Your Questions About Funbrain

Helen asks…

Does anyone know any good websites for getting experience on writing?

E.g: experience for journalism (writing articles on their site etc) or even connectong with other journalists?

Michelle answers:

Professional Essay Construction.

Study Skills, Essay Writing.

Essays remain an important method of assessment and enable examiners to discriminate between candidates, while also enabling candidates to display the skills and abilities which they possess.

As the essay paper has evolved it has become more demanding with much more emphasis on posing questions which allow candidates to display the higher order skills. Professor Roy Wilkinson of Sheffield University has identified a pyramid of skills which A level examinations try to test.



For grammar click a link below.




Kevin, Liverpool, England.

Laura asks…

What is a good homeschool curriculum?

or a website that has a list of good ones. I have a 2nd grader and two preschoolers that I want to begin homeschooling.

Michelle answers:

It really depends on what you are looking for.
Personally I never really bought a complete curriculum, other than a Sonlight World History, but we really only used the books as we saw fit.
There are some complete curriculum work books that are pretty good for pre-school until grade level 6, by American Publishing; they are available at Barnes & Noble, or Sam’s Club stores.

We use Christian Liberty Press as our basic foundation, they are very good, you can either buy what you prefer, or complete curriculum’s; we have found them to be very good, and affordable.

We are very relaxed, and use an unschooling approach to all but math, reading, and writing.

Here are some web sites that can give you idea’s, and free worksheets, and fun learning games to supplement any curriculum you may decide to purchase.

This site does require a $20.00 yearly fee to have full use of all their printable materials, but it is well worth it.
You can check them out for free, but it is a lot of curriculum in one place.

Free computer software; just pay a nominal fee for shipping.

Educational games.

Weather/Meteorology (the weather dude).


Mr. Donn’s history site – unit studies.

Free Audio Books.

Health and Science.

Free weekly tips, worksheets,lesson plans, resources , and curriculum.




Grade Level Core Knowledge site.



Sandra asks…

Can you please help me list new vocabulary terms and provide their definition?

List new vocabulary terms,and provide their definition?

Michelle answers:


Ken asks…

What are some super cool sites for kids?

What are good sites for kids? I would like it to be like where you make a person or take care of babys or have a family or something! Please coment! Thanks~

Michelle answers:
-Shockwave (You have to buy one. Lil’ Kinz 9 bucks, Webkinz 14)
-Cartoon Doll Emporiom

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Your Questions About Food Network

Sandra asks…

Where can I find a blue maraschino cherry?

I saw them used on food network and can’t find them in local stores or on the internet. They look really neat, but I don’t know where to buy them.

Michelle answers:


William asks…

What are some suggested cooking times for roasts?

Every time I watch the Food Network concerning meats, they cook it to rare or medium rare. That’s all well and good, but I and everyone else I cook for consider this severely undercooked. Can anyone help me out with some good cooking times per pound per type of roast (5lb beef ribeye, 4lb Boston butt, or 3lb tuna loin, for instance) to achieve medium well – that stage of doneness where the last little bit of pink is gone, but the meat is still juicy?

Michelle answers:

For a beef roast, I would suggest cooking by temperature to 160F will give a medium to medium-well. Times can be tricky considering cooking temperature and shape of the roast. However, I’d say roughly 350F for 2 hours.

Pork, boston butt, I generally slow cook that in a smoker for a minimum of 6 hours at 200F, but this should also work in the oven. You won’t get the smoke, but use a dry-rub to season the roast.

For a Boston butt, I generally brine the meat overnight so the roast picks up extra moisture and flavor. A basic brine is 1 cup of table salt (or 1.5 cups of kosher salt), 2 cups of sugar to 1 gallon of water. After an overnight soak, rinse the pork, pat dry and coat with your favorite seasonings.

Tuna… That’s one thing I personally think taste worse (dry and crumbly) when cooked well or medium-well so I have no cooking recommendations for tuna beyond medium-rare.

