Your Questions About Fox News

Thomas asks…

Do you have to be a conservative republican to work at fox news and isn’t that discrimination?

Does fox news only hire conservative republicans and how would you prove that on their job interview?

Michelle answers:

I don’t think they have to be republican but they have to be conservative or willing to play to Fox news’ agenda to bash the left.

Sandy asks…

Could there be a connection between the definition of fox and the agenda of the Fox News channel?

If you google ‘define fox‘ and click on web definitions of fox, you’ll discover a definition that is quite interesting, atleast to me it’s interesting. The definition for fox is a dodger: a shifty deceptive person. Many people refuse to watch Fox News, do you believe there could be a connection?

Michelle answers:

While ironic, I doubt that particular meaning of fox was what they wanted to associate with. Foxes are also often associated with cleverness, cunning, subtlety, and sometimes used to describe beautiful women.

(I think your question is just fine where it is)

Maria asks…

Does any media outlet spend as much time and space talking about other media outlets as Fox News?

I watch Fox News and CNN regularly, and I’ve noticed that Fox News spends a lot of time talking about how other media cover the news, while CNN doesn’t so much. I figure this must be part of Fox News marketing strategy, slandering its competitors in order to solidify the loyalty of its own viewers. Do other media outlets do this, like MSNBC, or just the conservative ones, like Fox News?

Michelle answers:

Try this…

Charles asks…

How do I become a Fox News Contributor?

I don’t know where on the internet to look for becoming a Fox News Contributor so I can become a sponsor and to express my political views. When Sara Palin became a Contributor to the Fox News I certainly like to know what the steps are.

Michelle answers:

You can email them directly:

Or check their Contact page:,2933,77538,00.html

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