Steven asks…
I m 31 yrs old n have been married since 4 yrs.wish to have a natural child n procedures.hence visited a gyno.?
she adviced me to do certain blood test n an critical ultra sonography.the report stated focal adenomyosis in d right lateral wall of the uterus.hence she gave me an injection Lupricle 11.25mg.which resulted in d a temporary menopause.then after 3 months was called again the sonography then stated there is partial regression of changes of adenomyosis.she said it has been reduced upto 50%.but again asked me to take the same injection and told me to come back after 2 months and she will then start with the ivf treatment.natural pregnancy not possible.i havent taken the injection again worried what to do have lots of questions unanswered….pls help what shld i do now??
Michelle answers:
Well, I think to be able to carry a baby in your uterus, you need to shrink the adenomyosis. So I think it’s a good idea to get the injection again. I know the injection side effects are pretty awful, but it will help you to carry a baby to term. Otherwise, you might have a miscarriage and that would be worse.
It sounds to me like in addition to the adenomyosis, you have endometriosis that has caused scar tissue, and that is why natural pregnancy is not possible and you need the IVF.
Ruth asks…
I am a male and Im unable to conceive the natural way. (due to a health condition)
I had to have a testiciclur biospsy in order for us to get sperm. I have sperm stored at the hospital (frozen)
In order to proceed with IVF (ICSI) we had to attend a seminar which was to educate us of the process. About 100 people attended the seminar.
I felt very uncomfortable, and so did my wife. As we entered the room where the seminar was being held my wife kicked off (stampinghher feet, hufffing, tutting) I tried to calm her down but she made it obvious to EVERYONE she didnt want to be there.
During the seminar she put cotton wool in her ears and started reading a book! Thought the whole seminar she was muttering things. My wife made the whole experience 100 times worse.
When I confronted her after the seminar, she stated that she felt very uncomfortable in the room. I explained that everyone was in the same boat and nobody was singled out. I also informed her that I was the one who had
the medical complaint, so if anyodoy should feel uncomfortable it should have been ME!
my wife cant see that she was in the wrong. Going through IVF is stressful and Im not sure she will be able to cope.
I tried talking to her about it and she has twisted things round and made me look the bad one (for being in a mood with her!)
I said to her last night that I dont think she is in the right right frame of mind to go ahead with IVF. Her reply was “go and find another women who will go through this for you!”
After some deep thought, I said maybe we should hold back on the IVF for a few years, She agreed and phoned me today to tell me she was called the hospital to cancel all treatment! She informs me she has put this in writing to them aswell.
Now shes blaming me saying ” youve dragged me this far and now your changing your mind, your playing mind games”
I feel so so low! I feel she has twisted the whole thing around to make me look bad.
some advice would be great!
Michelle answers:
Hi. So sorry you have to go through this. My husband and I have gone through 3 IVF cycles, with 2 beautiful little girls (ages 3 1/2 and 1 month) as a result. One IVF resulted in a blighted ovum. My husband has male factor infertility, he was born without his Vas. They did asperation of his testicles and we also had to have ICSI. I understand how you both feel. We felt embarassed, ashamed, alone in the beginning. We did not talk about it with anyone during the first cycle and honestly it was more me than my husband. I did not want anyone to know. I truthfully think it was my way of having control over a situation I had NO control over. It does sound like your wife is not ready. Maybe even a little resentful. I have to be honest and say I was a bit angry with my husband for a situation he did not ask for and that I had to give myself shots and go through what I went through. But it was not his fault and he wanted a baby just as badly as I did. He used to apalogize and say he was sorry for all of it. He aslo used to say if he knew before we got married he wouldn’t have married me so I wouldn’t have to go through it. But that is why it is for better or for worse. Going to a seminar or a support group would probably be very helpful to her. If she is not willing to deal with people face to face there are on line support groups. (fertility neighborhood) My kids are proof it does work. I wish you the best. Don’t add any more guilt to yourself. It is a situation you did not ask for as well. Give her time to adjust. I hope you have happy healthy babies!
George asks…
Natural Fertility Treatment vs Medical Fertility Treatment which is most succesful? Want to conceive FAST!!?
I’m 24, been on the pill for around +-8 years. Stopped pill in May which was when I had last period. No period since then. Went to OBGYN everything is perfect except when I went for blood test. Thryoid problem. Hormone TSH is too high. Took eltroxin for 6 weeks made hormones too low. No medication for a month and then back to the doctor. If no period or hormones have not settled he wants to send me to a fertility specialist. who will probably put me on clomid and if that doesn’t work then onto IVF. the Fertility specialist sounds good. I also heard of another doctor that specialieses in natural fertility treatment as in homeopathy, acupuncture, chiro etc. I phoned them and they said I should see them first before doing clomid. Now I don’t know what to do. I really want a healthy baby FAST so I’m not sure which way will give me the best results. I’ve currently had 2 acupuncture treatments, taking folic acid and trying to improve diet and excerise. Also taking chinese meds my acupunturist gave me. Has anyone experienced both type of treatments and which was more successful? Which one made you get pregant faster. You can go to and tell me if you think it’s any good!!! Thanks so much!!
Michelle answers:
This is probably not what you’re looking for- but I don’t think there is any way to know what is or is not going to work for you. Even when the doctors know what is causing the ferility problem, they are not 100% in making women get pregnant. Same for the natural treatments- they can treat you, but there’s no way to know if what they do is going to work.
I recently did a stint with Clomid- on my third cycle I had two good follicles that released. We did IUI, and my husbands sample was fantastic. And I still didn’t get pregnant. It should have worked, but it didn’t. So now we’re back to the drawing board.
The point that I am making is this- choose the therapy that you feel is right for you, and know that there is no way to get pregnant “fast”- you might get lucky and do it in one month, or you might wait longer, and in many respects, there’s no way to control it.
Mary asks…
How long I have wait to get treated with IVF after my second ectopic surgery[Laparoscopy]?
How long I have wait to get treated with IVF after my second ectopic surgery[Laparoscopy]?
I have 2 ectopics, first was trated with methatroxate and my left fallopian tube got removed during my second ectopic which was on oct 2 2009, I have a follow up appointment after 2 weeks which was on 13th oct and my OB/GYN suggested to go for IVF procedure rather than natural process[getting thru sex]. Even we made up our mind for IVF. Could somebody please tell me how long i need to wait or what is safe time to go for IVF treatment and how many days bed rest after the procedure. Plz help me as i’m getting lot of pressure from my relatives.
Michelle answers:
I had an ectopic via IVF and also had my tube removed. My doctor told me I could start another IVF cycle as soon as my second period after the surgery. My second period came about a week earlier than expected and I pushed on through with the cycle. It was my worst cycle ever (Out of 4). I responded VERY slowly and my eggs were dark and out of 15 eggs only 4 fertilized. I should have waited until my period cycles were normal rather that push on.
Do fall to the pressure. You will not respond well unless YOU are ready. This cost way too much money and is way too exhausting for you to be pressured. When you feel ready then start your IVF cycle.
As for bed rest, every clinic is different. Some say none and some say 48 hours. The top notch clinic in the country says 48 hours but some studies have shown it makes no difference. For me, I figure after everything I went through to get to embryo transfer, I am keeping my feet up for a couple of days as not to have any “What ifs.”
Good luck!
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