Mark asks…
who sees my profile on facebook?
who sees my profile on facebook
Michelle answers:
Facebook doesn’t allow people to track who views their profiles. Facebook applications, on the other hand, are unable to track anybody unless they have the consent of the viewer.
Follow the source to see the Facebook’s statement about this issue.
Maria asks…
Palm Pre… Facebook… Facebook chat??!?
Ok I just got a Palm Pre.
I was wondering how to get to the ‘full site’ of facebook.
My goal is to get the Facebook chat/IM working on my phone.
I read online that instead of tapping on the designated Facebook icon, to type in in the url bar of the browser.
I did this and it still takes me to the mobile site.
I cant get to FB chat this way.
Any help!?!?
Thanks sooo much
Michelle answers:
Facebook chat is available if you go to this direct link:
The same applies to going directly to the Facebook homepage to use the full version of Facebook:
Check out for more information and programs for the Pre.
Sandy asks…
how do you update facebook?
how do you update facebook
Michelle answers:
Facebook owner is zukerberg not you lol so you can’t update facebook however you can download latest version of facebook app and u can update status and photos as well
Linda asks…
What is going on with Facebook?
Cannot seem to open facebook
Michelle answers:
Facebook is lame now and they want everyone to hate it!
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