Your Questions About Facebook

Thomas asks…

How do I download the Facebook application to a webslider?

I have an LG webslider, is it possible to download the facebook application onto it, if so, how?

Michelle answers:

I dont think u can downlod facebook

Chris asks…

How to hide the Facebook session from other sites?

When I go on other sites, some know that I have an opened session on Facebook. How can I avoid it?

Thank you.
The problem is that I don’t want some unwanted things accidentally appear on my news feed.

Michelle answers:

You cant really hide it from other websites

what you will want to do in this case is use firefox to view your facebook, and use chrome for everything else

as different browsers use different cookie sessions

alternatively, i suppose you could use a firefox browser add-on that hides your other cookies, but that can get a bit tricky

why does it bother you so much that other websites can see your open facebook session?

Mary asks…

How do I update facebook information without everyone knowing?

I want to change everything on my facebook, but I don’t want the whole world seeing.
No I just wanted to change the about me section, but I don’t really care anymore. There isn’t anything deeply personal on it or anything.

Michelle answers:

Try making a new facebook, and then when it’s all done, blank out all the information on your old one, and say you’re moving. It provides a good oppertunity, to get rid of those pesky “friends” you don’t like too Har har har.

Paul asks…

How do you add peope to facebook on your phone using verizon social beat app?

I want to be able to add people to my facebook on the go.

Michelle answers:


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