Your Questions About Food Network

Lisa asks…

who likes the food network ?

Here’s the web site

Michelle answers:

I enjoy watching the food network.

Donna asks…

Giada Recipe on Food Network?

I saw Giada today on the Food Network while I was out to lunch. I couldn’t hear the TV and she was making something that I want to know what it is! She put cheese, spinach I think and some other things in a blender and blended it then put what looked like lasagna noodles criss cross in a little one serving dish and spooned the other stuff into and cooked it. Anyone know what this is called?

Michelle answers:

If you go to the Food Network website, it gives you a list of the TV shows (under Recipes on TV) and the times they were on..just click on that and it will tell you what she made for that particular show. It’s a great website to find good recipes! Hope I helped!

Linda asks…

Next Food Network Star?

did anyone is it last night…..I think Melissa is great but i think Jeffrey should have won…..what do u guys think……

Michelle answers:

I think Melissa is much more what the food network is looking for. A home mom that can appeal to the home cook. Jeffery wanted to introduce people to food from around the world, but most home cooks don’t want to deal with that. You have to remember that food network is mostly set up for a novice to intermediate level cook.

Thomas asks…

What programs do you watch on food network, bravo and We Tv?

Michelle answers:

Food network– ace of cakes; diners, drive-ins, and dives; food network challenge

bravo– project runway, top chef

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Your Questions About Firefox

David asks…

Firefox won’t start(Crash Report)?

When I click the firefox start up Button I automatically get a crash report. Firefox(safe mode) wont even start. But Google Chrome still work perfectly. What should I do? HELP!!

Michelle answers:

Option 1:
– When you are about to start Firefox in Safe-mode, make sure there is no instance of Firefox is currently running. Open Task Manager ( Start -> Run -> type taskmgr -> hit OK ), in the Processes tab highlight Firefox ( if exists ), click on End Process, then hit Yes on confirmation dialog.
– After it successfully started, disable all addons and themes.
– Then close firefox.
– Open firefox.
– If it goes well, then enable addons one by one ( enable one addons then restart Firefox ).
– That way you can find which one is causing the problem.

Option 2 :
– Go to your Firefox profile folder.
– In Windows XP you can find it under C:Documents and Settingsyour.username.hereApplication DataMozillaFirefox
– Rename that Firefox folder to something else such Firefox.OLD
– Make sure no instance of Firefox is running when you do this.
– Then start Firefox.
– If everything works fine, you can import your bookmark from a file named bookmark.html under your old Firefox profile folder.

Good luck

Robert asks…

IE 8 or firefox……?

Should I get the yahoo!edition of firefox


Inernet explorer 8 the new one

or just original Firfiox 3

and is the yahoo edition of the firefox free

Michelle answers:

I would get Firefox because there is alot of cool add ons and you can change your backround look of firefox like right now my back round on my firefox is blue stripes.

Sharon asks…

which is better firefox or IE 7BATA2?


Michelle answers:

Firefox doesn’t try to force their own standards on its users which frustrates web users and designers to no end.

They make it very easy to make a stand for open standards so why the hell WOULDN’T you use firefox?

Donna asks…

Is Firefox ESR real Firefox?

I use FireFox ESR because i don’t care to update to a new version every 6 weeks but is firefox ESR true firefox i only ask this because i look at web sites like for os and web browser market share and i want my version of firefox to count when they take the stats but i don’t know if it showes up as fire fox being it is the esr channel. Does any one know?

Michelle answers:

Yes, Firefox ESR does have the Firefox user agent, and therefore it does display your browser as Firefox.

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Your Questions About Funbrain

Steven asks…

Read dairy of a wimpy kid online?

I wanted the whole series. Thanks!
I went on that site but I cant find the third book!

Michelle answers:

Helen asks…

does anyone know any good learning resources in websites that you’d recommend?

Michelle answers:
just type it in google…!

Donna asks…

who knows what is a good site for first grade works, kindergarten and forth grade?

Michelle answers:

Funbrain,aaa math,funschool,

Ruth asks…

Im really bored please help me!!!?

im really bored rite now and im trying to find a fun website to go on. please help!!!!

Michelle answers:

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Your Questions About Facebook Login

Joseph asks…

Facebook Login Problem?

I haven’t changed anything about my Facebook account, but now when I try to log in I get the message

Security Notice

For your security, never enter your Facebook password on sites not located on

I haven’t done that, or ever logged in from anywhere but facebook‘s home page. Has my account been hacked?
It doesn’t log me on when it gives me this message. It looks like my password may have been changed.