Sandy asks…

I would like to substitute buttermilk with coconut milk for cupcakes. How do I do this?

I got a recipe from the Food Network‘s Barefoot Contessa for Coconut Cupcakes. I want to substitute the buttermilk with coconut milk instead. Which is more dense and how do I acheive this? I already know about the lemon and regular milk trick, but am uninterested in it. I want to use the coconut milk. Thanks!

Michelle answers:

Use equal quantities, perhaps a wee bit less.
Don’t add the full amount all in one go. Use about 2/3 and wing it from there with the consistency.

Steven asks…

What is this utensil called and where can I buy one?

I’ve seen it on the food network before, but its a rotary cutter (like a pizza cutter), with multiple blades (to cut ravioli squares at three or four lines at a time). However, Im going to use mine to cut bread, so it needs to be heavy duty. I just have no clue what its called or where to get it… any advice for something like this?

Michelle answers:


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Your Questions About Forever 21

Thomas asks…

How to get a job at Forever 21?

They’re hiring at my Forever 21 and I want a job there because I want to do Fashion as a career. I filled out an application, but now what should I do? I want them to know I really want the job, so should I keep going to check in and what should I ask when I go in?

Michelle answers:

You give it to them in person.

Maria asks…

does forever 21 support human trafficing or in different words use child labor?

where does forever 21 get there clothes from? do they get it legally because they don’t say they support child labor or not this is happening all over the world and i don’t think human trafficking and child labor is in style.
thankyou and if you could can you tell me the documentary and where i can watch it pls?

Michelle answers:


read this. I saw the documentary and it had me crying. They got their justice though.
My mom and sister do not let me shop there anymore because of what they did to the workers. I don’t ever plan to support them again.

Lizzie asks…

Has the forever 21 in the trafford centre opened yet?

Forever 21 is meant to open in the trafford centre, manchester, uk sometime in july. Is it open yet?

Michelle answers:

No. According to this article, the store is scheduled to open July 21, 2012 at 10AM. (first 300 customers will receive gift cards to spend in-store or online)

John asks…

Can I return a shirt to Forever 21 if I took the tags off?

I (stupidly) ripped the tags off of a Forever 21 t-shirt before trying it on and now want to return it. I still have the tags, they’re just not attached, and I still have the reciept. Will they take it?

Michelle answers:

Yeah They’ll take it..
Just take your receipt with you 🙂

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Your Questions About Fox News

Susan asks…

What is a good counter argument to a liberal who slams Fox news?

I have this annoying relative who is a liberal and won’t shut up. He was trying to convince me not to watch fox news because it’s biased.

Whats a good way to get the message across that I like their reporting and that maybe I prefer their orientation to the liberal BS of ABC, NBC and, CBS?

Michelle answers:

You can’t reason with him – just say ok, i’ll try watching another station – he’s looking for a fight, don’t give in to the temptation

Thomas asks…

How come FOX is so liberal, whereas FOX News is so conservative?

It doesn’t make sense to me how FOX can be so liberal, and FOX News is so conservative. How is that even possible? Shows like Family Guy and Futurama love to make fun of Bill O’Reilly and GWB and most conservatives and their ideologies, but how can they let that happen if it’s denouncing their other company. I just don’t understand it. NBC is liberal. Shows like 30 Rock made fun of conservatives, and MSNBC is liberal. That makes sense to me, one branch of a company NOT denouncing the other. FOX News once sued FOX because Family Guy said something about them. How is this possible? Did the owners of FOX not foresee that problems would emerge when your company literally hates itself?

Michelle answers:

I see what you are saying: How can Fox satirize O’Reilly et al when it might reduce the audience for these “newsmen.” My take is that each of these shows, including the news shows, are filling niches, which for the most part cater to viewers who don’t overlap, and each of which shows makes lots of loot. Someone on “Family Guy” saying Sean Hannity is a dork, won’t keep the Hannity core audience from watching him, even in the unlikely event that they saw the “Family Guy” episode.

