Your Questions About Firefox

Sandy asks…

internet explore or firefox??

what web browser is faster internet explore or firefox ????????

Michelle answers:

FIREFOX!! Faster, better, more secure, modern day web standards, very few security leaks, and you know how your computers gets slow over time? Its because IE has all these security leaks that leak in bad crap. Ive been using firefox for as long as i remember and all 6 of my computers run like they’re brand new 🙂

Donna asks…

what is mozilla firefox ??????

what is mozilla firefox ?????????? and i am a mozilla firefox ?

Michelle answers:

YOU are not a mozilla firefox. Do you breathe fire? Mozilla firefox is one of a family of web browsers which got their start on UNIX and X-Windows with Mosaic, a college project co-created by Marc Andreessen. It was a graphics-based browser suite, which was experimental in those days. He managed to secure the rights and work it into a commercial product called netscape, which was immediately availble for UNIX and Linux — because the latter ran X-Windows too. Six months later it got ported over to Windows, and inspired Internet Explorer. Now two things happened over the next few years: first was IE of course — it came free with the OS. The second was more complex. Computers were evolving and in order to compete Netscape had to spend more on R&D than they were able to bring in. AOL bought them, but despite Open Sourcing this, as the Mozilla project, which brought in some Google funding, it proved one of the factors which brought them down too — the R&D costs. By 1998 it appeared moribund. Early in this century, the New Netscape finally appeared, from the Mozilla Project, as Mozilla, then two weeks later they released a surprise — the browser, not browser suite, called Mozilla Firefox. It turns out that what had held Mozilla up had been keeping it backward-compatible so what you had seen and done on the older netscapes would work properly on this one. One of the executives at Mozilla had given a sixteen-year-old intern the specs for just the browser component and told him to write a browser without worrying about backward compatibility. I don’t know that it took two weeks but he did it really quickly and people were soon so won over by it that Mozilla was discontinued in favor of a new Browser Suite called Seamonkey, which incorporated Firefox code into the browser segment, and the teenager got high paying jobs elsewhere. I don’t think he even has a formal degree but have no doubt he will get at least an honorary one.

There is more to it than that but that is what Firefox is — an OS-neutral web browser which was in essence born on UNIX which means it runs on Linux and is a repudiation of the idea that Linux has no software.

Thomas asks…

Can I use firefox?

I love using sbc yahoo dsl but I wanted to replace my old internet explorer with firefox.

Michelle answers:

Firefox is a free browser and you could use it. Both IE and firefox could be installed on 1 computer and utilized together and separately.

For example, I use IE right now for my online banking and Firefox for Yahoo answer =P

Donald asks…

Should I get Firefox?

I’m thinking about downloading Firefox, I have Internet Explorer, but now I want Firefox. The questions I have are, is it safe? (No viruses will come with it, right?) And what is so good about Firefox? What are your experiences with Firefox?

Michelle answers:

No firefox does not come with virus or any other junk as long as you download it from the main source. Internet explorer is attached to just about every program on your computer making it a prime target for hackers. Firefox is simply a web browser and does not go into your system the same way IE does so its safer to use. I find firefox useful because you can download add-ons to make your web browser better; for example I have firefox and downloaded Adblock Plus, it blocks all ads on the internet its really cool.

Download firefox here

Firefox add-ons can be found here

If you don’t want to download firefox then at least download Opera. Its another type of Web browser and its safer to use than internet explorer.

Download Opera here

Download Opera widgets here (add-ons)

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