Michelle answers:

Maybe it’s just a site error?
Try going on facebook at another computer or your itouch/iphone, if it still displays the same msg, email the facebook team and ask them why.

Donna asks…

Trouble with Facebook login?

I am trying to stay on Facebook. But everytime I go to another page I have to log in again. I rec’d a message form Facebook saying I have to contact my e-mail provider giving permission for me to use F/B ? Here is the message I get. —– Always asked to update email addressSome people are seeing a “Please update your email address” message after logging in because their email service provider is most likely treating Facebook emails as spam. To resolve this issue, please contact your email service provider and let them know about your problem receiving emails from Facebook.
Review other Login and Password issues.—— What can the problem be?

Michelle answers:

The prob is well have u updated ur email yet if u havent update it like switce to the new version of yahoo
then go on facebook and press at the bottom of the facebook home page “conact us”. Then they will ask u all sorts of qustions for the 9nth question they ask u write updated email they will aprove and u are back on facebook with out any sighning out hope this helped thums up!!!!!!

Ruth asks…

Facebook login email not working! PLEASE HELP!?

I made a facebook for my friend with a yahoo email I made for her. She, however, didn’t like the email name I gave her so I switched her email to my confirmation email on my facebook. This then made my login email not work! I switched my friend’s email to a completely new email but mine still doesn’t work!
Every time a login with my email it says, “incorrect email/password combination” and when I go to forgot password and type in my email it says it is a unregistered email.
My facebook page still exists and i still even get notification emails- I just can’t login.
how can I fix this? PLEASE HELP!

Michelle answers:

Contact facebook, they’ll be able to help you out.

Mandy asks…

How 2 login in from ebuddy 2 facebook ? HELP!!!?

i made id account but it don’t want to login 2 facebook HELPPPPPP !( on mobile )

Michelle answers:

Is it really for facebook ?
I saw a website like facebook ,
but its just for Teachers .. Anybody knows about this website ..

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Your Questions About Fox News

Daniel asks…

Question for Fox News Watchers?

I am doing a report about FOX NEWS and I would like to know if you like to watch FOX NEWS? Why or why not?

Michelle answers:

Fox News is my preference, but if you really want to know the scoop on ALL the cable and alphabet new channels, this is the thing. They are owned and operated by the powers that want to keep people entertained with trivial and repetitive news, while the real important issues that have to do with our life and survival as a free country are hidden from the dumbed down population.
That gives the government the control and “we the people” get easy chairs and pretzels.

Sandra asks…

How many watch Fox news?

The drive-by media on all other news programs are so liberal , I don’t know how a conservative can watch them. Fox is number one . Anyone else thank God for Fox news.? I keep them on (for years now.,) most of the day. Come on liberals, sock it to me.

Michelle answers:

There is no other source for real news that I am interested in other than FOX NEWS ! Because of Fox News many of the Liberal Socialist Vast Left Wing Conspiracy Bias` Media`s so called newscast have lost millions of viewers , and it is still going on today ! By having Fox News` call out the Left Wing Socialist Bias` so called Newspapers , it is easier than ever to watch their readers learn to expose them for the lying traitors they are ! Liberal Socialist TV is hilarious too when they try to get Liberals to answer a question with a simple YES or NO answer , and they go off on a tangent about anything but what they were asked ! All these advantages FOX NEWS` has given us ; we can now have the knowledge and know how to spot a Liberal on TV simply by being aware of their BS rhetoric , and by them using their ” Cut and Run comrades`s ” talking points that are evidently distributed daily to all liberal news rooms like Domino`s delivering pizza nationwide ??

Laura asks…

Fox News???

Why do the liberals love to bash Fox News? Is it because they are jealous of Fox‘s higher ratings? Do liberals think that Countdown with Keith Olbermann is unbiased? Does Olbermann bash Bill O’Reilly because O’Reilly is killing him in the ratings?

Michelle answers:

FOX NEWS is pro-American, is unbiased, Higher ratings, Yes, the liberals think that “Titanic” Olbermann is unbiased, YES on the last question.

Thomas asks…

How can people defend Fox News?