Lisa asks…

When people quote Fox News as their source for anything, does their argument automatically lose credibility?

It is easy to see Fox News supports one ideology and is supported by those ideologists. Is that a vicious circle that leaves the disciples of FNC without alternating viewpoints to ponder?

Michelle answers:

That is because Fox News is not the most accurate source out there.

Mandy asks…

Without Fox News would democracy even be possible in America?

The left would rule with absolute impunity. Fox gets ALL the criticism for their bias, but every media source is biased (to the left of course).

A critical media is a prerequisite of democracy. Without Fox News the media at large would only be critical of the republicans thus handing election after election to the democrats.

Michelle answers:

Fox and talk radio and the internet… So far are allowing us to push back against the state.

However, Obama said that Fox isn’t a news station and the liberals keep trying for the fairness doctrine and EVERTHING we do on the internet Obama’s NSA is watching…

Big Brother is here and RINOs are helping him do it… John McCain anyone?

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Your Questions About Facebook Login

Robert asks…

How many times can I type an incorrect facebook password?

I want to snoop through my boyfriend’s facebook. I don’t want to hear about people’s opinions or the morality of this. I simply want an answer to the question. How many times can I try to type his password without raising suspicion or without him noticing?


Michelle answers:

3 I think. But you can try it with your own account and entering an incorrect password to test the notifications you recieve. There is a setting in Facebook though, that if he has it turned on, will notify him of logins from new computers, so you may want to only do it on a machine that he has logged in on before.

Carol asks…

how do i regain access to my facebook account after it has been temporarily suspended and locked?

My facebook has been temporarily suspended for the past 5 days and won’t let me log in to my profile. When the message comes up it says its temporarily suspended. So I click continue and by step 2 it says your account is locked temporarily and wont let me continue to the next step. What do I do?

Michelle answers:

Well, you can contact them. Facebook, I mean. Like e-mail to them.
You’re lucky you’re not permanently suspended. But you will receive a e-mail saying that they’re sorry for your login troubles.
Wait for a bit longer…or you either make a new one temporarily, and then when it’s finished its suspension, go back to the other.

Mandy asks…

How can i permanantely delete my facebook account on my phone?

I have already permanently deleted it on my laptop a while ago and that worked but then i just tried to login, being curious what would happen and it just let me in. I really want to delete it. Please help.

Michelle answers:

Make sure you understand the difference between deleting and deactivating

if you log into it while it’s in the process, you cancel the process and you have to start all over again

Jenny asks…

How do sites like facebook have so many different pages?

In a site like facebook or youtube there are so many different parts/ separate pages. since there are like 500 million members there are at least 500 million unique pages, not including apps and fan pages. how does this work, and how much money does it cost to run something like this? Mark (the founder) launched this from his college dorm room. how? are there companies that can have servers like this for cheap?

Michelle answers:

What Anon said was right.
It doesn’t actually have pages, the pages are dynamically made.

The basic of what happens is
Your information is stored in Databases,. Which put simply is like storing everything in a excel document. One column for names, one for address, one for friends etc. – very simplistic idea of a database.

Now what happens is when you request to see a certain page it requests the information from the database, which will then get processed by the server. This is where a server side script which usually kicks in, can be asp, php, which ever they write. Now this is processed by the server and creates a page based on the information. Then you see.

So actually there are no pages in facebook besides the initial login page. Everything is dynamically generated and informatoin is stored in their database.

As for how they were funded, he started very small scale he used to go to colleges and advertise to get more members. So initially he made no money and everything was made by outside investments not advertisements. What investors do is they will give you money, expecting a return later.

The reason behind this is, you would not be able to get good advertising companies untill you have so many unique visitors. Hence you would waste advertisement space on low paying ones. So once they reached a good number they took advertisements and partnerships with other companies.

