Your Questions About Facebook Login

Steven asks…

Why wont Facebook wont login anymore?

Hi i have recently come to america on holiday im from England.
on my ipad facebook logs in perfectly, but i tried to login on all of the macs in the house, and it says that it doesnt reconize the password. but when i created a fake named account im still on facebook.

How can i log in ?

Michelle answers:

Facebook is glitching. Wait for them to fix the glitches.

Sandy asks…

facebook login error?

i have just been logged out of facebook for no reason… i was just adding people and it signed me out. when i try to log back in it comes up with the ‘sign up’ page… help? 🙁

Michelle answers:

I think you might have been blocked from sending many number friend request. Facebook login page ( is common for all.

Jenny asks…

How to know facebook login history?

I tried downloading facebook data but there was no login info that day when my account was hacked.Is there anyother way to find that hacker’s ip address?

Michelle answers:

Login Facebook, Goto settings>>security>>enable login notifications. And you will be able to view the login history.

Michael asks…

how to make a facebook login button for your website?

can you tell me how to make a facebook login button to my website ?

Michelle answers:

Read the manual:

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