Your Questions About Fox News

Paul asks…

Why is Fox News soft on Obama but very critical of the McCain campaign?

I thought Fox News was supposed to be right-wing but I think the elite liberal media has taken hold of my ex-favorite news channel. Now I just listen to the Limbaugh radio show for my daily news. I really can’t believe Sean Hannity supports Obama now, it’s getting strange.

Michelle answers:

Yeah, it makes me wonder how much the democrats are paying them to support Obama. I still listen to Rush Limbaugh though, he’ll never cross over to the dark side…

George asks…

Can we blame Fox News for inciting violence against Muslims?

Fox News has now crossed another line, and if any reprisals against Muslims come about because of their “reporting” Senator’s Leiberman’s blind and STUPID fallacy over the Fort Hood shootings as a “Islamic terrorist act”, I condemn Fox News and believe they can be held accountable for inciting violence against the Muslim religion. Is there a legal issue here?

Michelle answers:

The fact that he was an Islamic fanatic and may well be linked to a terrorist group, should put them in the clear.

Robert asks…

What programs like Fox news and talk radio need to be censored by government ?

Fox News , Glenn Beck , Rush Limbaugh , Sean Hannity . Are there many more ?

Michelle answers:

Yes, that’s the only to silence dissent from your political opponents, just like Hitler and Chavez did.

Congratulations you Democrat fascist.

Betty asks…

Why Do people think that Fox News has anything that remotely resembles News?

I know that it calls itself News but it is mostly reactionary editorial opinion based talk. It would be the same as if shows like Jerry Springer called themselves an educational program.
The people there have a total lack of understanding of journalism and how to research, report and study issues they talk about.

Sadly on cable news we have Fox news on the right, and MSNBC and the left, and CNN in the middle and they are incompetent. So there are truly very few accurate and reliable places to get good information.

Michelle answers:

People believe it is news because they(fox) are good at brainwashing people into believing the Conservative/racist propoganda they are saying is actual news. There are soo many examples of Fox news lying, alterning videos/news/photos, making small details about Democrats seem like major deals(they made it seem that since Obama was raised a muslim that he is clearly unfit to be president), and sending “fear-news” to Americans by overexagerating smaller stories.

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