Laura asks…
White House and Fox News?
I just heard a news story about the White House and Fox News complaining that MSNBC being partisan. Oh, poor babies don’t like it that MSNBC is beating them at thier own game? Waaaa, do they want some cheese with that whine?
Waylon 3 – Fair and balanced???? Somebody needs to pee into a cup me thinks.
Jeez, what a load of cry babies
Michelle answers:
No kidding…as Fox employs Rove on their so called ‘news casts’. When will they expose Rove as the informal adviser to McCain that he is? No one blurs the line between commentary and news more than Rove and Fox News.
Maria asks…
Does anyone think Fox News is fair?
This comes from someone from the UK, I watch the BBC mostly but I’ve been watching Fox News for the past few weeks and was shocked at what I seen.
I haven’t seen CNN, ABC and the rest so I can’t comment on them.
Hello, many people have said in the comments that every news station is bais and I’ll like to say to that I truly believe the BBC has fair news, there is no way to be 100% unbias but they do a great job
Michelle answers:
Fox “News” won the right, in court, to lie and call it “news”:
The Media Can Legally Lie
“In February 2003, a Florida Court of Appeals unanimously agreed with an assertion by FOX News that there is no rule against distorting or falsifying the news in the United States.”
See also:
Paul asks…
Fox News?..?
Do you think that the Fox News channel is “Fair and Balanced” like they say?
Michelle answers:
Fox news is totally biased. Fox news reports what thsy think the people want to hear and what will make the feel better. The main purpse of that network is to further brainwash the American people and keep them completely in the dark on the issues that directly effect us.
Robert asks…
Why is Fox News hated by so many people?
What I want to hear is a rational, logical, objective explanation for my above question. Of course, anyone is welcome to express his or her opinion. It has been my experience that many people- even some non-liberals- seem to have a beef with Fox News. Why?
Let me be fair for a moment. “Fair and balanced”- no, not always. There is clearly a bias in favor of conservatives on Fox News. There is, I think, a bias against liberals on Fox News. But most networks are liberal, and Fox stands alone in its advocacy of conservatives. There are a few extreme right people on Fox (not going to name names here), but I believe a majority of the people on Fox are moderately conservative, for the most part. Often, Bill O’Reilly and others invite liberals to express their views on the shows. They may not agree with what the liberals have to say, but I think that in general, liberals are respected on the network.
I don’t always watch Fox. I get tired of it, and it is annoying at times. Am I some radical just because I occasionally view Fox News? Am I some extreme right wing cretin just because I happen to agree with some of the opinions expressed on Fox?
So why do so many people get their panties all bunched up over Fox News?
Michelle answers:
Those who hate Fox News are upset over losing the liberal monopoly. Every objective analysis of bias in the media shows that NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, and the other mainstream media outlets carefully censor the news to exclude conservative viewpoints.
In contrast, Fox News is fair, if not always intentionally balanced. Bill O’Reilly is a moderate conservative who invites liberals to spar with him, but does not allow them to “bloviate” talking points. Sean Hannity is a strong conservative with more of an agenda. Greta Van Susteren is a moderate liberal looking for the truth. Shepherd Smith is a moderate and a pretty good showman. Fox is the one news network where all things are actually considered.
Among cable news stations, Fox is a runaway winner because people know they are getting news and critical analysis rather than propaganda. I don’t watch much TV, but I do tune into Fox News a couple of times a week, probably more in 2012, when the nation’s fate will be decided by the voters.
PS: NPR and Al-Jazeera? More anti-American, anti-Israeli, big-government-is-the-solution propaganda, and some of the worst bias in broadcasting.
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