Maria asks…
Has anyone tried natural remedies to reverse infertility?
I have a small fibroid on my uterus and PCOS on my right ovary. The doc has spoken about prescribing clomid, however we have only been ttc for 8 months. My hubby and I would like to wait till 12mths of ttc before I start to take drugs, but I was just wondering if anyone has tried natural remedies to reverse infertility and what your thoughts are. Did it work?
Michelle answers:
I didn’t take it long enough to actually witness any results yet, but you could try taking Vitex aka chaste berry. You can order it online at or whatever. It’s a natural supplement that can regulate a woman’s cycle. I have PCOS too, so I know it’s frustrating. Good luck to you!
Daniel asks…
Infertility – do natural remedies work?
Have you (or do you know of anyone) been unsuccessful in conceiving and been told your only option is IVF, and have you decided to go down a more ‘natural‘ route and been successful? For example, have you tried a change in diet, or perhaps reflexology?
Michelle answers:
Yes, after close 4 years ttc, partners SA -severely low and me -endo and pcos we were due to start IVF with ICSI in Feb this year, however i have been having acupuncture since last april and partner taking high strenght zinc to preppare his guys for IVF and we conceive naturally in october, baby due 1st week of july.
Chris asks…
Has anybody have any suggestions for natural remedies for infertility…ttc for over 1 year now?
Michelle answers:
Would you consider acupuncture a natural remedy? Often an acupuncturist will have herbal supplements, etc that will boost fertility. Here is a great resource for ttc
Joseph asks…
Natural remedies to getting pregnant?
I am 25 years old with unexplained infertility and I just want to know are there any ladies on here who has concieved using any of these methods.
Im currently taking a chinese herb for women called cinnamon & poria. Its made to warm the uterus unlock stagnation, make menstruation less painful and loosen any adhesions in the fallopian tubes. I am also doing a chinese fertility massage to my abdomen starting the last day of menstruation and stopping before ovulation {this massage is not to be done during luteal p or during ovulation}> Im also doing accupressure and hypnotherapy everyday to help me relax. I wanted some feedback on these methods. Im also charting on fertiltiy friend
Michelle answers:
You might want to take a look at a herb called dong quai. When I was a teenager I used to have very irregular cycles. This really helped them out.
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