Your Questions About Fox News

Mandy asks…

Why do liberals think all conservatives listen to Rush and Fox news?

Only about 20 million people listen to Rush Limbaugh. The rest of us think he is a blowhard who will agree with anything any conservative in power says or does,and disagree to the same degree with any democrat. We believe this because it is mostly true, and we like to think for ourselves. And fox news is regarded as nearly the same. Do you not realize that we watch fox and then cnn and the others because we want all sides of a story and then decide the truth for ourselves? That’s why the others do so much better, because liberals don’t watch fox. Try it sometimes, you may realize that you don’t agree with anyone in news or radio completely, and this is as it should be. If we all would think for ourselves, maybe the world would be a better place. Okay, maybe not the world, but at least our country.

Michelle answers:

You know you’re actually right. I did think that. It’s nice to hear that it’s not true. Though I do watch fox news sometimes to get the “other” perspective. The biggest problem I have with fox is that their conservative bias is much greater than CNN and other media’s liberal bias, yet they try to pass themselves off as “fair and balanced” or “we report, you decide.”

David asks…

How ironic that FOX news is claiming one of the reasons Obama won was due to “media bias”?

I’m not saying that media bias does not exist, but isn’t FOX News saying this pretty much the pot calling the kettle black?

Michelle answers:

Fox’s argument seems to amount to “How dare the rest of the media focus on facts!”

Note to Fox: When a candidate says, on tape, that 47% of the population doesn’t exercise personal responsibility, that is not a gaff. That is insight into what a candidate actually thinks. Focusing on the news organization that released it, calling it ‘left leaning’ doesn’t alter the fact that Romney said what he said.

William asks…

Why would Obama not interview with Fox News but would sit down with Iran and Cuba’s leadership?

Why? Is Fox News worse than Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?

It a little whacked out when he’d openly meet with a Muslim Fundamentalist with no pre-conditions and not with a Domestic News Organization under any circumstances.

Why would be be so afraid of Fox ?

Michelle answers:

Obama speaks of “hope” & “change” but he’s a bit, light shall we say, on specifics.

He knew Fox would make him look like the dolt that he really is, as they aren’t the pep-rally, touchy-feely style of CNN, but rather; they ask the tough questions, and keep asking till they get a real answer.

Ken asks…

how would you capitalize fox news when writing it in a sentence?

do you write it? Is it FOX NEWS, FOX News, or Fox News?

What is the capitalization rule?

Michelle answers:

Fox News

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