Steven asks…
How long does FedEx ground usually take?
If its coming from WA to GA through FedEx ground what is an estimate of how many days it takes to make it here? Thanks!
Michelle answers:
plug in the zip codes and it’ll give you an estimate time of arrival
when you’re tracking the parcel online, once it changes from “in transit” to “out for delivery” you will know its on the final package vehicle to your home
Ground M-F and HD Tues-Sat
James asks…
Since FedEx and UPS do the same thing, why should FedEx fall under the RLA and UPS under the NLRB?
It is amazing how FedEx tries to spin this. For years they have benefited from being covered by the RLA which doing the same thing as UPS.
It is amazing that they do not understand the origins or original reason for RLA. They should have never been included under it to begin with.
I hope Pelosi, Reed and Obama do the right thing and allow the people to have the opportunity for the representation they want.
Michelle answers:
To heck with FedEx. I hear they lost a friend’s friend’s friend’s kidney and did not fes up to their error due they were afraid of a lawsuit.
Ruth asks…
How long will it take for my fedex package to arrive?
I ordered a fedex package and it is coming tomorrow. The local fedex distribution facility (which is where it is now) is about 15 miles away from me. Im wondering how long it usually takes for a fedex truck to deliver something 15 miles away (while making other stops along the way).
I didnt have to pick a hourly package i picked a two day service
Michelle answers:
It depends on what type of service it has been sent under. Is it before 10AM? 12 Noon? 5PM?
Federal Express is generally reliable and they will generally deliver within the time frame you paid for. 10AM deliveries are delivered first thing. After that, 12noon deliveries. Then the rest.
Edit: chances are it will be delivered late in the afternoon.
George asks…
How much the Fedex Shipping from canada to philippines?
My friend buy me a 2 PS3 games… but he dont know how much is the shipping? He lives in canada and i live in Philippines…. so how much is the shipping rate for Fedex??
Michelle answers: has your answer
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