Your Questions About Funbrain

Mary asks…

What are the best free online algebra video lesson sites?

What are the best free online algebra video lesson sites?

Michelle answers: or

Lisa asks…

Where can you find a site for sign language?

It needs to be pictures or videos please
Thank you!

Michelle answers:

Http:// or ASL
(i’m just putting random websites with sign language that can tech you)
Most of the websites are ASL or a guide to ASL.
You should buy a little booklet to help you learn it. The booklet is very small and about one page and probablty costs less than a dollar.

Mark asks…

what are some websites to keep me sharp over the summer?

i am going into eighth grade, and i want to be prepared for the start of school.
i already know cool math, study island and free rice, but what are some other good ones that have preferably math, english, and spanish?

Michelle answers: is for english for spanish

all math

please answer mine;_ylt=Ah3Rg_WiWLhX0HzYUrAlQR3sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20120702162845AA08pUo

Ruth asks…

Babysitting: How to keep the boys entertained all day?

I’m babysitting for 6 days, 7 hours each day while the parents are at work. I’m watching 2 adorable little boys; ages 5 and 7. Since I’m going to be there for so long every day I need ideas on what to do with these two trouble makers all day. I don’t want to be the Boring babysitting. So any tips and ideas on what to do would be appreciated greatly.

P.S. its going to be really nice all week, especially the days I’m watching them.

Michelle answers:

I am a mom of 2 little boys (and to little girls) and I will tell you that my boys love to run around outside, since it is summer they love to go out on the slip n slide. They like to build ramps out of everything for their toy trucks to race down. I let them play on the computer on and We go to parks and out for ice cream. There are lots of low-priced outdoor toys you could get for them (such as balls, bubbles, a sprinkler, jumpropes, etc.) to keep them busy and wear them out. Make sure they always have lots of water or gatorade if you are playing outside all week. Have a good time!

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Your Questions About Fox 23

Richard asks…

When is the next time the new orleans saints play?

im new to football..i dont know what channel..can someone explain to me about football and what channel it comes on?

Michelle answers:

The Saints next play the Bengals in Cincinnati on August 23rd at 6:30pm (NOLA time). The game is supposed to be on FOX (channel 8).

This is the complete schedule:

Aug 07 @ ARIZONA CARDINALS 7:00PM 24 – 10
Aug 16 vs. HOUSTON TEXANS 7:00PM 27 – 31
Aug 28 vs. MIAMI DOLPHINS 7:00PM Fox 8 (HD)

Sep 28 vs. SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS 12:00PM FOX
Nov 02 BYE

You can check the Saints’ website and the Times-Picayune (New Orleans’ daily newspaper) website for lots of info about the team, including schedules & tv/network coverage. Yahoo Sports also has lots of info:;_ylt=AhpK.jdrR7SMgND7Hea3j_85nYcB

This Wikipedia article has information on American professional football:

Mary asks…

What are some nonsense phrases that are now acceptable in our language?

Example – “You have time on your hands”

Michelle answers:

Topsy turvy
kit n’ kaboodle
23 skiddoo
far out
high cheese (high fastball–baseball)
Beam me up, Scotty
over the moon
what’s up doc?
Love handles
pig out
make my day
hunky dory
la dee da
ho hum
wait a while, crocodile
a pig in a poke
three bricks shy of a load
frog strangeler
knuckle sandwich
good egg
tall drink of water
left his groceries at the market
corny jokes
bad apple
dumb as a rock
slopping the hogs
room temperature IQ
between a rock and a hard place
from the frying pan into the fire
great balls of fire
the ship already sailed
more fun than a barrel of monkeys
that dog won’t hunt
apple of my eye
a whodunnit
Go directly to jail. Do not collect $200
dog eat dog
bucket of s–t
s–t for brains
peeping tom
fish or cut bait
brick s–t house
my heart of hearts
go for broke
stool pigeon
marked man
man in the moon
going through hell and half of Georgia
traffic jam
here’s mud in your eye
dry eyed
stiff upper lip
fox in the henhouse
mad as a hornet
good day for ducks
hot dog
snake eyes
in a jam
in a pickle
pie in the sky
city slicker
eas s–t
bad a**
what is so rare as a day in June
artificial intelligence
smart a**
speaking with forked tongue
speaking of the devil
playing devel’s advocate
horsing around
horse play
driving me crazy
looney bin
cockof the walk
a litter of puppies, a gaggle of geese, a murder of crows, etc.
Throwing the baby out with the bathwater
as high as the sky
keep on trucking
wet behind the ears
a frog in your throat
caught with your hand in the cookie jar
caught red handed
welcome wagon
scam artist
come out of one’s shell
taking his medicine
humble pie
swallow your pride
worm your way out of a situation
a fly on the wall
bug off
a horse of a different colour
eating crow
shagging flies (baseball)
a tall order
robbing the cradle
a May-December wedding
marching orders
better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick
bird’s eye view
bird brain
book worm
dead as a door nail
paying the piper
6 of one and a half dozen of the other
a baker’s dozen
bite the bullet
kick the bucket
crossing over
wrack your brain
go to bat for somebody
tickle your fancy
be in the limelight
chick magnet
out of time
alligator tears
hair of the dog
dog days
touch wood
pack of lies
fat farm
turnabout is fair play
hook, line, and sinker
funny farm
end of my rope.

