Ken asks…
Why does Fox News have so much?
power over liberals? They are obviously watching Fox News, yet say they hate Fox News and ask so many questions centered around Fox News. I don’t understand how one conservative leaning cable network garners so much attention. So, why does Fox News have so much power over libs? Just curious.
GWB – I beg to differ. How many instances do you see in here of cons referring to the lamestream media? None! Fox News has all the power, admit it.
Tims – Most cons do claim to watch more than one news program. I watch MSNBC for about 20 min every week just to get hooked up to their news cycle. They usually have one news cycle every 7 days. Oh and to see what RM is ranting about with teenagers cheering in the background. People don’t watch MSNBC because it spews hate so vigorously and effortlessly; it’s frightening.
Ed – A question that I often see on here is “Why do libs skirt the issues and rely on insults?”
D&A – let me quelch your curiosity….because conservatives don’t ask even 5% as many questions about all the lamestream media as the libs do about one conservative leaning network, Fox News…did you not get that the first time around in my original question.
Who – lame response.
U&U – Let me draw you a picture…libs talk about Fox News on here so much is why I liken it to Fox Nes having so much power over them. Catch up.
Michelle answers:
Fox news leads all other news channels in ratings. They may be watching because Fox, unlike the lame stream media, presents both sides of issues. It also helps that Fox has the most beautiful women of all the other channels put together, and they are intelligent to boot!
James asks…
So will Fox News stop getting bashed since CNN defends Fox News?
Or will the Obama-Zombies contine to be uneducated. Come on CNN them selves defended Fox News. They realized if they let the white house attack one network and shut them down. What makes you think they aren’t next.
Not to mention it helps with CNN’s pathetic ratings.
Fox News is Number-1 for a reason.
The News is supposed to be the watch dog for Americans and report what is happening. Not cheer lead and water down facts. I hope people finally wake up and smell the communism. It needs to be removed. I don’t want to live in a fidel castro society, where there is government news, and we all get the same equal treatment since it’s “Fair”.
No.- I never said I liked CNN. I simply said they defended Fox News. That’s it, it doesn’t mean I like them. Don’t assume. Learn to read.
Ultima Pressure- You’re right you have an opinion. That’s all you will use is an opinion, never facts. That’s why you’re clueless.
is spelnilg ralely imrtoapnt?- Nice a youtube url from a bias network. Give me a huffingtonpost url next. Then give me Michael Moore’s url. Thanks.
Michelle answers:
Well Fox news isn’t tainted like NBC,CNBC and MSNBC. We all know NBC report the way they do cause the money GE will make off Obama policies. That means if the report the truth like Fox all the billions of dollars would go down the toilet. The only news outlet with agenda is NBC and its other low rated news media outlets.
Helen asks…
Why does Fox news have a bad reputation, ex. people say they lie?
Whenever I hear something or read something about fox news people say “fox news is crap and trash…. full of lies ect.” Did they do something a while ago that gave them this bad reputation? What did they do? Why just FOX news? I think its kind of strange. I watch ABC or NBC sometimes fox, they all seem the same to me. I’m not defending FOX news in any type of way, I’m just curious about what they did to give them a bad reputation.
Michelle answers:
Fox news is simply propaganda that support corporate sponsors views.
Lets see:
(Here is Fox News version of this years supposed 2011 CPAC straw poll results, in which they showed the 2010 version not the 2011 straw poll)
(Here Fox news are apologizing for showing the wrong straw poll)
Fox news said this was a honest mistake, So let me get this straight, they send reporters to film the 2011 straw poll who returned back to fox studios, then decided the candidate who recieved the most votes from the poll was not someone they would endorse, so they accidently sent someone into their film archives to retrieve and air the 2010 version instead and claim that to be the latest straw poll.
Fox does this because they think that their viewers are so stupid and dumb they’ll believe anything.
I woudn’t endorse ABC, CNN or other mega corporate mainstream over FOX, because they all spew their own political inclined propaganda crap.
Sandy asks…
What is the deal with FOX NEWS??
I mean, that’s not Journalism, that’s
biased Propaganda.
How is it not??
If you haven’t seen how horrible
Republicans can be over the last
7 years, their creation of a channel
like Fox news should show you
with obvious effectiveness.
Robert- Your answer is
CNN and ESPN, to name
just two.
Michelle answers:
Well, everybody knows that Fox news is not fair and balanced. In fact that is kind of a running joke.
It is a news service that is owned and operated by the far right, so naturally it is going to be very biased in how it presents things.
Do your own poll and ask everyone you know if Fox news is conservative, liberal, or fair and balanced, and see what they say. Or ask someone why they watch Fox news, and see what they say.
Case closed.
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