Fox News is not a legitimate “news” organization. It is the worst form of propaganda in the world today and very much the equivalent of the old Soviet Pravda. In its day people who loved freedom and democracy criticized Pravda for its misinformation and twisting of the facts and so should we criticize Fox for its blatant falsification as well as its outright desire to fan the flames of hatred and division between our citizenry. Fox News is appalling and it is a detriment to a healthy democracy and civic responsibility. I am not Pro-Obama, but I agree with his policies so far. How can you damn a person who is trying to make healthcare more accessible, make the planet cleaner, and promote friendship between nations (a la Cuba). Yahoo Answers seems more rightwing than usual lately as I glance at the comments. I am open minded so I am looking for an intelligent discussion. And I would like facts not hearsay or Fox News links.
Lol some conservatives online I see. I do not want to see Fox news go down. I used to watch Fox news exclusively until Glen Beck started to open his mouth and embarass news reporting in general. My question did seem a little bias, but I was trying to explain my point. I am open minded, I promise. As a political science minor in college, I am looking for intelligent discussion while I work on my Philosophy midterm.
Ok lol you guys keep asking me for sources. Ok. But where are your sources for your claims that hes damning the country and that his policies are communist and fascist? Thank you Jimbad for your statement. I agree with you, but calling Obama a racist on national Tv? Can you support that kind of news?
Thank you BeKindtoAnimals. I agree. Im a Business major and I realize the importance “competition”. There needs to be a critic to keep things out in the air. Like I stated before I do not wish Fox News to be silenced. I am a democrat and I believe in freedom of speech. I do find the current admins attack on Fox News questionable. But the way Fox News is going about reporting their news can lead to a fervor among right wings thats not needed. America DOES NOT need a revolution.
So BeKind, would you us rather have a Bush/Cheney type of government?
I was just trying to see whether you prefered the ultra conservative of the Bush/ Cheney era over the “ultra liberal” Obama/Biden era of today.

Michelle answers:

I personally find Fox News repulsive, and the only thing I watch on it is Shepard Smith. But there are others that wouldn’t miss a minute of its programming because it has a radical right wing base that it plays to and it does it very well. Although I understand the White House’s reasoning for excluding Fox News from certain venues, in the long run I have to hesitantly say that it is basically promoting censorship in its’ stance against the organization plus gives Fox a legitimate argument against them. All of Fox’s pundits are political propagandists pure and simple, but the same can be said of MISNBC’s pundits too. It just happens so that the administration agrees more with MSNBC than Fox. In my view, it is a case of having to swallow the bitter with the sweet under our Constitution. The smarter avenue would have been to not take a stance one way or the other regarding Fox but to be proactive and on top of the falsehoods and obfuscations the organization propagates to its many gullible adherents. During the Bush administration they toadied to Fox and spurned MSNBC, but they did it both overtly and covertly without making direct comments regarding it. Obama’s administration would have been well advised to not make this issue a talking point in the press since it is common knowledge anyway, plus it is doubtful that if taken to the court system the Obama administration would have prevailed under our censorship laws concerning freedom of the press.
So, although understandable, the WH’s public stance was ill-advised

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Your Questions About Firefox

Donald asks…

Mozilla Firefox Help?

Recently, my computer hasn’t allowed me to copy or anything that pops up when you right click. Just on Mozilla Firefox, though. So, when Mozilla Firefox asked me to upgrade to the latest versions, I clicked the thing, hoping that I could be able to right click and junk. I hated the layout. It looked weird and I hated it. So, I downgraded to 3.6.25 to see if I could get my old layout back. I didn’t. This layout is also awkward. I was used to having certain icons where they were and now it’s… ugh! Is there a way to customize it to my old layout/toolbar? Or to get the version I used to have? My thing used to look like this:
And, frankly, I really want that layout back because it was difficult to manage and I’m used to it. Please help!

Michelle answers:

Old Version of Firefox

Betty asks…

What is Firefox.exe *32?

I saw it running in my task manager even when my firefox wasn’t opened.
@Kenneth I closed firefox browser then put my comp to Sleep mode. Then when I came back hours later and opened task manager I saw firefox.exe *32 still there…even though the browser wasn’t opened..hours after I closed it

Michelle answers:

That is Firefox. SOmetimes when you close Firefox abruptly, it doesn’t kill the process and you either have to wait or kill it yourself. Then Firefox will reopen.

George asks…

What is up with Firefox not responding?

I took everyone’s advice and finally downloaded Mozilla Firefox. But it’s starting to piss me off! It keeps locking up on me and all I get is Mozilla Firefox is not responding. I never had this problem with Internet Explorer. I can’t watch ANY video with Firefox, or it stops responding. What is the deal?
I am running Windows XP, I downloaded the newest version of Firefox, and I have no idea how much ram I have! I am not doing anything other than just surfing the web. Like here, I can answer about three or four questions and then it stops responding. I have the newest flash player downloaded too.

