Donald asks…
Why are Fox News viewers so paranoid and negative?
I tune in from time to time and no matter who’s on, someone is saying something negative. And it’s not just about politics, it’s about EVERYTHING.
Does fox news exist to entertain their viewer’s paranoia?
Or do their viewers get paranoid and negative from watching?
Michelle answers:
I watch CNN most of the time, so I’m not a regular Fox News viewer.The reason Fox News claims to be fair and balanced is because it sees the rest of the media as liberal, so they think if their news was more conservative (in a way), the news in entire would be fair and balanced in their opinion.
Lisa asks…
What does the Arabs have to do with Fox News and Rupert Murdoch?
i keep hearing people say Fox News is owned by the Arabs and stuff, did Arabs buy a lot of news corp. stocks or something? I don’t get it.
Michelle answers:
The second largest stakeholder in News Corporation after Murdoch himself is an Arab prince, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal.
David asks…
Why does Fox News have so many medicine commercials?
I was watching Fox News today for the first time in months. And… I saw an average of three medicine commercials per break. Why do they do that.
Michelle answers:
Prescription drug companies are big with donations to conservative groups & Fox is a very conservative company, as is its owner.
The fact that old people use meds a lot & old people are a big part of Fox’s viewing public could have something to do with it, too. You don’t see First Alert ads or laxative ads on MTV nearly as much, right?
Chris asks…
Why do you think the liberals attack Fox News so much and try to discredit it?
I personally believe that they are offended by Fox News because they actually report news, and don’t attack people like Rush Limbaugh, or report the news with a one sided slant on it like the Drive By Media does.
Michelle answers:
Well, the answer is because most Liberals do not know they are Liberals. So much of what we see and hear at school, in movies, on TV shows, on News shows, on blogs, at Hollywood awards shows, etc. Is the Liberal point of view, a lot of people assume it is the mainstream point of view. But it isn’t.
The proof is that these people love to ridicule Conservatives, criticize Conservatives shout down Conservatives, throw pies at Conservatives etc. But they never debate Conservatives. When talk shows on TV debate issues they usually have two or three Liberals as well as a Liberal host against one Conservative. There is also no fact checker to see if what either is saying is based in fact.
I would relish the chance to have such a debate. See the link below.
It is some of the Conservative philosophy directly from a proven Conservative. Not filtered through any Liberal telling you what he is saying.
See if you agree or disagree with the Conservative Point of View. You may be surprised at how much you actually agree with.
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