went to the University and they told me to apply for FAFSA first.

So here’s my question. If I were to submit my fafsa application online and later on after they approved it or whatnot, I then decide I no longer want to attend grad. school. Would there be a penalty of any sort for applying for fafsa and at the end, no longer apply for school?

Or do I need to contact fafsa telling them I am no longer interested in applying for grad. school?

Thank you for your time and help. Appreciate it.

Michelle answers:

FAFSA would only come in to play if and when you got accepted to grad school and had to pay for classes. If you apply for FAFSA and don’t end up going to school, I would let your school know that you are not needing the financial assistance so that the money isn’t accidentally used to pay tuition or fees. But I would apply for FAFSA just in case.

Helen asks…

When should I apply for FAFSA ?

I’m going into my senior year of high school in Sept . I Graduate in June 2011, I plan to attend college in fall 2011 but I don’t know when I should apply for FAFSA ? Help please !

Michelle answers:

FAFSA doesn’t open up for you until January 1, 2011 so as soon as you can after that. You should ask your parents to get their taxes done sooner rather than later because you need that information for the FAFSA.

Donna asks…

In regards to the FAFSA…?

If I submit mine this summer,but don’t start college till Fall 2013,will I need to resubmit the FAFSA before then?

Michelle answers:

As Nancy and PETA pointed out, if you will not be applying to college for acceptance until the 2013-14, school year, then there is no reason for you complete the FAFSA now, since that is for the 2012-13 school year only.

Only if you think you might wish to start your college studies during the Summer session in 2013, should you complete and submit the 2012-13 FAFSA, since Summer 2013 classes will be considered part of the 2012-13 school year.

If you would like to get an idea of what questions are asked on the FAFSA and what information you will need to have to complete it early in 2013, then you can see a PDF version of this year’s FAFSA (2012-13) here:

You can also use the FAFSA4Caster to get an idea of the amount and type (grant, loans) of Federal student aid you may be offered through the Financial Aid Office of the school you will be attending Fall 2013 (unless the rules for Federal student funding change in 2013.) This is the link to the FAFSA4Caster:

For completing/submitting the 2013-14 FAFSA, be sure to go to the official Free Application for Federal Student Aid web site:

Also, I recommend filing Federal 2012 income taxes (filed in 2013 on 2012 earnings) that you and your parents file your income tax returns electronically, early in February, after receiving W-2 forms from employers and other 2012 income documents. About 2-3 weeks after the 2012 Federal income tax returns are filed, you and your parents can complete your 2013-14 FAFSA and use the IRS income tax data retrieval tool to transfer Federal income tax info onto the FAFSA. It will help you by being an automatic verification of your and your parents’ income.

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Best wishes

Chris asks…

what is a FAFSA?????????????????????/?

can anyone tell me what is a FAFSA?

Michelle answers:

FAFSA is something that is required to fill out in order to get aid 🙂

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Your Questions About Funbrain

Nancy asks…

who knows some good websites for eight year old boys?

Iv been looking forever know for my eight year old boy.Please help!

Michelle answers:, younger kid games, they hand pick the best games from the internet, and provide links to them.

Michael asks…

does anyone knows passwords for funbrain ???

I have been playing Mighty Girl for many days but i did not win !!!
please help …

Michelle answers:

Chin8 ! You get all the games they have up with that password.

Carol asks…

Diary of a wimpy kid ebook?

is there an ebook of the diary of a wimpy kid series with the pictues, you know the doodles? if yes, can you give me a link. its ok if its torrent.

Michelle answers:
they have the story online with pictures and everything (:

Mark asks…

Awnsers for mathbrain on


Michelle answers:


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Your Questions About Forever 21

Mary asks…

Why isn’t Forever 21 in magazines like glamour, ELLE etc..?

i see EXPRESS in glamour mag everytime i get a new issue. and EXPRESS and forever 21 are basically the same thing
and you cant say that glamour doesnt feature cheap stuff but i always see mabyelline and covergirl and all those cheap makeup brands in glamour

Michelle answers:

Forever 21 isn’t as big of a name as EXPRESS. People think that EXPRESS is just more glamorous that forever 21. It’s like Kohl’s and JC Penny. They both basically deliver the same thing, but JC Penny is just a more known name.

Hope that Helps ;D

Paul asks…

Which Forever 21 ????????????????????

Okaay so there are many things i want at forever 21, but which one is the best to go to, with alot of new clothes, perhaps better deals. also locations and tips on what to buy there for summer would be great, thanks 🙂

Michelle answers:

Depends what state and city you live in there are many forever 21’s in the world!

