Donald asks…
What is Firefox Aurora?
I was going to update my Firefox (I usually use Firefox Beta) but I saw this thing called Firefox Aurora & they basically put a ton of bullshit in the description, so do you use it or do you know what it is? Do you like it? Thanks 🙂
Michelle answers:
Firefox Aurora has additional features that haven’t been released yet in the beta version. That being said, the program is less stable and is more for people looking to help with bug reports and making the new Firefox updates. If you are just a typical internet surfer, I’d stick with Firefox Beta or the normal Firefox.
Lizzie asks…
Google Chrome vs. Mozilla Firefox?
Which is better, please specify.
1. SECURITY: Chrome or Firefox
2. PRIVACY: Chrome or Firefox
3. SPEED: Chrome or Firefox
4. MEMORY/RESOURCE: Chrome of Firefox
5. INTERFACE: Chrome or Firefox
6. FEATURES: Chrome or Firefox
7. COMPATIBILITY: Chrome or Firefox
Finally, which category is the most important to you. And overall, which would you choose. (Feel free to add another category/ies as well).
Thanks 🙂
Michelle answers:
Security: Firefox, without a doubt.
Privacy: I would say Firefox.
Speed: Chrome.
Memory/resource: Chrome is lighter on resources.
Interface: I prefer Firefox.
Features: Definitely Firefox, there is a wealth of add-ons for Firefox, there are none for Chrome.
Compatibility: I would say Firefox, as it is a close run thing.
Speed, but security is also important for me, Firefox is not much slower than chrome, and is more secure, so I would say get Firefox.
Ruth asks…
Why is firefox better than internet explorer?
What makes firefox better than internet explorer?
Michelle answers:
Firefox has less spam then internet and not much visual virus threats. Also its much..much in my beliefs safer then the internet. Firefox is a superior browser. Firefox has download manager. Pop up blocking, and tab browsing. Integrated Search Engine. Firefox is better it has a much faster response to your search engine. Mozilla Firefox is able to keep the html format when copying from a web page to a text file. For example, when copying html formatted text from a web page and pasting it on a note pad, the text copied using Mozilla Firefox keeps the format yet the text copied from IE doesn’t. Mozilla has a better security then internet explorer.
That are some reasons i think and are true, that proves Mozilla Firefox is better then Internet explorer. I am great full to help you if you need any questions you know how to contact me.
Robert asks…
Firefox vs. Internet Explorer?
Can you use firefox and internet explorer. Does firefox override IE.
Are firefox and other browsers that much better?
Michelle answers:
Firefox is not tightly integrated into the Windows sysstem the way IE is. Firefox is also available for Mac and Linux, and all platforms’ versions are updated at the same time. Firefox has fewer security vulnerabilities, tabbed browsing and additional features available through extensions.
Speaking of extensions, if you still have sites that require IE to work, you can simply install the IETab extension into Firefox, and have the best of both worlds.
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