Helen asks…
Why is Fox News still covering their far right propaganda even with a hurricane hitting the east coast?
I mean give credit to the other networks sacrificing their time to cover and informing the viewers about the hurricane that can threaten millions of lives. I turn to Fox News and there still airing there far right bias coverage of the election.
Michelle answers:
To be fair, FOX has kind of talked about it. And believe me, if ANYONE dies, they will be talking non-stop about how Obama is the worst president ever when it comes to natural disasters.
Sandra asks…
Is Fox News a TV show with actors, or is it a real news channel?
I’ve been watching Fox News for some time now, and there’s no way this could be real news. Is it a TV show or something? How many seasons has this been going on for?
Michelle answers:
Actually I have FOX “news” to thank. I was a registered Republican and voted almost a straight party line until about 6 years ago, I’m 60, so I’d been a Republican for many years. I started watching FOX news several years ago. In the beginning it was different than it became later. I started hearing people on FOX saying outrageous things. But it wasn’t just that, it was they seldom if ever had any facts to back up what they were saying. It was when I started seeing Bush as a real buffoon for myself, that I started questioning the legitimacy of FOX as news, because they supported him hook, line and sinker. So I started watching other cable chanels and found MSNBC to be extreme and seem to make fun of the other side as much as the other side had begun makin fun of them. I did find CNN to be more center and seemed to have both sides of the stories they presented. When opinion shows were on, it was made clear it was opinion.
So, it was FOX news that caused me to register as an Independent instead of as a Republican. I can say that I did that none-to-soon. I’ve been appalled at the stance the far right has taken, I’ve been horribly sick-at-heart to see the debauchery, bigotry, and just plain ignorance, or maybe just people who really believe if they say something, even untruths, enough, it will become true. I’m frightened for this country that I love, for the Constitution I deeply respect, and for the respect of the Presidency, no matter who it is.
Ken asks…
How can we outlaw radical propaganda machines like Fox News?
I’m not sure a boycott would work as most Revolutionaries don’t watch it. If Glenn Beck had an “accident” would the rest of Fox News get the idea? We can’t have these disloyal people spreading lies about our President.
Michelle answers:
Well that is what obama’s idol hugo does!!!!
Donald asks…
Should I start listening to Fox news and Rush?
I generally get all my news online, from major news outlets, but every time I read everything and reach a logical conclusion, I respond to something using this logic and the strangest thing happens.
People keep saying, “You must get your information from Fox News and Rush” or something to that effect. Are they that much smarter than the Liberals? It sounds like I don’t really need to listen to them, as I can use congestive reasoning myself, but maybe they should.
Michelle answers:
FOX isn’t perfect, or ideal, but are proven to be much less biased than MSNBC and (slightly less) than CNN. I would recommend that you get a nice, even distribution of FOX and CNN (news, not opinion shows,) if you intend to use televised sources as your primary source for news.
I wouldn’t recommend Rush as I’m not a fan of him, but you listen and decide for yourself.
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