Michelle answers:

Firefox 3 has a problem with some videos. Uninstall Firefox and download Firefox 2 at and select Firefox 2.0.0.x

Nancy asks…

Question anbout firefox?

How do I get the latest firefox browser, and can I have firefox while still having internet explorer 8?
Please leave a link of where to download firefox if you can.

Michelle answers:

>How do I get the latest firefox browser,

By searching “Firefox” on google:

>can I have firefox while still having internet explorer 8?

Yes. You can have as many web browsers installed on your system as you like.

When you start Firefox for the first time it may ask you to set it as a default web browser. If you click yes, applications that open web pages will trigger Firefox instead of Internet Explorer.
If you click no, Internet Explorer will remain as your default web browser app.

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Your Questions About Facebook

Daniel asks…


Do you love or hate facebook?

Michelle answers:

Addicted! Facebook is awesome!

Richard asks…

Which is better Myspace or Facebook?

Which do you think is better Myspace or Facebook?

Michelle answers:

Everyone says facebook :/
i personally like myspace 10x betteer!!

Sandra asks…

Add my family names to facebook?

How do I add my family names to facebook?

Michelle answers:

Log onto facebook and just add them as friends.

Ken asks…

does zac efron hav a facebook?

what is zac efrons name on facebook

Michelle answers:

Zac efron is the name. He doesnt really have a like facebook name thing. Its like his facebook made for fans

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Your Questions About Fox News

Steven asks…

Question About Fox News?

I live in the UK and I am able to get the FOX News channel in little segmants.

I don’t know too much about American Politics but it seems to me from what i’ve been watching that FOX news tend to lean to the republican party and John Mccain in this election ?

what do you think ?

Michelle answers:

FOX news is racist. & Bias.

Bill O’reilly says he’s down for a Lynching party that involves…

Obama’s Wife … Michelle Obama. (That’s quite sexist too)

Read here:

& then they do a special show about Palin and not about Biden.

Mandy asks…

Why is Fox News looked down upon?

I watch Fox News and have been ridiculed for it by my friends (who are some of my best friends but think entirely different about just about everything than me). I told them that I watch Fox News one time and they made fun of me saying that Fox News is a lying show. When I asked them where they heard that they replied “Family Guy.” I have also seen/heard jokes about it on movies such as “Vampires Suck.” Any help? Thanks!

Michelle answers:

Fox News made the deliberate, business decision to tilt its news toward the conservative side. Networks have a long tradition of being nonpartisan, so this was unchartered waters. It’s worked pretty well financially; they get ratings. The Republicans have been pounding the fact that media outlets are biased against them for years; there is a shred of truth to that but not much.

I have trouble watching it for that reason; I know I’m not getting close to the straight scoop. But, it works for a lot of people.

Mary asks…

Howcome you hate Fox News?

Howcome liberals hate Fox news while CNN and all other news networks are left-leaning? They complain so much about its biasness and ignore the liberal bias in major newspapers and networks.
I don’t want america to have a one-sided media. I want americans to have a choice between conservative and liberal news networks. Fox news is needed.
jenn G, how is Bill pompous? Hes a good radio talk show host who allows other opinions

and I don’t “even” know what the hell “exxton” was trying to “say”.
Lecrapface, tell me what kind of inaccurate statements Fox news is making.

Jon Stewart and Colbert are parody shows. the only thing is that I grown to hate them since they are always preaching on the left’s side instead of doing their job, which is making fun of the news and being comedians.

Michelle answers:

Wow. If you think Fox is news, you have bigger problems to worry about. Fox is merely the op-ed page in television format. O’Reilly has said this himself. The other channels are not. At least, they weren’t when they started. Now, they may becoming more and more like Fox (read: one-sided) because many people can’t tell the difference anyway. Remember when both right and left praised CNN for its coverage of the first Gulf War?

Because the nation is so polarized these days, neither wing makes any concessions, even when the media organization they favor is doing a disservice. That’s great news for politicians, bad news for the people. We give up too much when the most popular “news” channel in the country is simply the megaphone of the White House. (I would say the same if the current government leaned left and had CNN as its megaphone.)

Lastly, in terms of you hating Stewart and Colbert because they make fun of your administration, you unfortunately misunderstand their intent. They make fun of both sides, it just so happens that the administration in power now — your preferred right-wing — does more ridiculous things than the party without power. If Democrats were in power, they would take as many swings, because Democrats would surely make as many ridiculous claims to push their agenda. They make fun of the system: the media, the government, the corruption — and people who don’t do what’s best for the country. (Think: Stewart roasting both leftist Paul Begala and right leaning Tucker Carlson.)

