Your Questions About Facebook Login

Mary asks…

How often do you login to facebook or twitter?

I use facebook and yahoo answers alot. Its like i’m present all the time.

Michelle answers:

I have Facebook as a bookmark and randomly click on it. Twitter, I do not have. I don’t see much point to it.

John asks…

What will happen to my facebook pages if I deactivated my account?

I am the only admin in couple of pages on facebook, what will happen to them if I deactivated my facebook account ?

Michelle answers:

That pages must have another admin or you can reactivate your facebook account in simple mod: login.
When you login that account reactivate!

Joseph asks…

How do you cancel the facebook texting application?

I don’t want to have Facebook on my phone anymore, how do i get rid of it?

Michelle answers:

Login to facebook
go to this link
click remove next to your phone number

done 😀

Carol asks…

Connecting Instagram to Facebook ISSUES?

I’m having issues connecting Instagram to Facebook on my Iphone. I’ve gone to help sites. I find NOTHING helpful. I go to SETTINGS > PRIVACY > FACEBOOK where one site told me to go and look for apps asking permissiion to connect. Nothing. Nothing about instagram..

I go to instagram settings to where I can change my sharing settings. I click on Facebook and “Instagram would like to post to your friends on your behalf”. I click okay. Then get “Facebook login failed. Make sure you’re allowed Instagram to use Facebook is iOS SETTINGS PRIVACY FACEBOOK. I look there, nothing. I look everywhere in settings. Nothing about Instagram at all.

I’ve installed and reinstalled the app masny times.

Michelle answers:

Updated IOS to 6.0.2 – that didn’t help.

But I found this answer in another Yahoo answers and it worked 🙂

I found the same problem this morning! Here’s how I EVENTUALLY (after not finding a solution online) solved the problem:
– Logged into my Facebook (on a computer)
– Typed Instagram into the search area
– Clicked on the “app” one
– Clicked on where it said “Send to mobile”
Then it seemed to work on my iPhone after that…

Hope this works for you all too!!

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