Your Questions About All Natural Pregnancy Products

Mandy asks…

Just found out I’m pregnant, should I…?

stop tanning? I went last night and found out today. Also I am scheduled to get highlights in a couple weeks, should I cancel? My salon uses Aveda, all natural products, but still I didn’t know if it’s okay. This is my second pregnancy and it’s been 5 years since my last, it’s like you forget everything!

Michelle answers:

I definitely wouldn’t go to the tanning bed. Ask your doctor or hair stylist if it would be okay to get your hair done.

Sandy asks…

Pregnant & Clean Residential Houses, how long should I do it for?

I’m just 5 weeks pregnant! I am a little concerned with cleaning people’s houses and being pregnant. I use Norwex products and all natural cleaners but I do alot of work! Alot of scrubing and washing. At times I feel sore after…this is my second pregnancy. I probably have nothing to be concerned about, but I guess my question is, am I risking a higher change of miscarriaging with all the scrubing and mopping?

Michelle answers:

I do the same job and I’m almost 31weeks. The most I can say is that I’ve been getting more tired as it goes along but so far everything is fine. If your body is use to it then there shouldn’t be a problem. It’s certainly not a job you would want to take up when you are pregnant. Do it as long as you can but if it gets to be to much then take time off. Good luck!

Laura asks…

Good moisturizer/skincare products?

am 23 and I have become more concious about aging. I have clear skin my only problem would be my dark circles but since I am pregnant I know that has a lot to do with them. I drink plenty of water and I try to eat as healthy as possible I also do my best to to get some kind of excercise. I love makeup although I’ve come to realize I like the natural look more. So I got a $40 gift card to Macy’s and I would like to use it in skincare products like a moisturizer with spf, sunblock, cleanser or what ever. Like I said I like the natural look and I just want to enhance what I already have. If you could reccomend me some great products I would really appreciate it. Also if you could reccomend what great things I could do/use to help delay the aging process and to keep radiant skin. I would eventually like to invest in a eye cream but since many eye creams have retinal and I am pregnant I’d rather stay away from them right now.
Here are the available stores in my local Macy’s
Estee Lauder

BTW I am 23 and I have noticed that when I try some products they seem to enhance the appearence of pores and fine lines that I didnt even notice before. I am currently using Dear John by Benefit at night since it doesnt have SPF and I like how its a nice heavy cream on my dry skin. Also I dont know if its because of my pregnancy but it seems I now have some fine lines under my eyes and crows feet :o( (when I smile of course) but I would like to minimize them.
Also your reccomendations dont have to be dept store brands they could be natural skin care routines or drug store brands.

My current routine.
mornings: wash face with aveeno baby wash
ddf spf 30 moisturizer

wash face with baby wash
dear john moisturizer

olay toner but it made my skin flaky and the all day moisturizing cream from olay irriated and dried my skin.

Thank you

Michelle answers:

Cetaphil has great cleansers and moisturizers . They are very gentle.

Mary asks…

Skin care during pregnancy….what skin care line do you use?

I would like to find a skin care line that is all natural (or organic) but not too expensive. Since I am pregnant, I don’t want to use anything with crazy ingredients, but would like something that will help with fine lines, age spots….etc…. I was hoping to find something without too many steps….I will have a newborn shortly!! Just wondering what lines of products you have tried and have had good results with.

Michelle answers:

Well, they’re not organic or all natural, but I prefer mary kay concealer for any blemishes or redness–just a little bit will cover it up and if you’re in a hurry it’s not a big deal, it looks natural and isn’t oily. For everything else, I use clinique because it’s mild and my skin agrees with it, lol! For removing makeup, almay is the BEST for eye/lipstick makeup, and regular old noxzema pads for any powder, etc. I love clinique’s pink lightweight moisturizer….love it. Hope that helps!

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