Your Questions About Facebook Login

George asks…

There is not a way to unlock my Facebook account before 24hrs?

is there a link to open my Facebook account back up? It said it was locked for 24 hrs. Can I unlock it now?

Michelle answers:

Suddenly you attempt to login to your Facebook profile. Perhaps you have simply forgotten your password or worst case your Facebook account security has been compromised. Having had this happen to me, I can help you reset your Facebook password and restore your peace of mind. You will be back networking with your friends, family and coworkers in no time.

Difficulty: Moderately Easy

Go to your computer bring up the Facebook login screen like you normally would. Do not fill in any information.

Click on the link above your Facebook user name and password that states forgot your password. This brings you to a different screen.

Fill in the email address associated or on file with your Facebook account. If you cannot remember, keep trying different email addresses until you do.

Click enter and a Facebook reset link will be sent to your email so you can recover your password. It usually takes up to 5 minutes. Check your spam email folder if the email does not appear in your inbox.

Click the link in your email and answer any security questions by Facebook. This brings back to the Facebook website.

Reset your password with a phrase you will remember mixed in with 1 to 2 numbers or more. Record this in a notebook or on a safe place. Use a different password than you would for your email. This decreases your chances of having both websites compromised.

Susan asks…

How do I hide certain profile pictures on facebook from others?

One of my friends on facebook has their current profile picture hidden whenever I click their profile pictures. Like, there will be old profile pictures on her account, but the current picture won’t be displayed. How do I do that? I don’t want to ask her… and no, I don’t want to know how to customize my album so that no one can see it, I just don’t want my old pictures to be seen by others, except me.
Help me, please?

Michelle answers:

The most trending privacy feature now days is to hide your profile pictures from unknown people or even from your friends. But let me clear one thing here is that you can only lock the profile picture album, your current profile will still be shown to everyone. To hide your profile pictures, simply follow the following procedure:

1) Login to your facebook account and go to Account >> Privacy Settings. (see top right side of your profile).
2) Now click on customize settings link on that page.
3) Click on Edit album privacy to view the privacy level for all your albums. (link: ).
4) Now the first album will be your ‘Profile Pictures’. For that album select “Custom” option from the drop down list with the album.
5) Now you will see a pop-up on screen, select “Only Me” option from the drop down list for “Make it visible to” option.

That’s it, you’re all done now as there’s no need to save these changes. Go back to your homepage and your profile pictures album will now be locked for everyone even if the person is in your friend’s list. You can also lock this album for few people or none of them. Select the desired option from the same drop down list after you saw the pop-up.

Sharon asks…

I want to open a new email address for Facebook, but not delete my old address?

I want a new email account for Facebook. However, I also want to keep my current account with yahoo. Is this possible?

Michelle answers:

Yes you can, using an extra email address which can be used to login to Yahoo! And using the same mailbox with your existing Yahoo account.

To create extra email address,
Or manually, login to Yahoo! Mail, click “Options” >> “Mail Options” (or More Options) >> Accounts >> click link “Create extra email address”.

To change email address linked on Facebook:
Login to Facebook. Click on “Settings”, select “Account Settings”. On the Settings tab, click Change in the “Email” section. There you can change the email addresses linked to your facebook account.

Ruth asks…

Why is it that everytime you login to Facebook you get different items hours apart?

Login once and you get thing from 23 hours ago login again and you might have things from 16 hours ago. Why is it that it never shows the most current items?
Tired of seeing the same things from days ago when I go to fromt page.
Thank you Michelle!

Michelle answers:

Make sure that you select the “Most Recent” button instead of the “Top News” one.

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