Mark asks…

I am moving to Sydney next year to Hornsby area. I have a son who should go to preschool next year.What school?

What schools are available there and do I need to enroll him this year?

Michelle answers:

There are any number of preschools in the Hornsby area, ranging from private ones to ones run by Hornsby Council. Perhaps you could check out a few once you arrive in the area. Here is a list of a few:

KU Childrens Services?
23 Millewa Ave, Wahroonga, NSW 2076? – (02) 9489 4174?
Website? – Directions?

Hornsby Ku-Ring-Gai Montessori Preschool? – Write a review
6 Dural St, Hornsby, NSW 2077? – (02) 9477 6686?

KU Fox Valley Preschool?
116 Fox Valley Rd, Wahroonga, NSW 2076? – (02) 9489 1862?

St Stephens Preschool
2 Kenley Rd, Normanhurst, NSW 2076? – (02) 9489 2058?
Website? – Directions?

Hornsby Shire Council
18-22 Lords Ave, Asquith, NSW 2077? – (02) 9477 3727?
Website? – Directions?

Three Bears Kindergarten?
4 Railway Pde, Hornsby, NSW 2077? – (02) 9987 4025?
Website? – Directions?

Jack & Jill Kindergarten?
1 Hall Rd, Hornsby, NSW 2077? – (02) 9477 3572?
Website? – Directions?

Hornsby Heights Preschool Kindergarten?
28 Galston Rd, Hornsby, NSW 2077? – (02) 9987 4896?

Retaval Preparatory School
100 Fox Valley Rd, Wahroonga, NSW 2076? – (02) 9487 1298?
Website? – Directions?

Carol asks…

How much money will I make with these gold and silver coins?

1325 for gold coins ( gold eagle ) and few others,then silver eagle, silver maple at 23.60. I can barely afford it but if I do good on my new job I may 200-300 in silver coins, and maybe some gold , maybe an ounce but probably only a 1/10 of an ounce, unless I do good at my job. How profitable will this be for me? Over a month, 3 months, 1 year, 2 and 5 years? Il probably buy 1000 dollars + over many months. How easy is it to cash in gold and silver, where, how much will I get for an ounce of silver or a ounce of gold?

Michelle answers:

Personally, I would put my money into mutual funds instead. I like Fidelity, but there are lots of good companies out there.

Gold and silver are quite volatile and risky and are as likely to go down, as up. I certainly wouldn’t have them as my only investment. Unfortunately you missed a big run-up in gold prices over the last couple of years.

It’s easy to sell gold and silver, but the catch is, you’ll lose value everytime you make a transaction, and transactions in tangible product are less efficient than electronic transactions. In other words, you can always sell it, but you might not make any money.

Don’t believe the ads on places like FOX News that gold is a “sure thing”.

A good resource for gold prices is:

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Your Questions About Facebook

Richard asks…

How to send blackberry pics to facebook?

I don’t have the facebook application on my phone and neither do my other friends who have backberrys. On their phones when they go to the pictures they have taken, their options say send as email, send as messenger contact, send as MMS and send to facebook. I have all of those options except for the send to facebook. Does anyone know hoe to get that on the phone?? PLEASE HELP!