Ken asks…

Is Fox News truly ‘fair and balanced’?

Correct me if I’m wrong but in a ‘fair and balanced’ discussion shouldn’t the news anchor be neutral?

I’ll be honest, I used to watch all of the Fox news shows but after a while I started to realize they were very biased towards Democrats and liberals. Whenever they would bring on guests commentators to debate different topics the news anchor would always side with Republicans or GOP ideas.
Every time the commentators would say something positive about the President or Democrats the news anchor would jump all over it.

I tried giving them the benefit of the doubt by observing to see if they would say anything positive about the current President, a Democrat, or any Democrat or even Independents.

Needless to say I’m still waiting on them to say anything positive about ANY Democrat.

The other news channels don’t fare too good either. MSNBC is the opposite of Fox and CNN is more near the middle.

I’ll continue listening to NPR.

Your thoughts??

Michelle answers:

Fox News is criticized all the time, because they report outrageous rumors and twist the truth in order to upset and scare the public. There is nothing subtle about what they do.

They are not fair and balanced. They are the farthest thing from it.

The difference between them and CNN or MSNBC is the ridiculous things they report on. They still try to report on Barack Obama’s “real” birthplace.

Some reporters on MSNBC are also extremely biased. However, MSNBC came into existence because the news-reporting by Fox was becoming unbearable to thinking and intelligent people.

It’s perfectly okay to be a conservative republican, but Fox News carries things to extremes. I can remember when they tried to make a link between Barack Obama and terrorist groups.

That kind of reporting is unethical and dangerous. It is inviting the crazy people in this country to assassinate the president! When people start to believe that the president is a secret terrorist who plans to destroy the nation? They are going to get some very irrational and ugly ideas. That would throw this whole country into chaos and anarchy. Thank God that never happened, and I hope it never does.

I’m not crazy about Barack Obama. He made promises that he didn’t keep, and he never told us why. I guess he was willing to promise anything to get elected. Why didn’t Fox News report on those things? Instead they hint that he might be a muslim terrorist that was born in Kenya. It’s ridiculous and worthless information.

When something big is breaking in political news? I will switch back and forth between Fox News, MSNBC and CNN. I figure that I might discover the truth somewhere between all that bias.

I also strongly recommend C-Span. They have no reporters. They just broadcast live events. I can’t swear that they are totally unbiased, but at least they don’t have people telling me what I should think. I hate that!

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Your Questions About Funbrain

Donald asks…

4got my password for funbrain math!?

i didnt start the game inkster 2, and i wanted to but i forgot the password. i know it starts with a g and ends with a 2 but idk!!

Michelle answers:


Steven asks…

what are some fun internet games for kids?

10 to 12 years old

Michelle answers:


Mandy asks…

what are some good websites of teens?

what are some good teen websites i have went on gurls addicting games quizilla quizfarm teen nick second life imvu babydow youtube culb penguin stardoll disney gogirlgames nick and webkinz myspace facebook agame and don’t like any of them plz help me so boared

Michelle answers:

Try Funbrain or Poptropica.

John asks…

Is there any fun websites?

I already know these:
etc. but i need FUN games to customize your player or whatever. PLEASE HELP!

Michelle answers:

Well i guess

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Your Questions About Food Network

Daniel asks…

HGTV and Food Network…?

Does anyone know the addresses to the corporate headquarters of HGTV and the Food Network. Or how you can contact someone high up in the company, maybe an email address. I have an idea in which they can expand their company. Anyways, Thanks to any answers that come my way!

Michelle answers:

The Home of Food Network
75 Ninth Avenue
New York, NY 10011

There’s also a FAQ link from this page that gives more info in terms of show ideas & who/how to contact them. Good luck.

Joseph asks…

TV POLL:Disney Channel OR Food Network!?

: )

Michelle answers:

Food Network

Thomas asks…

will you boycott food network?

please boycott the food network
becuse they fired me

Michelle answers:

Yes. Until they make a formal apology about letting Paula go, I will no longer view on the Internet nor watch Food Network I feel they were wrong for letting her go. There is not one person in this world that has NEVER used the N word at one point. It seems ok if a black person uses the word though right. How many people on Food Network have used the word or made racial comments? Are they all fired????? Check yourself Food Network!

Donna asks…

Who watches Food Network?

I love watching shows like Chopped, Top Chef, Rachael Ray, Food Network Star and many others. I also love too cook. Anyone else feel this way or watch these shows?

Michelle answers:

My two favorite Food Network shows are Chopped and Restaurant Impossible, I love that Robert Irvine!

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