Your Questions About Fox News

Ruth asks…

Do you have any predictions on what Fox News will get white middle America fired up about next?

Recently Fox News got Conservative, white middle America fired up about the poet Common, who most of them probably had never heard of until recently.

Any idea of what will be next?

Michelle answers:

I really don’t understand the issue that is going on with common. I listen to his music, what did he do to upset someone, if nothing than why is it a big deal that he visited the whitehouse?

David asks…

What are the names of the liberal commentators who regularly appear on “fair and balanced” Fox News?

Since Fox News is “fair and balanced,” I assume that they give approximately equal time to both liberal and conservative commentary.

Sean Hannity is on for an hour every day. Glenn Beck is on for an hour every day. Bill O’Reilly is on for an hour every day. Each one of those men is clearly conservative.

What are the names of the liberal commentators who have hour long shows on Fox, thus making the network “fair and balanced”?
For example, Pat Buchanan regularly appears as a commentator on MSNBC.

Michelle answers:

Umm *thinking* Uhhhh lets see here…gee, i dont there is one.

Englishman in kentucky, MSNBC has conservative commenators..joe schoborough, pat buchanan, and some other people I can’t remember their n ames.

Robert asks…

Is the snubbing of Fox News his part of reaching out to the other side of the aisle with Republicans?

Obama claims to be someone who would work with Republicans and reach out to the other side. Yet he refuses to do any interviews with Fox News or any other news media that wants to ask him hard questions.

Michelle answers:

You make an excellent point. Obama has no track record of bipartisan efforts. Therefore, I don’t expect anything he does to be bipartisan. Sad, but true.

“Reaching across the isle” is merely a sales pitch to gain votes and nothing more.

A strong candidate would have no problem with all the major news outlets reporting and that includes FOX. Obama’s clear avoidance of FOX makes him look weak. I mean, even Hillary wasn’t afraid to take the pundits at FOX on; and she did it beautifully.

Thomas asks…

What is the FOX news position on the Arizona immigration law?

on one hand, I can see why they would want the law (I want the law too), but on the other hand the Arizona law is intened to slow down illegal aliens from invading…which would hurt corporate profits and put americans out of work and depress their wages.

So how is FOX news dealing with this little catch 22?

Michelle answers:

Oh come now everyone knows that none of the news organizations have positions on these topics. They merely report on the various topics in the news in a highly non partisan and thoroughly objective manner. They merely report the facts so the electorate can form their own conclusions thus making them enlightened voters. ‘None’ of the news organizations are biased. You have a good day now

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