John asks…

what is the difference between forever 21 and for love 21

i thought that at for love 21, that was just where they put all the accesories from forever 21 since they are connected together. but on forever 21‘s website, tehy make it seem like they are 2 seperate stores.

do all forever 21‘s have for love 21‘s connected to it? is for love 21 just an accesory store? and do they still sell accersories and sunglasses at forever 21? at the forever 21 i went to, basically all the clothes were at forever 21 and all the accesories were at for love 21.

thank you 🙂
so does that mean that they only sell sunglasses at for love 21 now?

Michelle answers:

They are two separate stores under the same company 🙂 Forever 21 is the clothing store whereas For Love 21 is the accessory store. And not all Forever 21’s have For Love’s connected… In my mall we’ve always had Forever 21 but just recently got For Love… And its not actually connected to the store – its across the hall from Forever 21.

Forever 21 sells scarves, jewelry, tights, leggings, lingerie, sunglasses, head bands, etc…

Linda asks…

What is Forever 21 like in SM Mall of Asia, Philippines?

My girlfriend loves a lot of the Forever 21 clothes and we saw some clothes online together and she absolutely lvoes the Heritage 1981 line.

Those shirts and she likes some others that are high end and that I can’t find at the moment. I’m only 19 so girl things are never defined for me 😛

Anyways what is the clothing there like? What lines do they have? Are they any good and what’s the average amount of payment for something like these shirts? :]
If not, could you possibly tell me other stores in Mall of Asia that are good brands and that have these sorts of clothing?
I’m foreign so could I please have some American/European brands instead?
And do you know anywhere to get some good distressed jeans?
The ones that have knee rips and stress?

Michelle answers:

Forever 21 in Manila is a local brand, but if I am not mistaken, the guys who operate the Manila stores patented the name ahead of the original. Try any upscale malls and you will see real (not knock-offs) european brands Zara, Mango, M&S, as well as Levi’s, Guess, Esprit, Nike, DKNY, A/X, CK and other high end brands. Seven and Replay both have good distressed jeans.

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Your Questions About Firefox

Richard asks…

whats better windows internet explorer or firefox?

which one is better cuz i wanna get firefox but idk if its good or not

Michelle answers:

Firefox is more secure and easier to work with.

Maria asks…

Firefox keeps changing my homepage?

Every time i load up Firefox, it changes my homepage from to its Firefox/Google homepage, and it installed a Google toolbar i didn’t have before, that when every time i open Firefox, will pop up with a thing for enhance ability, or no, and ill hit no but it comes back every time i open it. It also pops up with a tab for the skins for Firefox and no matter how many times i change my homepage, click no, and close out of the tab, their back next time i load up Firefox. I’m aware that a question similar to this has been posted, but it didn’t have the answers i needed to fix it. Any help would be appreciative, changing your homepage back like 50 times within one day isn’t fun =)

Michelle answers:

Try firefox (safe mode). Go to Start, All Programs and find Mozilla Firefox and there you can choose in safe mode. If that’s not working try to reinstall firefox.

Susan asks…

how do i use firefox???

it says mozilla firefox

Michelle answers:

Oh dear….

Yes, it should say mozilla firefox.

If you’re on a PC: you download the installer from the firefox site and then it should put a short cut on your desktop. If not, check the start menu and look around for it.

If you’re on a mac: download it and open the dmg file. Drag the firefox icon onto the desktop and then double click it.

After it opens, use it like any other internet browser

Donna asks…

LAPTOP screen query on Mozilla Firefox?

Hi I have a Compaq Laptop and prefer to use firefox than IE, somehow on firefox my screen has moved which means I cannot open any tabs unless book marked, cannot google, etc. If anyone could tell me how to revert it to normal it would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks 🙂

Michelle answers:

Press F11?

Reset Firefox ->

Or Re-install Firefox ->

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Your Questions About Facebook

Maria asks…

Facebook realted question!?

I deactivated my facebook like a month ago and my friend sent me a message somehow but i got it as a text message it said fb sms? My sister checked and my facebook is still gone so i dont get how he did that. Any ideas how? He sent it to me and my other friend everything he could also see. Like 3 months ago we all had a group coversation could he have gone back to that and messaged us? Still tho..

Michelle answers:

Reactivate your facebook
Deactivate facebook sms
Re-deactivate your facebook
Problem solved.

James asks…

Bebo, Myspace + Facebook?

Whats better?

Bebo, Myspace or Facebook?

Michelle answers:

Overall and allround, facebook

bebo is more play, myspace is more “i have a better page than you” site,
but facebook is play,fun talk and socialise

Michael asks…

contact with the administration facebook?

Does anyone know how to contact the administration of facebook? E-mail or whatever. I used: report a bug.

Michelle answers:

Facebook – Report a Bug page

Joseph asks…

Twitter or Facebook?????

Which do you prefer? Twitter or Facebook? and why?

Michelle answers:

was never interested in Twitter

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