Betty asks…
How can I deactivate my Facebook without knowing the email or Password I used for the account?
A few months ago I disabled my Facebook account and now I see that when I search my name on Facebook my account is still active. I have forgotten which email and the password for this account. How can i delete it not knowing this information?
Michelle answers:
Well first.. Of course it will show up when u search! Did u try clciking on it when it showed up..when u click ont it, it should say this user has disable their facebook account or somthing…if thats not working ….it takes like 48 hours to deactivate. Trust me i had to deactivate mine, my mom caught me and told me to delete it! Just dont login to your facebook! It will reactivate if u do that!
Thomas asks…
How to get android phone browser from remembering ur login?
I have a galaxy s android phone n when i log into facebook it shows my login info, almost like its remembering it. how can i get my phone to not do that
Where under settungs would i find that?
Michelle answers:
Go into your settings and try to hit “clear form data” as well as disabling “remember form data”
Chris asks…
How do I email facebook from a different email address regarding a hacked account?
My email was hacked so I made a new one, but my facebook was hacked as well and now it is sending messages to people in real life. The messages are causing a problem and I need the account deleted, but don’t have access to the email address the account was made with. How do I get it deleted?
Michelle answers:
Well, I doubt Facebook will share their log files with you and show you what the IP is that is coming to her page.
If she is still the owner of the original e-mail that was used to create the account or the e-mail prior to the new one, perhaps Facebook will change her e-mail for her or cancel her account altogether.
I also doubt there is any way for the public to see the persons IP when they post on someone else’s wall.
If you can get their IP address from the hotmail, there’s a chance you can contact her ISP and give them the IP and the time the e-mail was sent so they’ll know who had the IP at the time. They probably won’t give you any information since you’re not the cops, but they may take it upon themselves to send a “notice” to the culprit that they’ve received complaints about them. An ISP can kick you off of their network if you’re using it for malicious reasons. How often does that happen….it’s probably pretty rare.
If her password was hacked, I’d almost bet it’s someone who knows her. Did she login to her Facebook from someone else’s computer where her password may have been saved? Or with someone standing behind her where they were watching?
If Facebook won’t cooperate, it would be easier to create a new account with a strong password and then just tell all of her friends to delete the old one from their friends list.
Donna asks…
Online photo upload service for wedding attendees to upload photos to?
Somewhere for non-tech-savvy users to *easily* upload batches of full resolution photos from a wedding or similar event (not Facebook). No login required for the user preferably, but this is not essential.
Michelle answers:
Create a flickr group that only a few people can have access to…
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