Your Questions About Fox News

Steven asks…

Question About Fox News?

I live in the UK and I am able to get the FOX News channel in little segmants.

I don’t know too much about American Politics but it seems to me from what i’ve been watching that FOX news tend to lean to the republican party and John Mccain in this election ?

what do you think ?

Michelle answers:

FOX news is racist. & Bias.

Bill O’reilly says he’s down for a Lynching party that involves…

Obama’s Wife … Michelle Obama. (That’s quite sexist too)

Read here:

& then they do a special show about Palin and not about Biden.

Mandy asks…

Why is Fox News looked down upon?

I watch Fox News and have been ridiculed for it by my friends (who are some of my best friends but think entirely different about just about everything than me). I told them that I watch Fox News one time and they made fun of me saying that Fox News is a lying show. When I asked them where they heard that they replied “Family Guy.” I have also seen/heard jokes about it on movies such as “Vampires Suck.” Any help? Thanks!

Michelle answers:

Fox News made the deliberate, business decision to tilt its news toward the conservative side. Networks have a long tradition of being nonpartisan, so this was unchartered waters. It’s worked pretty well financially; they get ratings. The Republicans have been pounding the fact that media outlets are biased against them for years; there is a shred of truth to that but not much.

I have trouble watching it for that reason; I know I’m not getting close to the straight scoop. But, it works for a lot of people.

Mary asks…

Howcome you hate Fox News?

Howcome liberals hate Fox news while CNN and all other news networks are left-leaning? They complain so much about its biasness and ignore the liberal bias in major newspapers and networks.
I don’t want america to have a one-sided media. I want americans to have a choice between conservative and liberal news networks. Fox news is needed.
jenn G, how is Bill pompous? Hes a good radio talk show host who allows other opinions

and I don’t “even” know what the hell “exxton” was trying to “say”.
Lecrapface, tell me what kind of inaccurate statements Fox news is making.

Jon Stewart and Colbert are parody shows. the only thing is that I grown to hate them since they are always preaching on the left’s side instead of doing their job, which is making fun of the news and being comedians.

Michelle answers:

Wow. If you think Fox is news, you have bigger problems to worry about. Fox is merely the op-ed page in television format. O’Reilly has said this himself. The other channels are not. At least, they weren’t when they started. Now, they may becoming more and more like Fox (read: one-sided) because many people can’t tell the difference anyway. Remember when both right and left praised CNN for its coverage of the first Gulf War?

Because the nation is so polarized these days, neither wing makes any concessions, even when the media organization they favor is doing a disservice. That’s great news for politicians, bad news for the people. We give up too much when the most popular “news” channel in the country is simply the megaphone of the White House. (I would say the same if the current government leaned left and had CNN as its megaphone.)

Lastly, in terms of you hating Stewart and Colbert because they make fun of your administration, you unfortunately misunderstand their intent. They make fun of both sides, it just so happens that the administration in power now — your preferred right-wing — does more ridiculous things than the party without power. If Democrats were in power, they would take as many swings, because Democrats would surely make as many ridiculous claims to push their agenda. They make fun of the system: the media, the government, the corruption — and people who don’t do what’s best for the country. (Think: Stewart roasting both leftist Paul Begala and right leaning Tucker Carlson.)

Ken asks…

Is Fox News truly ‘fair and balanced’?

Correct me if I’m wrong but in a ‘fair and balanced’ discussion shouldn’t the news anchor be neutral?

I’ll be honest, I used to watch all of the Fox news shows but after a while I started to realize they were very biased towards Democrats and liberals. Whenever they would bring on guests commentators to debate different topics the news anchor would always side with Republicans or GOP ideas.
Every time the commentators would say something positive about the President or Democrats the news anchor would jump all over it.

I tried giving them the benefit of the doubt by observing to see if they would say anything positive about the current President, a Democrat, or any Democrat or even Independents.

Needless to say I’m still waiting on them to say anything positive about ANY Democrat.

The other news channels don’t fare too good either. MSNBC is the opposite of Fox and CNN is more near the middle.

I’ll continue listening to NPR.

Your thoughts??

Michelle answers:

Fox News is criticized all the time, because they report outrageous rumors and twist the truth in order to upset and scare the public. There is nothing subtle about what they do.

They are not fair and balanced. They are the farthest thing from it.

The difference between them and CNN or MSNBC is the ridiculous things they report on. They still try to report on Barack Obama’s “real” birthplace.

Some reporters on MSNBC are also extremely biased. However, MSNBC came into existence because the news-reporting by Fox was becoming unbearable to thinking and intelligent people.

It’s perfectly okay to be a conservative republican, but Fox News carries things to extremes. I can remember when they tried to make a link between Barack Obama and terrorist groups.

That kind of reporting is unethical and dangerous. It is inviting the crazy people in this country to assassinate the president! When people start to believe that the president is a secret terrorist who plans to destroy the nation? They are going to get some very irrational and ugly ideas. That would throw this whole country into chaos and anarchy. Thank God that never happened, and I hope it never does.

I’m not crazy about Barack Obama. He made promises that he didn’t keep, and he never told us why. I guess he was willing to promise anything to get elected. Why didn’t Fox News report on those things? Instead they hint that he might be a muslim terrorist that was born in Kenya. It’s ridiculous and worthless information.

When something big is breaking in political news? I will switch back and forth between Fox News, MSNBC and CNN. I figure that I might discover the truth somewhere between all that bias.

I also strongly recommend C-Span. They have no reporters. They just broadcast live events. I can’t swear that they are totally unbiased, but at least they don’t have people telling me what I should think. I hate that!

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