Your Questions About Fox News

Susan asks…

What is a good counter argument to a liberal who slams Fox news?

I have this annoying relative who is a liberal and won’t shut up. He was trying to convince me not to watch fox news because it’s biased.

Whats a good way to get the message across that I like their reporting and that maybe I prefer their orientation to the liberal BS of ABC, NBC and, CBS?

Michelle answers:

You can’t reason with him – just say ok, i’ll try watching another station – he’s looking for a fight, don’t give in to the temptation

Thomas asks…

How come FOX is so liberal, whereas FOX News is so conservative?

It doesn’t make sense to me how FOX can be so liberal, and FOX News is so conservative. How is that even possible? Shows like Family Guy and Futurama love to make fun of Bill O’Reilly and GWB and most conservatives and their ideologies, but how can they let that happen if it’s denouncing their other company. I just don’t understand it. NBC is liberal. Shows like 30 Rock made fun of conservatives, and MSNBC is liberal. That makes sense to me, one branch of a company NOT denouncing the other. FOX News once sued FOX because Family Guy said something about them. How is this possible? Did the owners of FOX not foresee that problems would emerge when your company literally hates itself?

Michelle answers:

I see what you are saying: How can Fox satirize O’Reilly et al when it might reduce the audience for these “newsmen.” My take is that each of these shows, including the news shows, are filling niches, which for the most part cater to viewers who don’t overlap, and each of which shows makes lots of loot. Someone on “Family Guy” saying Sean Hannity is a dork, won’t keep the Hannity core audience from watching him, even in the unlikely event that they saw the “Family Guy” episode.

Lisa asks…

When people quote Fox News as their source for anything, does their argument automatically lose credibility?

It is easy to see Fox News supports one ideology and is supported by those ideologists. Is that a vicious circle that leaves the disciples of FNC without alternating viewpoints to ponder?

Michelle answers:

That is because Fox News is not the most accurate source out there.

Mandy asks…

Without Fox News would democracy even be possible in America?

The left would rule with absolute impunity. Fox gets ALL the criticism for their bias, but every media source is biased (to the left of course).

A critical media is a prerequisite of democracy. Without Fox News the media at large would only be critical of the republicans thus handing election after election to the democrats.

Michelle answers:

Fox and talk radio and the internet… So far are allowing us to push back against the state.

However, Obama said that Fox isn’t a news station and the liberals keep trying for the fairness doctrine and EVERTHING we do on the internet Obama’s NSA is watching…

Big Brother is here and RINOs are helping him do it… John McCain anyone?

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