Sharon asks…
Internet explorer or Mozilla Firefox?
Which one do you prefer?
I like Firefox way better than Internet Explorer.
Michelle answers:
1. Because internet explorer is junk.
2. Firefox is awesome
3. Internet explorer is not supported on linux.
I actually like Opera as well.
William asks…
How to fix Firefox shadow rendering?
Ok so firefox doesn’t support image shadows from iweb and renders them improperly. Is there a way to set shadows off if the browser is firefox but keep shadows on for safari, IE, and chrome?
You can see what i mean at my site if you load it in firefox.
Michelle answers:
My Firefox supports image shadows. It’s just not as pronounced as in IE, but the shadow is there.
New developer features in Firefox 3.5:
Donna asks…
Google Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer?
Google Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer? & why?
Michelle answers:
Google Chrome or Firefox (depending on your personal preferences). Not IE because it is the most insecure of all browsers and it does not support or follow the Internet Standards (scoring 20% on the acid test versus the 72% from Firefox and 100% from Chrome).
I would use Chrome if you need a fast, stable, and secure browser but nothing more. I would use Firefox if there are pluggins that you need to enhance your daily internet activity (such as web design, RSS feeder, Bit Torrent downloads, multiple search engines, etc.).
James asks…
What is better Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox?
What is better Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox?
Michelle answers:
Mozilla Firefox is better for me. It has a built in spellchecker to check your spelling, more faster, safer, better secured, tweak-able than IE, and add-ons. Firefox and its add-ons are free.I do like the WOT add-on, for example, because the add-on make sure the site doesn’t contain a virus, malware, or anything. WOT block sites and popups they deem a poor reputation. I use Firefox on both my Vista laptop and XP desktop. I also use Firefox at school. No problems at all. I don’t use IE much besides sites requiring IE or Windows Updates. Besides that, Firefox all the way.
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