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Your Questions About Fedex

Sharon asks…

Can a FedEx package with signature confirmation be held at FedEx Office?

If I wasn’t going to be home and a package that required my signature was coming, would I need to let it come to my door? Would there be any way I could sign for it at FedEx Office? I mean, as long as I showed them that the name and address on my ID matched the one on the package?

Michelle answers:

If I wasn’t going to be home and a package that required my signature was coming, would I need to let it come to my door?
Yes, they would have to at least attempt delivery

Would there be any way I could sign for it at FedEx Office?
Yes, once you miss delivery, call fedex with your tracking number and inform them you want to pick up th package from the facility.

I mean, as long as I showed them that the name and address on my ID matched the one on the package?

Yes your address on your id must match the id on your license and b sure to bring the missed package notice with you.

Chris asks…

Do Fedex and UPS scan their packages before delivering them to destination?

Like, what are the things not allowed to be sent through UPS or Fedex? I have to send a package of A4 paper to Europe which weighs about 200 grams, or 7 ounces. How much do you think I should pay if I have to send it through either UPS or Fedex?

Michelle answers:

U can send it priority mail with tracking and sig confirmation for $30-35

Donald asks…

How fast is FedEx International Priority shipping?

I’ve just bought a pair of Oakley’s sunglasses from ebay and the seller is shipping my item today via FedEx Priority. I’m asking how fast would it normally take to deliver from Australia to Brunei? And would they deliver the package right at your doorstep? Or should I just go to the post office to retrieve it as usual?I hate to go to the post office because I don’t like to wait in a long line to receive my package and having to declare it and open my package to the customs inspection officer -.- eghh and everyone can see whats in the package. I really hate the postal service in my country. Eghhhh. I really want to receive my items at home!! Good thing I dont have to pay tax for this item.

Michelle answers:

Delivery typically in 1 to 3 business days, next business day to the U.S., Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean from most countries. Reach major cities in Europe by 10:30 am typically in two business days.

Betty asks…

How Long Does It Take To Ship Fedex Ground?

I just ordered a package from peeps and company and its shipping fedex ground. Im in California and its shipping from Pennsylvania. About how long will it take to get here, because last time I ordered something from there and it came in 2 weeks! That’s probably too late. Can you help?

Michelle answers:

4 to 5 days should do it.

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Your Questions About Fox 23

Jenny asks…

Has there ever been an MLB game where a no-hitter was thrown but the team that threw it lost the game?

I know it’s possible but I don’t know if its ever happened.

Michelle answers:

The only starting pitcher to lose a complete-game no-hitter was Ken Johnson of the Houston Colt 45s (pre-Astros), who lost to Cincinnati 1-0 on April 23, 1964. Johnson’s throwing error allowed Pete Rose to get to 2nd with 1 out in the ^ 9th. Chico Ruiz allowed Rose to get to 3rd on a ground ball, and 2nd baseman Nellie Fox’s error on a grounder by Vada Pinson let Rose score the only run in the game.
Steve Barber (8 2/3 innings) and Stu Miller (1/3 inning) of the Baltimore Orioles both lost a no-hitter to Detroit 2-1 on April 30,1967.

Carol asks…

Can you ever really have too many gingerbread cookies?

How many do you think I can eat before I either turn into one or I explode?
Kitty my dear, there is something not quite right with you…

Michelle answers:

No, I really love gingerbread cookies. Yeah, I love the ones shaped like little men (or women, I don’t want to appear sexist), with the decorations of icing, raisins, jellybeans, candies, yum…. I will also eat gingerbread in any other shape, even it was baked in a rough rock-like lump. Just the scent of gingerbread takes me back to my childhood when my mother and I used to bake the gingerbread cookies and decorate them so carefully and imaginatively. The gingerbread boy always smiled so gleefully. “Run, run, as fast as you can, you can’t run away from the gingerbread man,” we sang together. He didn’t know that the fox was going to trick him when he was taking him across the river. As the fox got deeper in the water he made gingerbread boy get up on his head and GULP he was all eaten up. The ending of this story really bothered me as a child, but by now I’ve learned that life is full of foxes that will try to eat you …:-)