Michelle answers:

Install facebook app.

Donald asks…

How to delete facebook friend on iPod touch?

How do you delete a friend on facebook from your iPod touch from the facebook app, not safari?

Michelle answers:

The iPhone app for Facebook is still always being modified. Too bad they haven’t added this feature yet. Hopefully another update wil come soon and you can delete friends from there. Until then, the only way you can delete friends is from a computer or the Safari browser on your iPod

Robert asks…

How do I get facebook to open on blackberry storm?

I’ve downloaded the app, but when I click on the Facebook icon in the App Center, nothing happens.

Michelle answers:

7620000 results
Turn off blackberry.
Search RefinersShow All Facebook.
Search resultsFacebook for BlackBerry.
Facebook … Facebook for BlackBerry® smartphones Like Download App
Turn off facebook indicator.
You used to be able to turn off notifications by opening the Facebook app on your phone and then pushing the Blackberry key and going to options.
Facebook notifications – BlackBerry Forums at

Charles asks…

How to temporarily deactivate your Facebook account?

I want to temporarily deactivate my Facebook account but i don’t know how to? How do i do that on the new Facebook? Please help! Thanks in advance.

If you know how to reactivate ur account please tell me, so when i would like my Facebook back i can know how to reactivate it..:)

Michelle answers:

This guide will show you how to deactivate your account on Facebook:

Good luck!

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Your Questions About Fedex

Steven asks…

Can I put a USPS package in the FedEx drop box? Or do I have to go get in line?

Okay, so I wanna send this package, which is not really a package but it’s a large envelope. I was wondering, do I have to go inside the post office and get in line to send it? Or can I just drop it of in the FedEx drop off box, even though it’s suppose to go to USPS Priority Mail.

Michelle answers:

Yes you need to go to the Post Office. Fedex is for fedex service only

Sandy asks…

What should I do if FedEx left a package at my address, but it is not addressed to me?

I just move into a new house. Shorty after moving in a package was delivered, without me signing for. It is addressed to someone who lived there before me. FedEx has not come back for it. So it is sitting next to my door and I don’t know what to do.

Michelle answers:

If you call FedEx, they will definitely come and pick it up. This is the number 1.800.463.3339.

David asks…

How long does a fedex truck take?

I’m waiting for a package and it says ” On fedex truck.” How long does it take for it to come?

Michelle answers:

Shipment usually takes 5 to 10 days you can track your package with a simple phone call or online at the fedex website i used to work in shipment as part time

Mary asks…

What type of deal does FedEx get on Verizon Wireless Phones?

Does anyone work for FedEx and also look at prices for phones such as the Blackberry Storm. I know 2 years ago, i could get almost any phone in the store for free, but i was just checking if anything has changed.

Michelle answers:

If you order the phone off the web you get free shipping from verizon with fed-ex

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Your Questions About Fafsa

Donald asks…

How can I estimate my fafsa income based on my situation?

Im not entirely sure how fafsa works. My parents wont tell me. Because they know once I find out, I’ll be moving out due to the circumstances at home. Plus, they are using my loans to pay for my own mother tuition. (They are paying for my own as well, but I lost 3 grand of my own money because of it.) If I move out, will I receive money that I DONT have to pay back? Hence student loans. What can I apply for if im a independent? Im so new to all of this and im on my second semester of college. Someone please link me some useful information on how I can siphon all the money I possibly can. Lol. I dont want to press charges or anything. I just want to be out, and know Ill be able to continue attending school.

Michelle answers:

Even if you move out you will still be considered a dependent student for financial aid purposes. To be considered independent for financial aid you need to be 24, married, have children, join the army or earn a bachelor’s degree. Simply moving out is not grounds to be classified as independent. So, you will be offered the same amount next year.
You need to prevent your money from being used for your parents’ tuition expenses. They can take out their own loans. If you can afford to move out. If you can’t afford to move out then get a job and save your money. In the mean time there are things you can do. While you can’t fill out the FAFSA on your own, you can restrict your parents’ access to your university account. You should be able to accept a lower amount of student loan money so that there is no extra for them. If you still want the full amount then there are options. Open up your own bank account that your parents do not have access to. If your school has the option of directly depositing a refund into your account then do that. If you must get a check, make sure to get to it before your parents (you might be able to pick it up directly at the school instead of waiting for the mail. You can also open up a post office box so that your parents do not have access to your personal mail.

