Jenny asks…
Are you finding that the unsolicited advice is getting really annoying?
I am 41 weeks 1 day today, so I know it is my hormones and just being tired of being pregnant that has got me cranky. But let me tell you, since about a week before my due date it seems like EVERYONE is saying,”Oh! You need to do this and this!’, “Have you tried this?”, “Make sure you try doing that!”…UGH! I know they mean well, but they must have forgotten what it was like to be at the end of their pregnancies! They just don’t seem to remember how much it SUCKS to hear about how someone did this and that and how it ‘worked’ for them and they had their baby in their arms, when they felt like their day would never come. I am sitting here having contractions I can’t feel, no dilation and no effacement and doing EVERYTHING I can to avoid being induced and it just seems like the longer this goes on the MORE advice I get. Not to mention it is all 99% the same advice, I just want to yell “Don’t you think I have looked into all of this and tried EVERYTHING?!?!?”. I know my son will come, and I will not be pregnant forever, but I also know that there is nothing you can make your body do that it doesn’t want to do and that these ‘natural induction‘ methods only help your body out when it is ready for labor (which my body CLEARLY is not).
I know this sounds like a rant/vent, and it maybe just a little, but I was hoping that all you you lovely women have figured out a way to avoid the frustration, and blowing up in someones face. I do the whole ‘smile and stay pleasant thing’, but that is getting REALLY hard to keep doing. I may just stop answering the phone and texts, say I dropped it in the toilet or something!
Or, does anyone have a funny story about how they ‘dealt’ with the advice? Anything to cheer me up! :o)
Thanks everyone!
Adrienne – *lol* I think I am going to keep that one in my back pocket, it is brilliant!
Sarah – Oh yeah, don’t even get me STARTED on the how to raise him advice, I am already getting it! *lol*
Oops! Sorry Adrianne, I didn’t mean to spell your name wrong. My name is Adrienne, so you can see how I just went on auto-pilot, :o).
Michelle answers:
I’m not there yet, but I remember how cranky my cousin was at the end of her pregnancy. She actually said to my grandmother, “Is it bothering you that I’m still pregnant? Because I’m really ok with it.” My gram sputtered a bit and was kind of offended, but everyone else laughed. That at least shut our family up. 🙂
Edit – No problem – you must know how often it gets misspelled!! (And how often people reference Rocky…) 😉
Donald asks…
Need your input on induction idea…HELP?
i was reading on how midwives induce labor the other day and it intrigued me.
the link to the info is below. i’d love for someone to read over it and tell me if it is something that is safe to do.
i have a obgyn and she is inducing me on the 20th even though my due date isnt until the 21st. i just figured if i could finda more natural way to get the baby on its way it would be better than pitocin or whatever she’ll give me. all these mid wives methods are natural/herbal remedies.
oh im nearly 38 weeks and have had a flawless pregnancy…no complications whatsoever. my doc is inducing simply because she wants me to so it can be more “planned” on which i dont really like but she pretty much insisted. thats a whole other situation though.
Michelle answers:
Who’s body are we talking about? Yours or your doctors.
It’s so annoying to realize that doctors want to control your choices of labor, because they think they know best.
After reading the website, it sounds like a very nice solution. I’m from Europe and we do have induction, but we hardly used pitocin or any other drug, there are mainly natural births.
If you want to deliver the baby the way you want it, be very firm on what YOU want.
I believe in herbal treatment and always try to look for a natural solution over prescribed drugs.
You want the best for you baby and pitocin can be very harmful, which is not a very good start.
Good luck with your delivery and congrats to you. Stand up for your rights as a human and a mommy.
John asks…
Has anyone took castor oil to induce at 35 weeks pregnant?
I’ve had an extremely high risk pregnancy and started pre term labor at 29 weeks. Due to health conditions I knew I was going to come early, but I’ve made it to 35 weeks 🙂 and my doctors want to induce me next week. I will not let them use pictocin and will opt for a c-section if problems occur. During my entire pregnancy I refused taking certain meds and have opted not to take any pain meds while I’ve been pregnant.
My child is fine. The induction is for me and my safety. I’ve spent the last 5 months in and out of the hospital with contractions 5min apart for the last 2 months. My condition is starting to flare up and I need him out if my body as the result could end it death to me or my child.
I’m looking for natural methods. I’ve been using EPO and am 80% effaced but only 2cm dilated. If you have used this method please answer with results!
My child’s conception alone has been a blessing and the fact that I’ve been able to keep him safe this far has been a relief. Now I must take care of me.
PS-I’m not looking for any opinions or judgmental banter regarding this issue. If you don’t have anything enlightening to put fourth, please keep your comments for yourself! Again, this is for medical purposes.
Michelle answers:
TMI : i HIGHLY recommend you not drink castor oil, i took it at 39 weeks when i was 50% effaced and 1cm dilated and all it did was give me horrible diarrhea that’s it, it didn’t make me anymore dilated or effaced and it didn’t cause contractions, i later had to use pitocin and my child is just fine.
Daniel asks…
have any of you experienced this? (stripping the membranes for induction)?
This is my second pregnancy and I am so done being pregnant, lol. My doctor was talking about induction and pitocin is definitley not something I want to go through again, I was induced wtih my daughter and I was in labor for 48 hours (no pain meds so I felt every bit of it), it was horrible. I was reading that stripping the membranes (or the stretch and sweep method) when they physically stretch out your cervix and seperate the water from your cervix is the only naturla method that has enough eveidence behind it to say that it works. I am all about doing everything all natural so I was going to discuss this with my doctor, but first I want to hear any personal experiences on this subject. So…
Have you experienced this?
Did it work?
How quickley did labor start afterwards, or were you already in labor?
Was it extremely painful, like I imagine it will be?
How long were you in labor afterwards?
Michelle answers:
I have not personally had this done but a friend of mine did she was 2cm had her membranes stripped had really bad cramping and spotting but didnt go into labor so she had it done the following wee. Same thing, no labor no baby. She ended up haveing to be induced. I have also heard that sometimes while the dr is trying to do this they can accidentally break your water, so then you have to have the baby.
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