Your Questions About Firefox

Nancy asks…

How do i make Firefox the default browser when i click the mail icon on Msn plus?

I have msn plus, and want firefox to start up when i click on the mail icon, instead of internet explorer. Help. Thanks.
I already made Firefox as my default browser, and it works when I click on links and things, but it just doesn’t work when I click the mail icon. =S

Michelle answers:

Go onto firefox and on the toolbar Tools>Internet options>Programs and there is a section called Default Web Browser. Change this and that should work

William asks…

Does the yahoo toolbar for Mozilla Firefox only allow you to add 2 personalized buttons? Can I add more?

Does the yahoo toolbar for Mozilla Firefox only allow you to add 2 personalized buttons? Can I add more like I can for the yahoo toolbar for IE?

Michelle answers:

Firefox Y! Toolbar allows up to a max of 2. Some people like the Firefox add-on Speed Dial. Take care.

Richard asks…

How do I close Firefox on a MAC without it crashing?

I own a MacBook running OSX Leopard. I have never been able to close Firefox without Force Quit. I press the red X and Firefox becomes unresponsive. There have been times when I have exited Firefox, left to go to work, returned in the afternoon and Firefox is still trying to close.

Is there something I am doing wrong? Can I change a setting?

Michelle answers:

First of all make sure that Your Firefox is UP-TO-DATE.


Now it’s 3.6.3 for Mac OS.

You can always delete Your old version and install new one because there aren’t any settings which are ‘crashing’ Firefox itself.

And btw. – when You press the red X You are just closing the windows, not whole Firefox… To quit whole program You need to press apple button + Q or just click right mouse button on dock icon and then ‘quit’.

If I were You I would export my bookmarks and delete Firefox. Then download new version, install it and import bookmarks.

I have Firefox on my MacBook and I don’t have any problems.

Good luck!

Joseph asks…

How come my website shows up on Firefox, but not on Internet Explorer 7?

I created a website and it shows in the firefox browser, but not on IE 7. Why is this happening?

Michelle answers:

Because, Internet Explorer SUCKS. It doesn’t support as many features as Firefox and the other browsers. This has happened to me before too…it’s retarded.

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