Whoa, I’ve gotten way off topic now, I’m sorry…did I say I really loved gingerbread cookies? Last year my son made a gingerbread house and I was so hungry I actually took a bite off the corner of the roof when he wasn’t looking! I tried covering it with icing quickly, but he caught me and I got it for that one…:-)

I think you could probably eat about 23 cookies before you explode. Actually I’d like to see you turn into a gingerbread person. There you are, with icing all over you and candies decorating your… Umm.. You know. You’ll be running down the road with everyone chasing you and I’ll be waiting in the river offering to take you across.. Waiting to eat you.. Heh heh.. 🙂

OK, back to reality, have fun baking your cookies, eating your cookies, giving your cookies away, if you have any left, please send me some 🙂

Betty asks…

What good things did mitt accomplish as governor?

Do they want him back?

Michelle answers:

Do democrats always spin the facts, no matter how outrageously reality rebuts their lies?
Http://… “Some level of unemployment will always be present in an economy as industries expand and contract, as technological advances occur, as new generations enter the labor force, and as workers voluntarily search for better opportunities. This is why most economists agree that there is a natural rate of unemployment in the economy (usually 4%-6%).”

10/1/11 By December 2006, Romney’s last full month in office, it [the unemployment rate] had fallen to 4.7%

For honesty-challenged democrat fact-spinners: If “full employment” (4-6%) exists wouldn’t job creation be low – even irrelevant? Keep that in mind when you read the next paragraph.

An Obama TV ad says Massachusetts under Romeny’s governorship fell to 47th in job growth, but the truth is this:
6/7/12 “The ad states that job creation in Massachusetts “fell” to 47th under Romney. That’s a bit misleading. Massachusetts’ state ranking for job growth went from 50th the year before he took office, to 28th in his final year. It was 47th for the whole of his four-year tenure, but it was improving, not declining, when he left.”

6/8/12 USA Today: “As we wrote in an item this week when an Obama ad claimed Massachusetts “fell” to 47th under Romney, in the 12 months before he took office, the state ranked 50th in job creation. That ranking remained 50th during Romney’s first year in office, but by his final year, it had improved to 28th.”

Romney’s education record (he left office in 2007):
-, 2005-2006:
1. Vermont
2. Connecticut
3. Massachusetts
- 2006-2007 Smartest State Award:
1. Vermont
2. Massachusetts

And all of this in one of the most We-Want-A-Welfare-State-America state in the USA!

But don’t expect the liberal media to tell the truth. They didn’t in 2008 and they won’t this time either.

Democrats will deny that the major media is supports them, but the facts make their denials laughable:
Polls on how Americans saw the mainstream media (TV and print) election coverage in 2008:
-Rasmussen poll: 69% for Obama, 6% for McCain
-Pew Research poll: 67% for Obama, 11% for McCain
-Sacred Heart University poll: 68% for Obama, 9% for McCain
-Fox News/Opinion Dynamics poll: 67% for Obama, 11% for McCain

University of Connecticut’s Department of Public Policy survey of journalists, nationwide, during the 2008 election: 52% supported Obama versus 19% for McCain.

9/2009 Sacred Heart University Polling Institute: 69.9% agreed the national news media are intent on promoting the Obama presidency while 26.5% disagreed.

9/23/10 Pew Research poll: 43% of those who perceive bias say it is liberal; 23% say they see conservative bias.

9/29/10 Gallup poll: Distrust of the media Edges Up to Record High
Perceptions of liberal bias still far outnumber perceptions of conservative bias: 48% say the media are too liberal; 15% say they are too conservative.

9/22/11 Gallup poll: 60% perceive bias, with 47% saying the media are too liberal and 13% saying they are too conservative.

