Sandy asks…
Is FedEx allowed to remove a delivery time?
So I’ve got a package coming from FedEx. I checked Yesterday and it said that the estimated delivery was going to be yesterday, April 2nd. It never came. So this morning i got up to check it again and they removed the estimated delivery. Can they do this?
Michelle answers:
Of course.
The estimated delivery time on is the time that they *actually* expect the package to be delivered – not the service guarantee time. Since it wasn’t delivered yesterday, obviously they don’t expect it to be delivered yesterday. That there’s no estimated delivery time listed at all means that they have a problem, and don’t know when they will get it to you. When they can make a new estimate, they’ll post it. (You can set the website to text you with updates, if you want)
Lisa asks…
What’s the difference between UPS and FedEx?
I’ve seen UPS and FedEx mail delivery trucks, but none others.
What’s the difference, if any, between the two?
On average, which has cheaper delivery costs and S&H
Which is more reliable? I want to mail a very fragile expensive Swarovski crystal figurine overseas and I need to that it’ll arrive safely and in perfect condition.
Michelle answers:
UPS can turn a brick into gravel. Use heavy padding in the box. Place it in another box with more padding. Not kidding. I’ve had a few broken items from FedEx as well but not as many as UPS.
To find which is cheaper simply visit both sites and use their shipping calculators. Enter a fake weight and destination. Compare the two costs.
Ruth asks…
How long does it take fedex to deliver?
Hello i live in umatilla oregon i order something from tacoma washington. Its about 4-5 hours away. How long does it take fedex to make a delivery from that distance
Michelle answers:
2 to 3 days. Will depend on when the shipper gets it to FedEx.
Susan asks…
Has anyone ever had a package they sent through FedEx show up as delay beyond our control?
I sent immigration papers for my husband through FedEx again and everything was fine until I tracked it and it says: Shipment exception-Delay beyond our control. What does this mean? The FedEx rep I talked to wasn’t very helpful and said it was probably weather. It’s 60 in Louisville where my papers are so I doubt it’s weather.
It’s actually going to Chicago and I looked again and saw it was in Memphis at 12:56am and then in Louisville with the delay message 6 minutes later. I’m so confused and super stressed out now.
Michelle answers:
Depending on where you sent it to, the weather could have messed it up. If the FedEx truck wasn’t in Louisville, it could have gotten stuck in some weather. If not, chances are the truck may have has some problems or there was traffic. Not sure on that one. Good luck!
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