Betty asks…
Why do democrats shy away from Fox News?
Call me naieve, but I don’t understand why democrats hate Fox News. I watch CNN, ABC, MSNBC, and all of the news outlets to get my news. I read New York Times, The New York Post, Cincinnati Enquirer, Time Magazine, etc.
Why do so many of you hate Fox News? Please enlighten me.
Michelle answers:
Democrats hate Fox News because FN makes sure they are NOT liberal. Democrats have very liberal views. Most shows on Fox News, such as the O’Reilly Factor are very conservative. For example, Barack Obama continues to refuse to appear on the O’Reilly Factor because he’s a popular Democrat. Believe it or not, I asked Obama to his face at a rally if he would appeal to moderates by appearing on O’Reilly’s show. He smiled and said:
“I’ll make it on there some time.” People, unlike me, hate Fox News because they are controversial and usually always pick a side. By the way, The New York Times is pretty liberal if you haven’t figured that out.
Hey, good question.
Michael asks…
How is Fox News biased?
I hear and read about people saying how Fox is biased and shows favoritism towards the Republican Party. Even with my little knowledge, I agree with most Democrat policies and do not like Republicans. However, ever since I was young, Fox News has been the only news network I use, and I don’t really like the other ones in my region. I’ve never noticed its conservative nature before, and I still don’t see it. Could someone please give me examples of how Fox is biased? Please don’t insult me, even if it’s obvious. I don’t know much about politics.
Michelle answers:
There are TWO Fox news channels. One is on network TV; the other is on cable.
The one on network is reasonably balanced.
The one on cable is tipped so far to the right it’s a wonder they don’t fall over.
The University of Maryland recently released a study that showed that Fox (cable) viewers are the “most misinformed in the entire country.”
Perhaps you’re watching the network Fox.
I don’t think you wouldn’t be able to see the bias if you were watching the cable Fox, altho lots of other people still believe it’s a legitimate news channel, when in fact, it is ENTERTAINMENT.
George asks…
Is Fox News dumbing down it’s viewers?
Fox News ignores real news in favor of fluff and liberal bashing. It’s top stories for the past two weeks have been Anna Nicole Smith , Britney’s breakdown and smearing Al Gore. Up until the crash this week of the stock market Fox has been reporting how “great” the economy was under Bush, ignoring all the facts that indicated this was not true. It appears Fox News viewers are being suckered into believing Fox propaganda and it is starting to show.
Michelle answers:
-fox news is full of neoconservative propaganda.
Rupert Murdoch, the owner of fox news and chairman of newscorp is notorious for printing propaganda.
He is also endorsed hillary clinton. Does that sound like a conservative to you?
Here is part of a conversation of murdoch’s that came out in the news recently:
At one point, while addressing O’Reilly and Hannity, Murdoch said, “Can you believe the sh** we get away with? Good thing our viewers are dumb as doorknobs or else we would be in trouble.” To which, Hannity laughed and then replied, “Yeah, I heard that people who watch Fox News have to wear bibs to catch their drool so their sofas won’t be stained by the tobacco juice, and that’s just the women.” O’Reilly, also laughing, then joined in by saying, “Hey, how many Fox viewers does it take to change a light bulb? None, they all refuse to change the bulb because they prefer living in the dark.”
However, the unkindest cut of all that is sure to enrage Fox viewers came at the end of the conversation when Murdoch raised his glass in a toast and said, “God bless trailer park trash and idiots everywhere. Without them Fox News would be nothing and I would not be a billionaire.”
Linda asks…
Do you think that Fox News is the network for Republicans?
I think it is the only network that is actually not biased to Democrats and President Obama.
Democrats always reference conservatives to go back and watch Fox News.
Everyone knows that the news media got Obama elected with their biased viewpoints against McCain and never anything negative against Obama. This will probably happen again to get him re-elected. If more people would watch Fox News they wouldn’t make mistakes like electing Obama as President.
Fox News versus ABC news, CBS News, NBC News, CNN, CNBC and all others- Kind of unfair to an election don’t you think.
Michelle answers:
Fox News is popular because millions of Americans are aware that mainstream media is a Liberal tool.
Fox News makes news “Fair and Balanced” because it is one of the few non-Liberal news outlets.
So smart people should watch Fox News and then watch all other news, and then you can tell where the truth is. Somewhere in the middle.
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