Your Questions About Facebook Login

John asks…

facebook login problem, guys please help amd freaking pissed?

ok so 1st it was sending annoying spam in chat so i decided to deactivate it. while deactivating it, i requested not to send the emails and now when am trying to reactivate it, in the security check they ask me to put security code they sent in the email. when i press to Send Security Code it says An error occurred while sending the message.
At least, where do i press to contact the admins ?
Markas, actually yeah, it said that someone tried to log in from sweden and i live in lithuania, so it probably was hacked, but there s no way im getting a new account, i have this since like 2007 :((( i ll try contact admins, thank you.

Michelle answers:

Facebook never sends out securtiy codes in ur email, to reactivate it all you have to do is go to facebook and login like normal, sounds like you got hacked and facebook is just trying to protect their website, because when you try to login thru email ur cookies arnt matching what facebook sees.. Faces keeps track of your i.p. Adress and logs you in from it, either contact facebook directly or get a new one. Google EMAIL FACEBOOK

James asks…

Facebook Login Help!?

I have this safekeeper on my computer. So i went to a website to unblock facebook. And it worked I made an account and i get to the login page i put in my password then it directs me to safekeeper and says the website is blocked. So i copy it and put it into the unblock website and it says you must be logged into view this.
So my question is .. is if possible how do i login if it wont let me see the page..?
Is there any other way to login?

all advice is welcome thanks!!
Its blocked because i have safekeeper on the puter and it blocks certain websites!

Michelle answers:
enter your password
it snt blocked!
Try it again

William asks…

Facebook strange Login Problem that is Facebook’s FAULT?

I can not get into my account, I changed the password on Sunday and when I tried to change it it said “Sorry your old facebook password can’t be the same as your new one” So I can’t login with my ACTUAL password. And every time I change the password, no matter what it is, it says the same thing.
No, I can’t change the password, no matter what I try to change it to from my old one, it says it can’t be the same as your old one, no matter what I put.
I did that, it tells me to change the password but it won’t let me change it! How do I contact FB?

Michelle answers:

I think you should contact Facebook Support on the matter!
As I understood, each time you actually enter a new different password from the old one, it says that it’s the same AS your old one, must be something wrong with the account that needs Technical support. Otherwise, If you’re changing the New password with the same old passowrd (same characters) just so you could login then you might want to consider choosing a whole new password other than the old one and use it.

Thomas asks…

Why my Facebook account login as admin panel?

i have a problem in my facebook account as i login as admin panel in a new page i created.
i don’t know what happened but it was an accident i don’t know how to my normal account back again.
please help me and the problem is showing in this image
direct image url

many thanks

Michelle answers:

Facebook sucks don’t use it !!

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