Your Questions About Food Network

George asks…

Where can I find tickets to a live cooking show in Florida?

Such as any food network star like Emeril Lagasse? Is there any website i can look at?

Michelle answers:

Sorry- Food Network does not film here in Orlando. Emril has two restaurants here but he does not live or film here. Occasionally a show is filmed at Universal Studios (like Ellen DeGeneres) or Disney (like the now defunt Wayne Brady) but no regular cooking shows. I’m sorry- I wish there was more filmed here.

Maria asks…

Is parchment paper the same as wax paper?

I am making some cookies I saw on Food Network and it says to use parchment paper. All I have is wax paper will that do?

Michelle answers:

No, parchment paper is designed for cooking. It works great on cookies. Don’t use the wax paper. Wait until you get parchment paper.

Michael asks…

can you use a stovetop grill on an electric burner?

On Food Network they are always using a stove top grill but they use gas cooking, does it work on electric ranges?

Michelle answers:

I would not recommend it. Electric stovetops themselves are etremely inconvienient. They heat unevenly. So when you put the stovetop grill on it, it will be heated unevenly. Serious cooks use gas grills, though they are difficult to maintain, but its television. So good luck.

Daniel asks…

Is my Cheesecake supposed to have lots of air bubbles before I put it in the oven?

I’m making “The ultimate cheesecake” recipe found on the food network. I’m wondering why there are so many air bubbles. I don’t remember it being like that the last time I made it. The surface was a lot smoother. How will it affect the taste and overall appearance? Please, anyone.
Will the cheesecake still taste good? Will there be any cracks? Those are my main concerns.

Michelle answers:

It sounds like you whipped it a little too much so it incorporated air. This will not affect the taste. It might crack some, but who cares. After all, it will still be delicious cheesecake! Put fruit or chocolate shavings or a sweetened sour cream layer over the top if the crack bothers you once it’s cooled.

If you haven’t baked it yet, tap it on the counter to pop some of the bubbles or use a toothpick to pop them.

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