Your Questions About Fox News

Ken asks…

Should Fox News apologize?

I must admit I had a smirk on my face as I watched the developing story. Shirley Sherrod’s racial remarks were indeed taken out of context. Fox News took the bait on the few minutes of video that surfaced and used it to blitz the administration which ultimately led to the firing of this USDA official.

The White House, and NAACP already apologized. Now when will Fox News apologize for this?

“They were not interested in hearing the truth. No one wanted to hear the truth,” – Sherrod

Michelle answers:

Perhaps Fox “news” needs to identify what it means to deliver news. Viewers also need to have a clear mind so as not to swallow every word broadcast. Stirring up trouble is not the same as delivering news. Fox is manipulating the events and not for the good of the country. Negative propaganda is given.

John asks…

Fox news laughing at transgenders?

I don’t live in America but I always hear bad things about Fox News so I decided to turn it on and see… So they were laughing at someone called Chelsea Manning and saying “If I wanted to be called a tree would you call me a tree.” I was just wondering if this is the common mindset for America in regards to transgenders.

Michelle answers:

Fox news is not really news. It is the most inaccurate news station in America. Studies have come out that show Fox news viewers are the most uninformed news viewers, due to the massive misinformation on that station.

Ignore them.

Ruth asks…

Why do people criticize fox news?

I always hear about Fox News, and how terrible they are. And biased? Why’s that? Any evidence?

Michelle answers:

Many of us likely hold the idea that media sources labeling themselves as news organizations are required to observe at least minimal standards to report the news objectively, fairly and truthfully.

If the network labeled themselves as “FOX Opinion and Commentary” and scrapped the misleading “Fair and Balanced” shibboleth, they would likely be regarded a less unfavorably than is presently the case.

In 1996, Jane Akre and her husband, Steve Wilson, were hired to create a four-part series on the topic of bovine growth hormone. Their investigation uncovered risks associated with its use, contrary to the claims of its manufacturer, Monsanto. FOX executives pressured the reporters to use statements from Monsanto that were known to be false. When the reporters refused and threatened to report this matter to the FCC, they were both fired.

During the initial trial, a jury found unanimously in favor of Ms. Akre. The Florida Court of Appeals then unanimously reversed the decision, unbelievably contending that news organizations are entitled to report deliberately false information.

During the appeal, according to one article (source to follow), FOX contended the following:

“…During their appeal, Fox asserted that there that there are no written rules against distorting news in the media. They argued that, under the First Amendment, broadcasters have the right to lie or deliberately distort news reports on the public airwaves. Fox attorneys did not dispute Akre’s claim that they pressured her to broadcast a false story; they simply maintained that it was their right to do so…”

FOX reserves the right to lie to their viewers/listeners.

The link to the preceding story:

“Fair and Balanced”? According to this CBS News report in 2010, FOX’s parent company donated $1 million to the Republican Governor’s Association, hardly an action to be expected from an objective news organization. Not exactly fair and balanced. Http://

Media Matters has listed numerous concerns about FOX on the attached link. If you see any text in blue lettering that interests you, you can left click on it to be taken to the underlying article, along with sources. Http://

Although the following article is definitely anti-FOX, ask yourself if any of the proganda techniques described in this article define their methods:

The FOX approach its likely to resonate with a loud, vocal, fervent minority who will watch no other source. They are reassured that if others attack FOX, it is because they are the only source of the real truth, and by implication, their viewers become part of an exclusive “club” possessing this “knowledge.” A significant number of these viewers adopt an exclusive allegiance to this network that mimics religious zealotry.

Anthony Weiner of New York was driven out of office for actions which were distasteful and ill-advised, which would be labeled by most as immoral. But was it illegal? No.

A couple of years ago, Senator David Vitter was named by the DC Madame as one of the johns that her prostitutes served. Prostitutes in Louisiana reported that Sen. Vitter was a regular customer of theirs as well. He appeared with his wife in a news conference, apologizing for his actions, but declined to be more specific. What he did was illegal in both Washington, D.C. And Louisiana. It could be argued that his actions were immoral as well, since he was married at the time. He famously said a number of years ago that Bill Clinton should resign for his actions in office.

Some lesser known news organizations decried this double standard. One can be absolutely certain that FOX was not one of them. The following link will take you to an article describing a conservative Christian group’s call for Vitter to resign in the wake of Weiner’s resignation. The link:

A much stricter standard is applied to Democrats than Republicans by our now right-wing media.

Most of the major networks consistently trumpet the conservative line. FOX merely does this in a far more extreme manner.

Although there is a certain segment of the population who don’t mind being lied to if what they are hearing reinforces their pre-existing beliefs, there are many who prefer the truth, even if it is not always pleasant.

This writer would prefer to avoid any organization that explicitly reserves the right to lie to its viewers/listeners. There are obviously millions (i.e., FOX fans) who believe otherwise.

This writer would submit that the preceding at least touches upon the concerns of those who criticize FOX.

Paul asks…

Fox News claims?

Do you think Fox News really is Fair and Balance as they claim it to be
and your thoughts on people like Bill O reilly and Sean Hannity
in my opinion i dont think they are racists but i think they are very arrogant

Michelle answers:

I think that a lot of the media, prior to Fox News, leaned to the left. I was overseas and came back to the states in 2000 and I remember calling my dad and asking when we got a Republican news station.

I won’t go as far as to say it is Fair and Balanced taken against itself, but compared with other media sources, it offers a differing and sometimes confrontational view of issues that the other media plays like cookie cutter news.

The real issue at hand isn’t whether Fox News is driven by an agenda, because ALL media is driven by some agenda. One of the first newspapers ever published in this country was started by Benjamin Franklin, to spread his Patriotic viewpoint vs. The British (Loyalist/Tory) views.

Media in this country, is anything but Fair and Balanced.

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