Your Questions About Funbrain

Ken asks…

passswored for

yea i was there but i lost the password

Michelle answers:

Set up a new user account under another user name and write it down this time.

Mary asks…

A children’s math PC game?

There’s this math game I used to play on my home computer but I cant remember the title.

You played a boy with a baseball hat who would go into a television studio at night. Cant remember any of the names.

You would go from room to room ( about 6 to 8 rooms) and collect clues.
In the end the clues would help you find the bad guy hiding in one of the closets.

it was simple math nothing harder then division.
The color scheme was purples blues and yellows, side scroll, or 2D.

Michelle answers:

Try Funbrain Link:

James asks…

Will FunBrain ever create a new game?

It’s been a goal of mine since I was little to finish the whole FunBrain arcade. The newest game has been “coming soon” for close to 10 years. I refuse to die without beating the whole arcade!! When will they finish it? Will they?

Michelle answers:

I remember that site.. It was when I was in first grade.. By the look of it though, I don’t think they will.

Sandy asks…


can someone tell me a cite that ican learn likethat has board games,puzzle obes that require thinkingwith numbers and words? thanks

Michelle answers:

Try mate =D

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Your Questions About Fox News

Mandy asks…

Is Fox News really Biased?

I’ve heard for years that fox news is a biased news outlet for conservatives and the republican party. Is this true or is just made up for controversy since most news organization are apparently considered liberal. If so, how do you tell when news being biased instead of just given facts?

Michelle answers:

FOX News is biased in favor of the Conservative segment of the country. Not so much in their news coverage, but more so in their evening commentary type one hour programs. Turns out that FOX is a good place to hear about political issues that the other networks won’t tell you, and even want you to know about.

In FOX’s defense however, they do something that the other networks do not do. They have regular opposing views who are admittedly Liberal and or Democrat who appear regularly on many programs. People like Bob Beckle and Alan Colmes.

Steven asks…

which one fox news msnbc or cnn and why?

fox news for me im far left but like fox news allot better it might weird but i like them there fair&balanced
and they never lie but msnbc i don’t mind them ether i but go more with fox news

Michelle answers:

Fox News. They are fair and balanced and present the news in a friendly and respectful manner. They don’t condescend to the audience or dumb down the news to appeal to “less educated demographics”

MSNBC is just liberal hate speech central. I watch it now and then, as long as I can stand it to find out how the other side thinks. It’s about 10% news, 30%ranting about what’s on fox, 20%communist propaganda, and 40% hate speech.

CNN is just getting goofy. They care more about their new high tech gadgets and fancy ascots than the news. All I hear on there is how the super new technology allows the to present the news like never before. Which is true they used to deliver the news, now they don’t.

Richard asks…

Why do people watch Fox News Network?

maybe for laughs, but if you watch Olberman and others, they expose Beck, Hannity and O’Riley’s lies daily. Why do they call it FoxNews” when it obviously isn’t news. just twisted opinions?
Fox is better for only ignorant racist morons
actually Beck does not give those kind of details.but Olberman does.

Michelle answers:

Fox News is not a ‘news organization.’ They are an infotainment channel that caters to the ignorant and fearful. Their talking noxious gasbag pundits create doomsday scenarios and make up statistics to back up their ‘theories’ for the ‘views’ parts of their programming. Then the so-called ‘news division’ presents these imagined scenarios and made up statistics as fact. They make the news; you decide how much to swallow.

Real news organizations research the facts before presenting a story.

Donna asks…

Is Fox News pro-Obama controlled?

By the way,I know that is not even close

Someone on here asked a question and this was in one of the answers:

Fox news is as pro-Obama controlled as anything else”


I guess my real question is,what is that user smoking?

Oh and Republicans who will answer,I’m asking specifically about Fox News so don’t give me that usual “CNN and MSNBC are Obama controlled,and Fox is fair”. That is one of the biggest load of BS I’ve ever heard.

Even Rupert Murdoch knows that his network is biased, and he admitted to manipulating the news

MSNBC is close to the left-wing Fox,but CNN is the most fair compared to these two trash networks.They’re center left at best
@ Jay P,yes,I know that.If you read my entire question, you would know.I did say that it’s not even close to being pro-Obama

Michelle answers:

Fox News is so unfair and unbalanced that it is sickening…I honestly do watch Fox News occasionally because I feel I need to be better informed as to what “the conservatives” are thinking…But I never watch it for longer than a few minutes. It honestly brings me down so much that it is almost unbearable.

