Nancy asks…
Why do libs think that if you disagree with President Hussein that you watch Fox News?
Why can’t they recognize that I can render my own opinion about their messiah based on his actions? I choose not to watch Fox news and for some reason I can’t watch Keith Olbermann any more.
Michelle answers:
You’re right it’s just that Fox does everything they can to discredit Obama and the Dems that it seems a lot of the questions on here are Fox talking points
Sandra asks…
How fair and balanced is Fox News really?
Everytime I’ve tuned into it, I’ve seen mostly a conservative bias and a lot of misinformation. MSNBC seems to have a mostly liberal bias. Do you think that Fox News is fair and balanced/why? Do you think MSNBC has a liberal bias/why?
Michelle answers:
Fox is so biased, it isn’t even journalism. They are an advertisment for the extreme right. I haven’t seen news based on facts on Fox in years.
MSNBC seems pretty moderate.
Jenny asks…
How come liberals always complain about fox news?
they seem to always complain about the same thing either asking questions about fox news or making fun of sarah palin shouldn’t they come up with a new talking point?
Michelle answers:
Because they have nothing else they just repeat what they hear keith olberman say or Jon Stewart and repeat it on here thinking they sound intellectual when they are just ignorant.
Helen asks…
Is Fox News just a different division of the same machine that also controls MSNBC?
I’ve watched Fox News from the beginning. I’ve listened to Rush, Beck, Hannity and Levin for years, but it is becoming clearer that they are part of the same machine that controls all the mainstream media. Dividing ‘we the people’ is the ultimate goal of the central bankers that own both sides to keep our attention away from the man behind the curtain.
Is Fox News just a different flavor of the same poison that controls both sides?
Michelle answers:
In a way. The way I understand it Neocon Rupert Murdoch Owns and controls Fox. “listen to the documentary outfoxed” Http://
And MSNBC is 49% owned by GE which has connections to the Former CEO Jeffrey Immelt who is now CFO of the US Cabinet. So the Liberal Media is controlled by the current administration on this channel
Since I see little difference between Progressive MSNBC and Neo Conservative Fox they are definitely establishment and I wouldn’t consider either one credible
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