Your Questions About Fafsa

Linda asks…

What year of high school do you apply for FAFSA for financial aid?

Also when can you apply for scholarships. You start applying when you get approved of FAfSA right?

Michelle answers:

Your scholarship search should start NOW and continue for the entire time you are in college. You fill out your fafsa as soon after Jan 1st as possible (your senior year) and after you and your folks do your FAFSA application.

The fafsa is NOT a scholarship application and has nothing to do with you searching for scholarships. In other words, don’t WAIT until after you do your fafsa to look for scholarships.

James asks…

When can I start filling out my FAFSA?

I am about to be a senior in high school, and I am anxious to fill out my FAFSA. Would it be okay if I filled out the 2010-2011 one? Or do I need to wait?

Michelle answers:

The 2010-2011 FAFSA is for financial aid for Fall 2010, Spring 2011, and Summer 2011.

If you are about to be a high school senior you will not graduate until Spring 2011 so you will not be eligible for the 2010-2011 FAFSA because you will not be attending college during those terms.

If you are starting college in Fall 2011 you will complete the 2011-2012 FAFSA. The earliest you can complete the FAFSA is Jan 2011, each state has different deadlines for initial rewards you can check these deadlines on the FAFSA website. Also you complete a new FAFSA for every year you are in college. In order to complete your FAFSA you will need your parents tax returns for 2010, so be sure to tell them to file their taxes early because they may be used to filing by the April 15th deadline.

If you go to the FAFSA website you can print out FAFSA worksheets that will show you how to complete the FAFSA so that you can be prepared. Of course the worksheets maybe for 2010-2011, but they will be the same for 2011-2012.

Even though it is too early to apply for federal aid, it is never too early to apply for scholarships, check out fastweb,com for scholarships you can apply for now.

Ken asks…

What do I do about the FAFSA when the latest tax forms my parents filled out are for 2004?

The latest tax info I have for my parents is for 2004, but the FAFSA is asking for info for 2006. What can I do, my parents will file eventually, but not for awhile. They havn’t even started on their 2005 forms yet.

Michelle answers:

There should be a place on there to put that tax forms have not been filed,,,, and to listed estimated income,,,,,, if not,,, call the toll free FAFSA number or your financial aid office

John asks…

Is there a portion on the FAFSA to indicate the status of being a twin?

On the FAFSA, it asks about siblings in the family that are “currently in college”. However, since I am a twin, and neither or us will be “currently in college” at the time of filing the FAFSA, how do we indicate that we are twins? I have been looking around the work sheet for the FAFSA, and I simply cannot figure it out. Is there something I am overlooking? Thanks so much.

Michelle answers:

You wouldn’t be filling out the fafsa if you weren’t expecting to be “in college”. So you need to READ this question carefully.

The question is worded like this:
How many people in your household will be college students between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010? (Q97)
Always count yourself. Include others only if they will attend, at least half-time in 2009-2010, a program that leads to a college degree or certificate

So if you are a twin and your twin is also going to college the answer to this question is TWO! And if you have older siblings who are also in college and required to list your parents info on the fafsa application they would also be included in the number in college (and the number in the household).

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