8/15/12 Rasmussen Poll: 59% of Likely U.S. Voters believe Obama has received the best treatment from the media so far; 18% think his Republican challenger has been treated better.

John asks…

Anyone know the music from the game Fallout 3 for PS3?

I really really love the old music they played in it. Can anyone tell me what the track listings are, please?

Michelle answers:

I also love the music on their,i bought almost all of them on itunes

Here ya go!Enjoy!

Title Music Length
1. “I Don’t Want To Set The World On Fire” The Ink Spots 3:07
2. “Way Back Home” Bob Crosby & the Bobcats 2:54
3. “Butcher Pete (Part 1)” Roy Brown 2:28
4. “Happy Times” (From the Danny Kaye film The Inspector General) Bob Crosby & the Bobcats 2:45
5. “Civilization” Danny Kaye with The Andrews Sisters 3:07
6. “Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall” Ella Fitzgerald with The Ink Spots 3:06
7. “Anything Goes” Cole Porter 3:04
8. “Fox Boogie” Gerhard Trede 3:16
9. “I’m Tickled Pink” Jack Shaindlin 1:52
10. “Jazzy Interlude” Billy Munn 2:52
11. “Jolly Days” Gerhard Trede 1:40
12. “Let’s Go Sunning” Jack Shaindlin 1:41
13. “A Wonderful Guy” Tex Beneke 2:48
14. “Rhythm for You” Eddy Christiani & Frans Poptie 2:59
15. “Swing Doors” Allan Gray 2:59
16. “Maybe” (Intro song from the original Fallout) The Ink Spots 3:06
17. “Mighty Mighty Man” Roy Brown 2:36
18. “Crazy He Calls Me” Billie Holiday 3:05
19. “Easy Living” Billie Holiday 3:06
20. “Boogie Man” Sid Phillips 2:23

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Your Questions About Fox 23

David asks…

Supposedly an antenna can pick up channels 14-69, what are those stations?

Does anybody know what is on channels 14-69 or am i only going to be able to pick up ABC,NBC,FOX, CBS, and the CW like i already do?

Michelle answers:

In the Northern NJ area we have:
21 – NY Long Island PBS
23 – NJ Public Broadcasting – Trenton
25 – NYC – Educational
31 – NYC – Commercial programming
41 – NYC – Spanish
43 – NYC – Spanish
47 – NJ – Spanish
50 – NJ Public Broadcasting – Montclair
58 – NJ Public Broadcasting – New Brunswick
68 – Foreign language – Various (I think from NJ)
I may have some of these wrong; I’m working from memory.

Helen asks…

Was that crazy New Black Panther guy with the nightstick the person who forced DADT to be repealed today?

I heard this on Fox News today…is this correct? Apparently he threatened everyone in The Senate and said he would steal the election using him and his 23 other members of The New Black Panther Party in the country if he didn’t get his way.

Michelle answers:

If you heard it on Fox News it must be true. ?°)

Sharon asks…

Why Is Fox News Silent On Choosing A Debate Winner ?

CBS polling results show that Biden won 51% to 26%
CNN polling results show that Biden won 49% to 23%

Why isn’t FOX trumpeting their results >>>
I was checking the Fox News website.

CNN said that 86% Palin did better than expected … But if t FOX is trying to ply that as proof that Palin won, they are out of their minds.

Michelle answers:

Thanks, I didn’t see the polls. Phew. 🙂

James asks…

If Bidden and Clinton have already publically said things that ‘harmed’ Obama, Is that a clue for everyone?

Can we examine Obama’s rocky road to achieve funding for his campaign along with Joe Biden and Bill Clinton ‘torpedoing’ him and apologizing later, what does this mean to the rest of the voting public?

Michelle answers:

Dont mean diddly.

