Your Questions About Fox 23

Jenny asks…

Is it more apropo for a young American man or our controllers to obsess over bringing an Asian baby to the USA?

That is part of the theme of a movie called “Gigantic” about a young American man in his early twenties who says he has been obsessed with adopting a Chinese baby ever since he could remember. Does this strike you as very odd, because it sounds like blatant social engineering for globalization and destruction of American culture for the benefit of our Zionist controllers

Michelle answers:

Works for me…my idea of an asian baby is a 23 year old female drop dead fox that will rock my boat…

Susan asks…

At what age to cats live to?

My cat is 10 this april, she has had a great life so far, although she did get attacked by a fox and had to have a little bit of the end of her tongue off and has 8 stitches in her leg muscle from the bite.
Since this she has been still the same old tiffany but i was wondering if fhis will effect her as she ages?

Michelle answers:

Cat life spans vary greatly. Indoor cats live significantly longer. Sometimes as much as twice as long. A homeless cat usually lives about a year before it is killed by disease, a wild animal, car, person, etc.
Some cats, no matter how well you take care of them, are just not healthy and may only live to be 5-10 if they develop cancer, lymphoma or kidney problems. They can be very delicate. Other cats can live into their twenties if they are indoor only and well cared for. The oldest cat on record was around 35!

I’ve had and worked with dozens of cats in rescue work. I’ve seen cats die at 4 years due to FIV, but I’ve also had cats that live to be around 20. My oldest was about 23. In my experience, a healthy, indoor cat should live to at least 18 easily and still be playful and active.

I don’t know if the attack you described will shorten your cat’s life or not, but being outside definitely can. She could be exposed to FIP, FIV, leukemia, rabies, cruel humans, vehicles, poisons, traps, bigger animals, etc. If you want her to live a longer life, she’d need to be cared for indoors before she suffers from another traumatic attack! I feel really sorry for her having to go through that fox attack. I love my cats far, far too much to expose them to that kind of danger.

Lizzie asks…

Fox News: Online scams have almost doubled in the past year?

Online internet scams are on the rise now more than ever.
The biggest victims are the young and the elderly.
The biggest rise in scams are work at home sites and debt consolidation sites.
Please yahoo users – be careful – this is serious.

Michelle answers:

I assume this is because of the economy. People are taking advantage of the economic crisis that we are in. Its really sad now. There are A LOT of online scams. However, there are a few in which are legit. Please dont mark this as spam, because this really does work.

Well, one day I stumbled on to a little thread. It was titled: Making money online. I was bored and curious as to what this would say. I read of this site called Cashcrate and how it was the most recommended for making money online. When I first read this, I was thought like most other people do, that Cashcrate is a scam. However, I saw that this site is a recommended website. So I did some research. I looked all over the web, Yahoo! Answers, Yahoo! Search, Google Search and Youtube. I did this research for a month. Then by the end of the month, I came to the conclusion that this site is indeed a legit site. So I signed up. The next month, I got a check for $23.05. While I was doing my research, I thought where I would put the money. Then I thought that I would just save it. So I deposited into my savings and there was no problems and no questions asked. I recommend this site for people who just want to put a little extra money in their pockets. I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS SITE TO REPLACE YOUR JOB! There are some people that make $100 but they spend alot of time on this site.

Link: http:// cashcrate .com/922152

^^remove the space. The numbers in the end just lets Cashcrate know that I referred you.

They also have a forum. Users on this forum are very friendly and will help answer questions on anything you have.

Now if you still dont believe what I say, do your own research. You will find that this site is the most legit.

*To Joe* Well I do get a reward for a referral.

William asks…

When I try to go on Youtube it wont load the website?

I got all the lastest java and flash player,but it just blank when i try to go to it.I use Fire Fox

Michelle answers:


don’t bother downloading and re-installing the latest Flash over and over and over again.
You will get absolutely nowhere doing that, because that is only adding to the problem.

There can really be only 3 possibilities:
? Something’s wrong with YouTube
? Something’s wrong with your cache
? Something’s wrong with Flash 10

Your problem might fix itself in a few hours, or the next day,
because YouTube actually shuts down a lot of their servers
every day without telling anyone, (in order to update things).
On those occasions, it’s really YouTube’s transmissions of
“JavaScript” and “Flash” which are poor, not your reception
of it. This in turn creates “time-out” or “run-time” errors that
give that message. Hit “F5”, click “Refresh”, or click “Back”
and then “Forward”.

If the next day YouTube is still displaying that awful “JS/FP”
message, maybe your “temporary internet files” and cache
memory are full, and can’t take anymore. The result: videos
can’t even begin to buffer.

“Temporary internet files” are 1000s of tiny bits of websites
put on your hard-drive. They’ll stay there forever, and slowly
plug up your computer – (like hair slowly clogs a sink drain)
until you get rid of them. Otherwise, one day your YouTube
will suddenly be “stuck”.

Because your computer now has such little space in which
to “cache” a video, YouTube will mistakenly think that your
Java Script “run-time environment” or “buffer overflow” is off,
or that your player is older than “FLASH 7”.

The solution to all that is to exit YouTube (but not your web
browser), then clear your “cache” of all its “TIFs”, “cookies”
and “history”. (See below.) After that, shutdown and reboot.

Watching YouTube vids hasn’t changed in the past 2 years.
(Believe it or not, you can still use “Flash 8” if you’d like to).
The newer Flash players are giving many YouTubers plenty
of grief — particularly since there are 11 different “Flash 10s”.
It’s nuts that there is 10.0.525, 10.0.576, 10.1.218, 10.2.26,
10.2.54, 10.12.10, 10.12.36, 10.15.3, 10.22.87, 10.23.1, as
well as the most recent 10.32.18.

Most updates are good for only 1 thing:…Software conflicts.
I’ve never strayed away from 9.47, and many “flashers” use
9.45 still. Think of them as Windows XP compared to Vista.
Look at what the Asker said after this Best Answer of mine:
If that seems interesting to you, here is the appropriate link:

Note 1: if you’ve got an “Accelerator”, dump it, burn it, rip it,
kick it, trash it, disable it, uninstall it…get as far away from
it as possible. There are some “Ad Block” and “Messenger”
programs that also conflict with YouTube.

Note 2: some longer videos may need “Shockwave” to play

Note 3: a very odd fix that once worked for me was altering
the URL from “” to simply “”.

Note 4: if you downloaded Flash, did you actually install it?
If you have Firefox or IE 8, did you enable all their add-ons?

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