A couple of weeks ago I forced myself to watch a full hour of Fox News. Let me tell you, I was so depressed and felt so down trodden that I was ready to wave a little white flag in defeat and just jump off a cliff or something. It was a full hour of cynicism and anger and conspiracy theories. But then it hit me…wait a minute…IT’S JUST FOX NEWS! I turned the channel over to CNN and watched for a few minutes…Hope returned as I remembered Obama WON! I suddenly understood the raving insanity that is spewed by many a republican on this forum. I, a full fledged Obama supporter, with a renewed sense of hope for a renewed America, was brought to tears after watching Fox.

If I had the money I would buy Fox News out and put them on a more honorable path. They are angry with an Obama win. They are not in the least bit patriotic…They can’t be. The day after the election I turned Fox News on for a minute. It was a 30 minute expose into the life of the person who investigated Joe the Plumber and what should be done with that person…grasping at straws of hate and anger I believe.

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Your Questions About Fedex

James asks…

In transit, FedEx?? HELP please?

Aug 25, 2010 7:29 AM Departed FedEx location FEDEX SMARTPOST GROVE CITY, OH
Aug 25, 2010 1:56 AM Arrived at FedEx location FEDEX SMARTPOST GROVE CITY, OH
Aug 23, 2010 12:00 AMShipment information sent to FedEx

Its “In Transit” ever since August 25th. And today its September 1st!!
How much longer should i have to wait???????????????????????????????

Michelle answers:

Call FedEx, provide your tracking number and ask them for an update on your shipment. There could have been an issue with your address or they could be holding the package at a FedEx location near you.




Susan asks…


How come FedEx hasn’t update my tracking information in 4 days?
It is August05 and FedEx has not updated the tracking information since August 1. The item remains in initiated and i havent get any information where my package is. It only saids “Shipment information sent to FedEx
Please check back later for shipment status or subscribe for e-mail notifications”

The order is by FedEx SmartPost

Michelle answers:

What this means is : Where ever you ordered your item from has used an online program to print a address and postage label for your item, Unfortunately FedEx has not physically received that item yet for shipping. When FedEx does, you will see” Item received for shipping,” and then you will see “In Transit”. That will mean your item is on the way. In the mean time you may want to try refreshing the fedex page, or either call the place where you ordered or are receiving your package from.

Maria asks…

is my FedEx package lost or what?

It says it was picked up on sunday then taken to a FedEx location then on monday morning it was shipped out and it says “in transit” it hasent shown up and hasnt been checked into a closer FedEx location in almost 72 hours. No other tracking info has been updated in almost 72 hours also. Whats going on? I uploaded a screenshot off my phone to show you what its telling me.

Michelle answers:

No its not lost, it has departed the local fedex and is on its way to your cities local fedex facility to be sent to your door

72 hours of no update means its on the road and on a truck traveling to your states local fedex facility, this is completely normal to have no update for a few days as it travels from state to state, so dont worry, once it arrives at your cities local fedex, they will re scan it and it will say “arrived at destination”

This is what they mean

“Picked up” – means the package was picked up by fedex from the place you bought the item.

“Shipment information sent to fedex” – means that your shipping information ( your adress etc ) has been sent to fedex to be processed the delivery of your item to your door.

“Arrived at fedex location” – means that the package has arrived at the local fedex facility in that particular city and is getting ready to be shipped to its next destination.

“Departed fedex facilty” – means that the package has left that local fedex facility and is now enroute to the the next fedex facility, most likely the one in your city/ state.

Your item will go through another “arrived at fedex” and “departed fedex” once it arrives at the fedex in your city, which will then say “out for delivery”, the status will stay “in transit” until your package is at the local fedex in your city and is on the fedex truck to be delivered to your door.

Charles asks…

Do Fedex Deliver Package on Saturdays?

i know that delivering companies usually send things only on Business days, however Fedex‘s Estimated Delivery status says it’s on the 5th of Feb. which is on a Saturday… how odd. i didnt pay for advance ship neither.

Michelle answers:

FedEx Express offers Saturday delivery options to most metropolitan postal codes. Select the Saturday delivery option and then select FedEx Priority Overnight service if you will ship the package on Friday or FedEx 2Day if you will ship the package on Thursday. The shipper must select the Saturday Delivery special handling option at the time of shipment.

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Your Questions About Facebook Login

Thomas asks…

How to understand mechanism of Yahoo to Facebook Login?

