Ken asks…
passswored for
yea i was there but i lost the password
Michelle answers:
Set up a new user account under another user name and write it down this time.
Mary asks…
A children’s math PC game?
There’s this math game I used to play on my home computer but I cant remember the title.
You played a boy with a baseball hat who would go into a television studio at night. Cant remember any of the names.
You would go from room to room ( about 6 to 8 rooms) and collect clues.
In the end the clues would help you find the bad guy hiding in one of the closets.
it was simple math nothing harder then division.
The color scheme was purples blues and yellows, side scroll, or 2D.
Michelle answers:
Try Funbrain Link:
James asks…
Will FunBrain ever create a new game?
It’s been a goal of mine since I was little to finish the whole FunBrain arcade. The newest game has been “coming soon” for close to 10 years. I refuse to die without beating the whole arcade!! When will they finish it? Will they?
Michelle answers:
I remember that site.. It was when I was in first grade.. By the look of it though, I don’t think they will.
Sandy asks…
can someone tell me a cite that ican learn likethat has board games,puzzle obes that require thinkingwith numbers and words? thanks
Michelle answers:
Try mate =D
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