Susan asks…
seeking info on natural/herbal remedies?
particularly pertaining to natural termination of pregnancy via herbs, roots and/or vitamins
Michelle answers:
Based on the other questions you have asked, if you already know the sex of the baby, it is late enough in the pregnancy that you could only have a doctor perform an abortion. But you should be aware that if you already have named the boy (and referred to him as “the only family I’ve got”), I am willing to bet that terminating the pregnancy would emotionally scar you for life… Maybe deep enough that you wouldn’t even want to finish school or advance your career.
I know many women that have had abortions or miscarriages that have been so emotionally torn up that some of them wanted to die (or kill themselves) and most still hadn’t gotten over it after almost a decade (a couple of them still celebrate their lost child’s birthday).
Please consider the alternatives to trying to abort, whether another member of your family raise him until you are able to or whether it be considering adoption… Doesn’t your son deserve a chance to live?
Charles asks…
Fertility Issues. Natural Remedy or Pills for Guaranteed Pregnancy?
Before I start please don’t be mean. I just wanted advice or another’s opinion. I tried taking Fertiblend and my peroid extended from 5 days to 9 days. That freaked me out. So I was hearing about a chinese remedy or blend that would help me but I don’t know where to look first. Anyone know? It would be a great help. Went to the DR and he doens’t know what’s wrong with me and my husband had a sperm count and it was normal.
Michelle answers:
A fertility doc should be able to help you all out. By either giving you clomid or possibly IUI or IVF.
If you want to look into a natural remedy –
or – (he has formulas for female & males). I looked into both of them. I picked the – haven’t started it yet. I am going to do a detox first.
I don’t know much about these two sites, so look into it more. Do research. Don’t take anything you don’t think you should. Also, don’t take too much of anything. I am just learning more about herbs myself. The 1st link – email the lady. I did & she wrote me back. Maybe that could give you a good idea as to what to try.
Good luck!
David asks…
feeling sick to my stomach, 8 weeks pregnant, remedies?
Any herbal/ natural remedies for sick to stomach feel from pregnancy? It has been this way for about 2 weeks. Does feeling sick denote the gender of your baby?
Michelle answers:
Preggie pops worked for me… You can buy them at mother hood maternity for 3 or 4 dollars. Boy/girl predictions are all myths.
Linda asks…
Is it safe to take probiotics during pregnancy?
I’m pregnant and I need to find a natural remedy for a yeast infection.I was told to take probiotics,but I’m reluctant. Why are probiotics ok, but unpasteurized cheese and things like that not ok during pregnancy?
Michelle answers:
If the doctor was your gyno and said it was ok, then it should be. But you can also eat yogurt, buttermilk, and cottage cheese like that to help get rid of the yeast infection. And it will be healthy for your baby to get all that calcium.
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