I am learning More on Php so i decided to understand the mechanism of Facebook in Stream Login Via Yahoo .

Well every step i understood because most of step contains 302 Header Redirect so i got idea how the next link has came . but in a step response was 200 success with some content and it redirect to next link . i am providing a paste copy URL were step 1 is the request form by client and step 2 is response which contains 200 success Header Code with some content and 3 rd step request form this request is done by that 2nd step as it don’t have 302 code seems like the link formed by the content in 2nd step . As i am unable to understand form the content that how it formed .

Paste Bin Link : . The Link Contain the information of steps .

Please Advice and Teach me how i can understand it ! Please help me !thanks

Michelle answers:

If you have a problem with your Facebook account or need to get in touch with Facebook for help, you can’t do this via email. Facebook has answers to many common user problems or questions on their help pages. However, if you need to report a bug or a fake profile, you can submit a specific complaint or request for each issue to the Facebook customer service team.


Go to and log in to your Facebook account.

Click on “Account” then “Help Center.”

Enter a keyword or question relevant to your issue into the blank text box and follow the on-screen instructions to find the right details. If Facebook has a contact form for your issue, you will find it in the Help Center.

Click on the “Report” button on a user’s profile page or next to one of their posts to report harassing messages or fake profiles to Facebook.

Go to to report a violation of Facebook’s Terms of Service.

Facebook’s number is (650) 543-4800. The company does not resolve problems over the phone, but you can reach certain departments.

Read more: How to Contact or Email Facebook for Help |

Sandra asks…

Facebook wont login on my phone?

Michelle answers:

Its maybe because of something wrong with your profile. Login facebook from a computer & follow the instruction given by facebook. Once its done you will be able to login on mobile.

If there is nothing wrong with your profile, and you still can’t login from your phone, check out your mobile internet settings.

William asks…

The Facebook login………….?

In internet explorer 7 (windows 7), in the fb login page, the emails of persons r not shown in its history, i.e. on logout whosoever has logged in b4, tries 2 login anothr time, his email id is not shown in email section, i.e. not kept in history, previously it was showing the emails, but suddenly 4m sum days, it doesnt keep it in history, i require 2 remember emails bcoz i hv 2 use much accounts on fb n its boring 2 type full emails everytime n i cud forget some of these also…. so guyz plz tell me if there is such type of setting in ie7 so that it can keep the logins in history… i’d b vry thankful 2u !!!!!!!!!!!!

Michelle answers:

You might have cleared the history and cookies in IE7 which may be the main cause of problem.
Take the following steps:
Firstly clear the history, cookies and then login to facebook or any other email site,then an option will come as :Do u want IE to remember your email and password and click yes and u r done

Lizzie asks…

Help with Facebook login?

Hi, my friend is experiencing trouble following links to facebook pages, he says it keeps telling him “you must log in to see this page”, but it still doesn’t work when he tries. My question is: I cannot find this page anywhere, so I do not know how to help him. The only error page that I can find tells me “you do not have permission, return to home”. Does anyone out there have a link to the page that keeps loading for him, the one that says “you must log in to see this page”? I’m pretty sure that if I can find it, i could help him out, thanks.

Michelle answers:

Whenever facebook says
“you must log in to see this page”
that means someone else has just logged out from your account from another computer

You should change your password asap 🙂

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Your Questions About Funbrain

John asks…

Learning Websites?

Is there any websites where you can study? Im in grade 6 going into grade 7. I wanna learn ahead…any websites where u can study?

Michelle answers:

William asks…

What website is this game from?

Here is the picture of the game:

it is from a kids website, but i cannot seem to remember the name of it. It’s about 7 years old i would say. Any ideas?

Michelle answers:


Mary asks…

what are the funbrain codes?

kid mad cant get past mighty kid2

Michelle answers:

It depends on the grade level he is in. Say for instance, 8+, the code will be something like “grape8”.

Sharon asks…

give me some favourite web links?only based on studies..?

Michelle answers:


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Your Questions About Firefox

Donald asks…

What is Firefox Aurora?

I was going to update my Firefox (I usually use Firefox Beta) but I saw this thing called Firefox Aurora & they basically put a ton of bullshit in the description, so do you use it or do you know what it is? Do you like it? Thanks 🙂

Michelle answers:

Firefox Aurora has additional features that haven’t been released yet in the beta version. That being said, the program is less stable and is more for people looking to help with bug reports and making the new Firefox updates. If you are just a typical internet surfer, I’d stick with Firefox Beta or the normal Firefox.

