Laura asks…
How do you customize your facebook profile?
I want to know how to customize my facebook profile, is it possible?
Michelle answers:
Yes its possible, you can customize your facebook profile by installing an app, checkout this website that gives free facebook plugin that can customize your profile and also has ready made facebook profile templates.
Ruth asks…
What will happen if you accidentally report someone on facebook?
I accidentally reported someones facebook profile because of “unwanted contact” when I meant to block them. This was a total accident. Will facebook delete my account for this?
Michelle answers:
No, Facebook will not delete your account. Basically someobe who works for the website will look on that persons page and see if anything breaks the rules. That person wont know about it unless they actually broke the rules. And if they did, they will not be notified who did it. Reporting is anonymous. Also, if facebook doesn’t find anything rule-breaking on their page, you wont get in trouble because you have the right to an opinion.(the opinion that they did something wrong) good luck!(;
Lizzie asks…
How do you add a background to Facebook?
I have been all over Facebook and can’t find anything for adding a background. I was searching on Google how to add a background to Facebook and it says you can’t but you can decorate certain parts. Can someone tell me how!
Michelle answers:
Sorry, but i don’t think that facebook allows you to put a background. But you can design it with different applications. Hope that helps.
For more information
Charles asks…
How to get someone to unsubscribe to my Facebook?
Someone I don’t like is subscribed to my Facebook posts. How do I get them to unsubscribe without talking to them?
Michelle answers:
If it is someone you’re not Facebook friends with then you can unallow subscribers from following your posts or if it is someone you’re friends with, change your privacy settings.
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