What matters is how the establishment GOP is bashing Zelig Rmoney: “…human chameleon, Leonard Zelig…”
Http:// “…Leonard Zelig, a nondescript enigma who, out of his desire to fit in and be liked, takes on the characteristics of strong personalities around him.”
Http:// May, 29, 2012. “Romney’s message was overshadowed by…Donald Trump whose renewed interest in casting doubt on President Obama’s American birthright has dominated the news cycle in recent days.”
—————————————–abc-news-politics.html George Will Calls Donald Trump a ‘Bloviating Ignoramus.’
Trump revived the false claims about Obama’s birthplace.
“What is Romney seeking by associating w/ him?” Will asked.
Fox Business Network anchor Liz Claman agreed, adding “it’s a dangerous game that Mitt Romney is playing here.”
. Http:// May, 29, 2012 Associated Press
“Trump’s comments on the birther issue repeated in several media interviews overshadowed Romney’s attempts to focus on the economy.”
Xxx Wall St Journal Online.
When Romney was MA Gov, the state ranked 47th in the country in jobs growth, .09%, as per the US Dept of Labor.
The national average was 5%+
Only Ohio, Michigan and Louisiana were worse… two rust-belt states and one that lost its biggest city to a hurricane…
MR was gov from Jan 03 to Jan 07.
Romney staff spent nearly $100,000 to hide documentation of his admin’s record in MA.
“When Romney left the governorship of Massachusetts, 11 of his aides bought the hard drives of their state-issued computers to keep for themselves.
“Also before he left office, the governor’s staff had emails and other electronic communications by Romney’s administration wiped from state servers, state officials say.”
“Those actions erased much of the internal documentation of Romney’s four-year tenure as governor, which ended in January 2007. Precisely what information was erased is unclear.”
Xxx romney-pushed-individual-mandate-massachusetts-health-care-law/story. June, 2012.
“…a series of emails obtained by the Wall Street Journal reveals Romney was actively engaged in negotiating the specifics of the 2006 Massachusetts bill and that he and his top aides championed a provision
“identical to one in President Obama’s law requiring individuals to have or buy health insurance.”

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Your Questions About Fafsa

Chris asks…

How do i fill out my fafsa if my mom left, my parents aren’t divorced, but she isn’t supporting us?

She left around last Summer, and i don’t know much about her…So how can i fill out my Fafsa. I’m 17. I mean how do i put her finanacial stuff on there if i don’t know she already started a new life with a man.

Michelle answers:

Please copy the following articles and take them to your guidance counselor to ask.

Completing the FAFSA

If your parents are separated or divorced, the custodial parent is responsible for filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The custodial parent for federal student aid purposes is the parent with whom you lived the most during the past 12 months. (The twelve month period is the twelve month period ending on the FAFSA application date, not the previous calendar year.) Note that this is not necessarily the same as the parent who has legal custody.

the federal formula doesn’t include the financial resources of the noncustodial parent … Some private colleges, however, do ask about the noncustodial parent’s income and assets on their own aid forms and consider the resources of both parents — as well as the custodial parent’s spouse.

Sandra asks…

My brother and are both going to college and I’m wondering what I will get from FAFSA?

I am a senior in high school and my brother is a junior in college. He is at a state university and I am planning on going to one next year. He got around 5000 dollars for his student loans and I was wondering how much money would I be able to get. Would FAFSA take into account the fact that my parents are helping two children through college and maybe give me more that that?

Michelle answers:

Yes, there is a question on the fafsa that asks how many of the family are in college. Be sure to include him in the family household number (if he’s not married and meets the other dependent guidelines) and be sure to add him to the number of people in college. Be sure to do this on both your and his applications. Parent information will be the same for both, but not likely the student information because you may have both worked and made different amounts. You prob won’t get the same amounts, upper class-men are eligible for more loan money.
Good Luck.

Thomas asks…

Is the FAFSA award amount the same for every college you apply to?

In other words, will I be receiving the same amount of aid through the FAFSA for every college? (excluding scholarships, aid direct from the school, etc.)