Lizzie asks…

Google Chrome vs. Mozilla Firefox?

Which is better, please specify.

1. SECURITY: Chrome or Firefox
2. PRIVACY: Chrome or Firefox
3. SPEED: Chrome or Firefox
4. MEMORY/RESOURCE: Chrome of Firefox
5. INTERFACE: Chrome or Firefox
6. FEATURES: Chrome or Firefox
7. COMPATIBILITY: Chrome or Firefox

Finally, which category is the most important to you. And overall, which would you choose. (Feel free to add another category/ies as well).

Thanks 🙂

Michelle answers:

Security: Firefox, without a doubt.
Privacy: I would say Firefox.
Speed: Chrome.
Memory/resource: Chrome is lighter on resources.
Interface: I prefer Firefox.
Features: Definitely Firefox, there is a wealth of add-ons for Firefox, there are none for Chrome.
Compatibility: I would say Firefox, as it is a close run thing.

Speed, but security is also important for me, Firefox is not much slower than chrome, and is more secure, so I would say get Firefox.

Ruth asks…

Why is firefox better than internet explorer?

What makes firefox better than internet explorer?

Michelle answers:

Firefox has less spam then internet and not much visual virus threats. Also its much..much in my beliefs safer then the internet. Firefox is a superior browser. Firefox has download manager. Pop up blocking, and tab browsing. Integrated Search Engine. Firefox is better it has a much faster response to your search engine. Mozilla Firefox is able to keep the html format when copying from a web page to a text file. For example, when copying html formatted text from a web page and pasting it on a note pad, the text copied using Mozilla Firefox keeps the format yet the text copied from IE doesn’t. Mozilla has a better security then internet explorer.

That are some reasons i think and are true, that proves Mozilla Firefox is better then Internet explorer. I am great full to help you if you need any questions you know how to contact me.

Robert asks…

Firefox vs. Internet Explorer?

Can you use firefox and internet explorer. Does firefox override IE.
Are firefox and other browsers that much better?

Michelle answers:

Firefox is not tightly integrated into the Windows sysstem the way IE is. Firefox is also available for Mac and Linux, and all platforms’ versions are updated at the same time. Firefox has fewer security vulnerabilities, tabbed browsing and additional features available through extensions.

Speaking of extensions, if you still have sites that require IE to work, you can simply install the IETab extension into Firefox, and have the best of both worlds.

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Your Questions About Food Network

Mary asks…

What type of cake is used in cake sculpting?

I have recently began to watch food network challenge and ace of cakes and I am fascinated by the work produced.I wondered what type of cake sponge they use as it seems to weigh considerably less than cake that say i would make at home? It also seems to cut extremely well i.e it doesn’t crumble when cut.

Michelle answers:

A lot of the cake used in those competitions is a pound cake because pound cakes are much denser and have a finer crumb so when you are carving it, it’s not falling apart. In addition, it is better able to sustain weight and provide a solid base for the cake sculpture. However, when making a cake you can do it with any kind of cake so long as you are aware of what the limitations are based on your cake base–so a sponge cake, which is full of air and very light won’t be able to sustain too much weight on top of it…overly moist cakes won’t work as well either.

Carol asks…

what wine would you use to cook in a clam bake?

I saw a recipe on the food network called the Kitchen Clambake (basically done on the stove). The recipe calls for 2 cups good dry white wine. I know that whatever you cook with you should already like to drink since the cooking process makes the wine flavoring more intense. So any suggestions?

Michelle answers:

My go to white wines for cooking are Sauvignon blanc and Chenin blanc

My go to red wine is Pinot noir

Ken asks…

Food Network Challenge Photos?

Where can I find photos of some desserts that were made on Food Network Challenge?

Michelle answers:


They should update the photos with each show.

Steven asks…

Where is buy good cinnamon rolls?

The deen brothers had special on food network and went somewhere east and found best cinnamon rolls that were low carl. But I did not get the address.

Michelle answers:

Sticky Fingers Bakery
1904 18th st. NW
Washington D.C. 20009

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Your Questions About Facebook

Michael asks…

who viewe my facebook prfile?

who viewed my facebook profile

Michelle answers:

Facebook doesn’t allow people to track who views their profiles. Facebook applications, on the other hand, are unable to track anybody unless they have the consent of the viewer.

