Your Questions About Natural Pregnancy Induction

Linda asks…

Pregnancy induction, or natural better?

I heard that the birthing process goes alot smoother and faster if you go into labor naturally, other than getting induced. Is this true?

Michelle answers:

I cant speak for all but from my own exp. I had a terrible time when i was induced. My little girl had not even dropped and I was not dialated at all when they broke my water and then started me on the drugs to induce. I was in labor 24 hours literally and then had to have a c-section. I think.. In all honesty.l. That natural is best but isn’t it with everything lol. I am pregnant with my second now and so sick of it I am wishing they’d induce lol but I honestly think that if he comes naturally it would be a LOT better. I am just getting impatient.
Anyways that’s my 2 cents 🙂

Lizzie asks…

Anybody had an induction for their third pregnancy?

I am scheduled for an induction tomorrow – both of my other children were born completely natural (no induction.) I’m just curious if anyone else has had a natural and then induced childbirth and can tell me how they compared. Be honest – Thanks!!

Michelle answers:

My first two were natural and my third was induced due to pre-eclampsia. Honestly, it was horrible. Started off with the pitocin and ended up only dialated to a 1-2 cm within 24 hrs so I ended up having to have a c section. It was totally unexpected and I wasn’t at all prepared, which is what made it so terrible. I felt robbed, but now pregnant with my 4th, I have time to prepare for what may happen. I am planning on a vbac, but I am also preparing for the fact that it may not go as planned. Every birth is different. I just wish I would have been more prepared for the possibility of a section than I was.

Richard asks…

Pregnancy “natural” inductions that work?

I know all of the “ideas” about inducing naturally-nipple stimulation, SEX, walking, cleaning, spicy food, chinese food, acupressure points, caster oil etc. have any of you tried any of them and they WORKED? Would you recommend them

Michelle answers:

On my 2nd child I was dialated at a 2cm and stuck…the dr wanted me to go home and call them later….so I walked the halls for hours until I induced the labor and made them admit me. Walking also just made my sis in law go into labor at 38 weeks that was not even dialated. I have also used caster oil and it did not work. Spicy foods just give you indigestion. I even tried sex and that did not work for me either.

Walk until you can walk no more…stay hydrated

Sharon asks…

How much worse does a pitocin induction hurt compared to natural labor?

I had pitocin and it hurt violently. I’ve only had one baby so I’m wondering if there’s any chance that if I avoid pitocin next time I won’t need drugs. Of course I know it’s different from woman to woman and from pregnancy to pregnancy , but I want to know different mom’s views on this, especially someone who’s had it both ways!

Michelle answers:

I have had two natural labors, and my pitocin induction was just 11 days ago. There was a big difference. My natural labors were very fast, and there was almost no break between contractions. Labor lasted about 3 hours, but hurt like hell.
With my pitocin induction, labor lasted 10 hours, but the contractions were not very painful until the very end (9+cm dilated). I got a break in between contractions so I could catch my breath, something I never got with my natural labors.

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