Steven asks…
Why are cons so mad that Media Matters is attempting to make Fox News illegitimate?
When Fox News has been calling everybody but themselves the “mainstream media” who can’t be trusted and has a liberal bias. Just sounds like the shoe is on the other foot now and you don’t like being attacked by a corporate news machine. (We didn’t like it either)
I’m always amazed that cons don’t see that they start MOST of these fights.
Michelle answers:
A recent comprehensive study by UCLA political scientist Tim Groseclose and University of Missouri-Columbia economics professor Jeffrey Milyo found Special Report — Fox’s most straightforward news show — more centrist than any of the three major networks’ evening newscasts, all of which are liberal.
The program is a model of smart news television.
William asks…
Why did FOX NEWS suspend the contracts of former congressmen Gingrich and Santorum?
..I mean, doesn’t FOX NEWS know that nothing can really harm those two , except garlic and holy water?
Michelle answers:
Fox ended their contracts because these people will be campaigning for president.
Robert asks…
Can a left winger respond without referencing Rush or Fox news?
Every fact not convenient to the left can’t be a Fox news lie. I mean the rightys here don’t continuously attack comedy skits and they are by far the lefts most effective communications tool.
Michelle answers:
Because without their party’s talking points they have nothing to say
Chris asks…
Why Does Everyone on Fox News Seems Uptight, Angry & Unable to Listen to Any Opinions Outside Their Own?
Is it just the style of the show, or is this how all these people actually are in reality? I just can’t relate to the ignorance these people embody & it frightens me that there could be a greater majority of people who are like-minded to these “news” reporters. I’m not afraid of terrorists, I’m afraid of fox news!
-Coming from a Canadian.
Michelle answers:
I agree with everyone on Fox News, so I don’t consider everyone on Fox news uptight, angry, or unable to listen to any opinions outside their own. Everyone I have seen on Fox News is always ready to listen to others’ opinions; but, they don’t have to agree with them.
Fox News wants people to be cognizant of what is going on in the world, to think, analyze. As a teacher, I want my students to be aware of what has gone on in the world, and what is now going on.
My children are in their forties; but, my grandchildren and great-grandchildren are from the ages of 28 to eight months. I don’t want my children, grandchildren, or great-grandchildren to be “swayed” by “opinion”–I want them to hear everyone. I, and my children, have the “right” to agree or disagree. America is still a great country!
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