Follow the source to see the Facebook’s statement about this issue.

John asks…

which do you prefer? myspace or facebook?

me myspace
facebook is so boring

Michelle answers:

Facebook, and i don’t think its boring at all?

Ken asks…

Are there any apps developed by Facebook?

I need a list of apps developed by facebook. If there are any. Thanks in advance.

Michelle answers:

Facebook for iPhone
facebook for blackberry
facebook for android
facebook for symbian.
I think they even have facebook app in the mac app store

Ruth asks…

how to put layout on facebook?

i want the put layout on facebook

Michelle answers:

Facebook does not have that option.

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Your Questions About Forever 21

Robert asks…

Clothes from Forever 21?

I’ve never been to forever 21 since ive never been to the states & they don’t have a shop in my country. I want to buy some clothes online & the shipping is pretty expensive so i wanna get my money’s worth. Im 5’6 & 119 pounds so i think the clothes will fit me, but is the quality any good? & also, is a small a small? since i know most americans are not so thin, is it built for the model type or for the everyday person?

Michelle answers:

Well in forever 21 yes a small is a small and there clothes r pretty nice and they r cheap it is worth the money but if u can drive take a trip to a country where there is one it is sooooo much cheaper to bye in the store

Mandy asks…

Forever 21, American Eagle, Aero, or Hollister/A&F?

My thoughts on these brands..

Forever 21
Pros- Cuuttee, stylish, trendy, no brand logos, i l <3 love & beauty, cheap
Cons- Bad quality. Shirts/dresses/leggings rip so easily!

American Eagle
Pros- Cuutttee, good quality, nice interior, wonderful service, I don't usually like clothes that have their brand written across it but I really like ae's sweatshirts/jackets/sweatpants, lovve their jewelry, relatively cheap
Cons- Their pants are waay too big and not much of their stuff fits me. Not as trendy as it could be.

Pros- Cute boyfriend tanks and shorts, they have nice sales, their stuff is pretty cheap, I like some of their jackets.
Cons- Not wonderful quality, totally childish especially their dresses, hideous polos

Pros- Super duper cute lol, lovve their neon shorts, cute lace stuff, good quality, I freaking love their skinny jeans, crop tops and sweatpants
Cons- Kinda sorta expensive, dark store that smells, service is not the best, they put their logo on everything

Pros- One of the logos I actually like, i love moose! 😀 cuutte cardigans, jackets, and polos, hot people work there haha, really good quality.
Cons- Dark store that smells, overraaaaated, a bit expensive, I'm told its racist?

So heres how I would rate the stores..
American Eagle, Forev21, Hollistaa, Aero, then Abercrombie

My absolute favorite brand is H&M, but its too awesome to be compared with anything else. lol.

So now I want to hear your thoughts on this!!! Thankkkiessss! <3
Please look at my other question (also about brands)! Thanksss!!

Michelle answers:

Forever 21
Pros: Cheap, fashionable, stylish, large variety, unique
Cons: Bad quality, missing sizes

American Eagle
Pros: Cute, nice material, ehh kind of hiptsterish?, store atmosphere, point system
Cons: not unique, clothes fit so weird, all the same stuff, clothes kinda smell at first

Pros: cheap, large variety of colors
Cons: terrible quality, not unique at all, childish, all the same stuff, not long term

Pros: great quality, beautiful clothes, nice fitting, great sales, more variety
Cons: some of the stuff can get expensive, clothes don’t smell as good, the workers freak me out, clothes shrink

Pros: great quality, beautiful clothes, nice fitting, more mature clothing, love the smell
Cons: much more expensive, clothes rip sometimes, clothes shrink, workers freak me out

I’d rate them…
Hollister, Forever 21, Abercrombie, American Eagle, Aeropostale

Thomas asks…

Stores that are like Forever 21?

I need some stores that are just like forever 21. I wanted to shop at forever 21 for my birthday but it is really far away from my home. Are there any stores that are as good and cheap or cheaper than forever 21?? Please remember the store has to have a website so i can see the store locator. Thx for the help. I need this asap
Delias i did not like at all. Not very stylish clothes it reminded me of justice. and wet seal i am dying to see but i cant get on the website. dont know why. Charlotte russe is at my local mall which rocks and i dont really like abercrombie and areopostale. they r so last year. oh and lvlx or whatevs doesnt have a website yet

Michelle answers:

Forever 21 is pretty cheap, so I don’t think there are alot out there that are cheaper.
But wetseal is like forver 21.
Charlotte Russe (But people’s republic is expenisve)

Answer Mine??

