Thomas asks…
What is this internet site/game?
I remember that a while ago, my sister found this site that had a bunch of logic puzzles. It was written as if each puzzle was part of some long journey you’re on. I remember three of the puzzles.
One was the classic puzzle where you have 2 people, one of which always tells the truth and the other that always lies. There was also a puzzle that had to do with 3 people sitting in chairs and 2 black and 3 white hats. The last puzzle I remember had to do with having to get across a bridge in 17 minutes with 4 people who had to cross.
Does anyone know what this site was?
Michelle answers:
Jenny asks…
I need somewhere free and fun i can learn online.?
Ok. I am a nerd. I don’t want to sit around all day playing video games and watching tv. I need some sites where i can learn stuff and have fun. If anyone knows of some great websites aimed at 8th graders, for learning, that are actually somewhat fun then please tell me.
Michelle answers:
Sandra asks…
I need a website that i can get on?
Ok, are there any websites like these….
Facebook (games on Facebook?)
Pixie Hollow
Addicting games
Max games
Shock wave
Stick page
I think that is all that i have tried…any others??
I can’t download anything…. and I tried Habbo Hotel
AND… i like ferryhalium but it gets boring
Michelle answers:
Steven asks…
My little sister is six years old. What websites do you recomend for her to get on?
She wants one with a lot of games.
Michelle answers:
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