Michelle answers:

The entire point of the FAFSA is to determine your how much you and your family can afford to pay for college. THey look at your income and assets and whatnot to figure out your EFC the magical number that the government thinks you can pay.
Total expenses – EFC = financial aid needed.

So if you applied to a school costing $30,000 and another $12,000 and the FAFSA says you can pay $18,000 you may not recieve any award for the cheap school, and up to $12,000 “aid” for the other school.

Just remember that the “aid” is rarely just free money. You are more likely to be offered work study and low rate loans.

George asks…

Do I have to fill out fafsa again or make corrections to my existing application?

I filled out fafsa for the fall term 2009 but i didnt go. I have now decided i want to attend school spring of 2010. Also, I have changed what school i want to attend. Do i have to fill out another app because its a new year or jus correct my existing app. with the new term and school.

Michelle answers:

Yes, you have to modify the FAFSA form since you are changing schools for the spring semester 2010. You have to change the code on it. It will send the information to the new school, so you could get a financial aid package from them. I have included a great free website on financial aid.

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Your Questions About Funbrain

Sharon asks…

What are some free cheap educational websites for boys ages 6 and 9?

Thanks in advance for helpful answers 🙂

Michelle answers: teaches kids about organs, nutrition, and exercise etc.. I went on it frequently at ages 8 to 12, and my sister used it at age five and on…really fun! There’s exercising games too.
Let’s see…
Http:// has more health educational stuff + games and articles.
Http:// has math and spelling games etc

William asks…

I was a student of MSC – Botany 2nd year. How can I became a scientist in this field?

I am belongs to India. I want to be a scientist / asst. scientist with this qualification. Please give access to me.

Michelle answers:

Hi, u can get the best answer for ur question by searching few of the following sites:

i m sure they will help

Betty asks…

Is it hard to use a cash register?

I been looking for jobs and some I applied for were to be a cashier. But I dont know math for shit so im wondering are they hard to use. I know how to count and all that other stuff but sometimes if I have to count change or money back to someone I get nerves. Does the register tell you how much to give them back because if it dont im screwed.

Michelle answers:

Most cash registers these days are P.O.S (Point of Sale) machines which are electronic computer systems. You just punch in whatever it is the person is ordering, and when they give you the money, you can just punch it in on the numberpad. If there’s change due, it will tell you what the change due is. So say if something costs $7.79 and someone gives you a $10 bill, you just hit the $10 bill button, and it will say “Change Due: $2.21” … So that’s just two dimes and a penny, then two one dollar bills. Most people pay in either $5, $10 or $20 bills, and a lot of people these days use credit/debit cards, which completely removes the process of having to worry about change all together.

If you have to count for whatever reason, COUNT UP from the sale price to what they gave you. So for example, the cost is $7.79 and they give you a $10 bill … Count from $7.79 to $10. So 1 penny makes $7.80, then add two dimes, that makes $8, then two dollar bills, that gets you to $10. In change that would be $2.21.

Yeah, I used to worry about that too when I first started, but you just have to practice. You can use change games that are available online to help you get used to it:

Robert asks…

Anyone know any educational websites for Preschoolers that can help them prepare for Kindergarten?

Examples are: Techniques, tips and printable worksheets. Online resource sites are welcomed.

Michelle answers:

Some links may be duplicated and for that I’m sorry..!!!

Preschool and Kindergarten Links

Pre-School Themes & Activities

Welcome to Pre-School Themes & Activities…there are lots of wonderful crafts & activities, story ideas to read aloud, songs/fingerplays/nursery rhymes, and recipe ideas! Click on a theme category or one of our great activity ideas below…..and have fun!! Pages are updated regularly – so check back soon for more great ideas!


Stories for Children


Welcome to Teaching Ideas


Curriculum, Lesson Plans, Colouring Links & Fun Stuff.


Printable Work Sheets.


Browse all Resources


Free Blank Outline Maps of the Countries and Continents of the World


Good luck for the future.

Kevin, Liverpool, England.

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