Helen asks…
What do you think the percentage is of viewers who watch Fox News just to get a good laugh?
This question clearly doesn’t need any more explanation… I personally would estimate that a whopping 30% of all viewers are laughing hysterically every time they flip over to Faux News. I find it to be inconceivable that Americans are that dumb as to believe that bs. Apart from their ridiculous pr campaign that 911 wasn’t an inside job and that we really need to be occupying Afghanistan/Iraq, Fox News actually supports evil corporations like Monsanto and Merck.
Michelle answers:
Someone has to cater to the extremely frightened and ignorant. Fox Noise is an infotainment channel driven solely by profit at the whim of Rupert Murdock. They recycle the opinions of their talking gasbags – Beck, Hannity and OReilly, using the statisics these idiots create to support their theories and present this moronic blather as fact on their news programs.
And they provide a substantial amount of material to The Daily Show and The Colbert Report on Comedy Central. And those shows are funny on purpose!
Lisa asks…
Why does Fox News Channel use a question mark after every headline?
If they are reporting factual, real news, why does Fox News Channel put a question mark after every headline? Has anyone else ever noticed this? It seems like they are creating “fake” news by making every news story a question….
Michelle answers:
Fox news is more about entertainment than news, flashy graphics, punchy slogans – and ‘We’ll be back after these message!’ For real news you should check out independent journalist such as John Pilger and Amy Goodman.
Democracy Now is an excellent news program.
Laura asks…
Doesnt it seem like the Fox News channel spins the news to back the Republican Party?
i was watching the Fox News and they say they are fair and balanced but it seems like they just are hating on Democrats all the time? Am i wrong because this was the first time i watched the Fox News.
I moved to America from Amesterdam a week ago thats why i have never watched it.
Michelle answers:
I used to watch fox news but in the pass couple year ago they seem like is not about news anymore, it’s like the official republican party channel now, they suxs big time.
Sandy asks…
I mean I’ve seen such hatred on here for Fox news. Yet in the only true form of MEASUREMENT of success-the ratings-they dominate. Since CBS/ ABC/NBC used to have a monopoly on news content in pre-cable days-are they frustrated because their relevance has been minimized? Or is it the far less watched CNN and MSNBC hoping to gain ratings by bashing FOX???
Can any of the accusers present evidence of falsehoods on Fox news?
Michelle answers:
Well, I’m pretty sure American Idol crushes Fox News in the ratings. That doesn’t make American Idol a more legitimate source of accurate news or information.
They get hate because they are a blatantly dishonest organization. They claim to be a news organization, but studies have shown that people who get their their news from Faux know less about the news than people who don’t watch any news at all.
That means Faux News is spreading falsehoods/lies/progaganda/misinformation, which is the opposite of what news is supposed to do.
Fox News gets bashed because they are a crappy organization with a shoddy product.
EDIT – Google “Fox News Lies List” – that should occupy you for the next decade. Here’s a very basic one – when covering the very, very peaceful protests at Wisconsin capitol, while trying to portray the protestors as violent radicals, they ran footage of an unruly mob with fights breaking out. Problem with the footage was that there aren’t palm trees in Madison Wisconsin – they ran footage of a TEA PARTY rally in California while trying to portray the liberal protestors as thugs. You don’t get much more dishonest than that.
– Here’s a new one. A Fox News “reporter” claimed there were allegations of “Micky Mouse” and “Adolf Hitler” being on Governor Walker recall petitions. Utterly false. Expect to hear those phony claims repeated here, ad nauseum
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