Joseph asks…
Religious folks, how do you feel about FOX news constantly disrespecting Obama every night?
Are you a secret racist openly opposed to racism therefore he’s clearly a socialists ergo FOX news is correct .
Or are you a rational humanist who see’s FOX news as a biased political organization far from being fair and balanced ? Every night disrespecting our leader ?
How have you been trained to think ?
Michelle answers:
I have to peek in on them on occasion just to see what they are up to, but its painful to watch because if those folks represent white men y’all look like pure freaks nowadays and it makes me sick ashamed of my white side. Gingrich’s fat white cheeks hanging down to his belly flapping his ugly mouth like a gluttonous pig ,they are scared to death they might have to give up a little of their riches and power to sustain our world..They are petrified of Obama , it shows, and it looks sick evil and white..
Then we have freedom of speech and I’m all for that.
Sharon asks…
Do you think Hannity an Colmes are running a smear campaign against Obama on Fox News?
I seen an hour long special tonight of outright lies and distortions about Obama, I found it to be very unbalanced media. I am curious how fox news benefits from Obama not being president, have the rich people of the fox networks worked out a deal with Mccain hmmmm.
Michelle answers:
The smear campaign that Fox News as a whole is running right now is so obvious. Just listen to the opinions/side comments the reporters on the channel inject into just about everything they are reporting about Obama.
“Fair and Balanced” my ass!
It’s even worse now that election day is nearing and McCain is falling farther and farther behind Obama. Fox News is looking more desperate every day. It’s sad really.
John asks…
Exactly what did someone on Fox News say or do that incited violence?
Exactly what did someone on Fox News that was a lie?
I keep hearing so much about how Fox lies and how Fox incites violence, but I need some details.
Michelle answers:
The only violence inciting ive seen recently is by democrats putting crosshairs on a photo of Gov Walker of wisconsin.
Susan asks…
Are you watching closely the war on terror and Fox news for the next Bin laden terror tape updates?
All we can do is watch fox news until the war on terror is over!!!
Fox news watcher
Michelle answers:
After all the false footage shown on Fox News lately I wouldn’t trust them if they said they had Bin Laden captured in the back room and led him out.
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