Primary and Secondary Infertility

Definition of Primary and Secondary Infertility


Things to consider before addressing Primary and Secondary Infertility

Primary and Secondary InfertilityFundamentally, infertility is defined by: healthy young couples in the prime of their child bearing years regularly having sex for a year without conceiving. This is the traditional thinking used to advise couples when first to consider approaching medical practitioners regarding fertility.  Next we will discuss Primary and Secondary Infertility.

For those couples already known to be at risk for infertility in some way, the time would be a six month period. The reduction from twelve months to six months recognizes the increased odds that failure to conceive. This will prove to be one of the more substantial indications of infertility, as opposite to a matter of accidental chance.

Primary and Secondary Infertility

These are two the basic categories of infertility. Primary infertility is defined as the inability to achieve a pregnancy or carry it to term successfully. This infertility definition in basic refers to women who have never conceived or carried a child to full term. Secondary infertility is established when a woman has previously carried at least one child to full term. It is defined by a present loss of the capability to do so again, or a lessening in the body’s ability to achieve difficulties previously overcome.

The two conditions are of great significance to doctors, although there is overlapping between these categories. Women who have never conceived have an increased likelihood that their conditions are more likely to be reproductive system issues.
Women with secondary infertility are more likely to be suffering from any of a number of issues related to specific changes in their lives or health;

  • from pelvic infections
  • to conditions such as diabetes,
  • even something as simple as a relationship with a new partner.

Primary and Secondary Infertility may be found in both the male or female partner or in both simultaneously. It is usual that both partners subject themselves to infertility testing.

Uncertainty may remain in rare instances – however modern medicine leaves fewer and fewer cases of Primary and Secondary Infertility a complete mystery. It’s therefore unfortunate that couples many facing secondary infertility often never think to have themselves tested if they fail to have a second or third wanted child, assuming that their complete fertile health is an unchangeable thing.

Because secondary infertility is often caused by specific health or environmental changes, it my often be reasonably cured with reliable treatments. Although the infertility definition remains the same for both primary and secondary infertility, their differing origins makes secondary infertility an often rewarding matter to address medically. Because a woman has previously conceived and carried to term gives hope the reproductive system is not necessarily damaged beyond repair. Primary and Secondary Infertility quite often can be treated with natural remedies.

Secondary infertility sometimes may be medically easier to resolve, patients with primary infertility should cheer up in knowing that modern wonders are performed every day, giving them the chance to experience the joy of having their own families also.

Don’t despair, today’s medicine and Natural Pregnancy may be able to treat Primary and Secondary Infertility

If you need to contact us regarding Primary and Secondary Infertility click here!