Your Questions About Firefox

Lizzie asks…

Latest version of Firefox?

What is the most latest version of Mozilla Firefox.

Example: Firefox 3.0.4

Michelle answers:

FireFox 3.0.4:

Hope that helps.

Jenny asks…


Hoe can I make my Firefox portable?
(With all my extensions themes history cookies etc…)
In a disk-on-key

Michelle answers:

Mozilla Firefox®, Portable Edition is the popular Mozilla Firefox web browser bundled with a Launcher as a portable app, so you can take your bookmarks, extensions and saved passwords with you.

Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Robert asks…

difference between firefox and internet explorer browser?

what is the differnece betweent Internet explorer and Firefox?

Michelle answers:

Firefox is safer with better script blocking. Firefox does not recognise the silly Microsoft ActiveX, so it is totally resistant to those security problems. Use Firefox for browsing and searching to keep your computer safe.

Internet Explorer seems to be slightly faster. But use it only on known websites, and of course, to download Windows Updates and such.

Good luck.

Thomas asks…

FireFox V.S. Internet Explorer.?

Who would win in a fight?

I vote FireFox!

Michelle answers:

FireFox would win in the long run. It is capable of so much more than IE is. FireFox is an Open Source program where anyone can use it and they can still add things on to it, where as IE is unable to do this. Also IE are more likely to attacks than is FireFox

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