Lisa asks…

Do I Fit Forever 21. . . . ?

I’m XS In Hollister & Abercrombie & Fitch.
Will I Fit In Forever 21?

Michelle answers:

Definitely. Forever 21 has XS in their clothing as well. I suggest you try on whatever you’re planning on getting though because different styles of clothing might be different sizes. For example, in thier regular plain tees and tanks, I’m a Medium, but in some of the more blousy tops, a Small will fit better. So make sure you try before you buy lol 🙂

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Your Questions About Fox News

John asks…

Why do people watch FOX news?.?

What attracts people to watch FOX News?.

also, what are the demographics of people who watch FOX news?.

How many viewers does FOX news have?.

Michelle answers:

Fox News is a playground for conservatives. MSNBC is a playground for liberals. Each news station has an enormous amount of hypocrisy. It’s very simple.

I personally hate Fox News. They happily defended Phil Robertson’s comments regarding homosexuality. They say he has the first amendment right to free speech. That is true. However, they got angry and went ballistic over American Atheists putting up their billboards.

MSNBC is the same exact way. They kiss the ground Obama walks on no matter what.

George asks…

Conservative fox news viewer, explain to me this?

This was taken by the Pew Research Center, it isn’t biased, they didn’t show the chart but it shows that people who do not watch news are actually more informed than Fox News viewers and same with those who watch The Daily Show. Fox News is completely f*cking stupid, 63% of Fox News viewers thought Saddam Hussein attacked us on 9/11 months after 9/11! LMAO, watch a real news station. I’m not saying other news stations aren’t biased but Fox beats them all by FAR with their bias.
@Demoncrat Did you watch the video, it was taken from the Pew Research Center…
@Constitutionalist It was taken by the Pew Research Center…

Michelle answers:

Fox News is just here to fuel a dying party with people ignorant and credulous enough to believe in their lies and vitriol. Just last month, O’Reilly claimed that Christianity was a philosophy not a religion. He argued this point against an atheist no less. This is why Faux News has the least informed viewers.
NPR most informed all the way!


Sandra asks…

Bias in Fox news! (Example??)?

I am writing a research paper, but i don’t have Canada background. Hopefully, somebody can kindly help me^^
I want to ask about what kind of bias turn up in Fox News? (example?) what cause fox news have this kind of bias?

Michelle answers:

Fox news does have a conservative bent. What herkk and others like him fail to realize, or admit, is that the major networks had a monopoly for years on the spin they put on the news so that it denigrated conservatives and exulted the left. Read the book Bias and you’ll see examples every bit as provocative regarding the leftist views that were, and are, mandated by those in control of major network newsrooms. Even more compelling is the extreme leftist agenda of the major universities, like Columbia, that train future journalists. The media, Hollywood, and academia have dominated the dissemination of their far left agenda with the arrogance and tenacity of a divine right king. Fox is the critical response to this monopolistic dogma of the left: A sort of information enlightenment.

David asks…

What is your opinion on fox news?

It seems everyone is attacking this news channel, except conservatives of course. I think it should be attacked. Let me explain. Fox news is NOT fair and balanced like it claims. I have nothing against free speech but fox should advertise itself as conservative, rather than fair and balanced like it claims. Im a very left-wing person..i dont care about politics but when it comes to social stuff, im very left. Even i think it would be wrong for the left to have their own “news” channel claiming to be fair and balanced.

Also…Glenn Beck…enough said

So what do you people think?

Michelle answers:

The idea of Fox News advertising itself as conservative is crazy(no offense). Not only is is crazy, but it’s un-American. You see my friend, there is money to be made, and propaganda to spread. Who will pay for propaganda if they can’t still make themselves feel good for thinking that is actually news?

Look at this study: (SEMANTIC FRAMING IN THE BUILD-UP TO THE IRAQ WAR: FOX K CNN AND OTHER U S, BROADCAST NEWS PROGRAMS)Fox News, even more than CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNBC, and public broadcasting, emphasized pro-war framing terms. Fox News over a longer time frame also generally trailed CNN in stories covering the absence of Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, the lack of a pre-war link between Iraq and al Qaeda, majority international public opinion about the war, and the number of American casualties.

The point, by the way, has nothing to do with whether or not we should have gone to Iraq, but with the fact that Fox demonstrates biased presentaion of the things that it says that are even TRUE.

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