Your Questions About Fedex

Chris asks…

Will UPS and FedEx still deliver my packages if my street is blocked-off for the day?

I have 5 packages being shipped to me today – 3 from UPS and 2 from FedEx. My block is celebrating the Marines today, so it’s partially blocked-off. I live a house away from the corner, and was wondering if my packages would still make it to my door. It may be dependent on the delivery person, but there are police guarding the blockades, and maybe it’s possible they let the trucks through to complete the deliveries…?

Thanks for any info you might have!

Michelle answers:

It’s a possiblity, it all depends on the driver and the police like you said.

William asks…

I have sent my N400 to phoenix arizona address but the fedex delived it to tempe?

I sent my citizenship form N400 to the phoenix, Arizona location but fedex has delivered it to the tempe, Arizona.
Please let me know if this is right, or should i call fedex to resend it to phoenix, Arizona?

Michelle answers:


follow the above link, As of Jan 22, 2009. All N-400 applications have to be filed at the Lockbox facility which will then be sent to the National Benefits Center.

Is there any way for you to get the application back from the mail courier. And then you can mail it to the appropriate lockbox….

Thomas asks…

How do I find out if i need to sign for a package from Fedex?

I just recently ordered something on ebay and the seller is sending the package through Fedex.
Is there way to find out if i need to sign for the package.
Also is there a way to find out what the shipping speed is because it said in the shipping and handling section that it was going to be delivered through UPS Ground but its being delivered through Fedex instead.

Michelle answers:

Get the tracking number and call 800 463 3339 say customer rep.

Sharon asks…

Does the Fedex 3 day ship deliver on a Saturday?

Does the Fedex 3 day ship deliver on a Saturday?
I bought a phone from the company Tuesday night and i selected the FedEx 3 Day ship. 3 days from now would be Friday(tommorrow), it may need a day or so to actually make it to my house, but can it be delivered to my home on a Saturday, or will it come tommorrow.
Any information, is helpful thanks.

Michelle answers:

No. FedEx has an overnight service and a two service that deliver on Saturday, but the three day service delivers only during the week.

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