Helen asks…

Any tips for filling out FAFSA for students who will be sophomores?

I managed to fill out FAFSA last year and I believe our twins got good deals. Now, we have sold our house, are going through a divorce. It all seems pretty straightforward, but is there anything I should “leave out” .

Michelle answers:

Dear Boston,

I’m sorry about ur family situation. But divorce is a big issue on Fafsa… Don’t hide that fact. Depending on who your Twins choose to live with will have some bearing on Fin Aid. Also your ex needs his own pin number. U don’t want him saying u falsified info or vice versa. If he knew your pin, change the password.

U know ur kids r going to need extra reassurance from Both of U about life, school and living arrangements. If there is any way that u and your ex can be friendly and raising the kids together… Not in same household but communicating so they don’t play one off the other. Many kids will because of the situation. It’s just human nature.

Fafsa is the Federal Govt… Don’t leave things out. They don’t play when it comes to catching irregularities. They do prosecute. Honestly, divorcing will probably help your Twins because now they fact in two households etc…

George asks…

Can I fill out FAFSA without my parents information?

I live in Connecticut and the deadline is February 15 however my mother still hasn’t received her W2 form or done her taxes yet. I was wondering if I could still apply for FAFSA without any updated information about my mother. She hasn’t received any raises but has received her Associates degree in her field this past December (2010).

And if I can, when I do receive her income tax information all I need to do is update everything correct?

Michelle answers:

I read in a news article a while ago about your question and found this answer on the web:
Just use your old taxes as a guide to make reasonable estimates about the current year.. Then later you can make corrections when your actual taxes are done.

That is, for the estimated income information, use the figures from your mother’s 2009 Federal Income tax filing and then file a corrected FAFSA after she has completed her 2010 Federal filing.

Here’s the link to the FAFSA top Frequently Asked Questions and answers:
Your question is #10 on the list.

Here’s a link to the FAFSA document (PDF – Adobe Reader) on correcting/revising a FAFSA application filed earlier:
The section most relevant to your needs starts on page AVG-97 of the document (actually the 3rd page of the document with the above link.)

Best wishes

Susan asks…

How does the fafsa work with transfers?

I’m a junior in high school right now. My plan once I graduate is to go to a community college for my general education requirements, then transfer over to a university (most likely NAU).
I was wondering how the FAFSA works with transfers or even if it works with community college tuition.

I’m also wondering how the credits work once I transfer. Would I end up as a junior at the new school because I’ll already have 2 years under my belt or…?

Michelle answers:

You will be able to file the FAFSA at community college and at a 4-yr. You’ll receive funding based on your EFC, and yes, if you earn an AA or AS at the community level, you will be considered a junior.

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Your Questions About Firefox

Jenny asks…

How come in Mozilla Firefox on my computer whenever i click on my bookmarks toolbar it opens in a new window?

Earlier today everything was fine and then suddenly when I opened Firefox again then every one of my bookmarks had opened in a new window. How come?

Michelle answers:

Check Tools; Options; Tabs to make sure it says that New Pages should be opened in a new tab, not in a new window. Is it possible that someone using the computer was tired of having the bookmark open over the existing page? I often right-click the bookmark and click open in new tab. Also, my wheel opens it in a new tab automatically. You can read this website for some tips:

(If any of the answers you get are helpful to you, please choose a Best Answer to keep them alive so they can help others too.)

Robert asks…

How do I stop Firefox from uploading the Google Toolbar every time I open it?

Every time I’ve opened Firefox today, it’s announced that Google Toolbar has been downloaded. I’ve uninstalled it and re-opened a Firefox window three times now, but every time I go to re-open a window, it tells me that I’ve got the Google Toolbar again. How do I stop this?

Michelle answers:

I believe that Firefox has an agreement with google to run their search window in the top right corner of the browser. That’s why it’s free. Have you tried the Opera browser?

Steven asks…

How do I configure Firefox to allow pop-ups from specific sites?

How do I configure Firefox to allow pop-ups from specific sites? I had clicked on an online job application to take a screening assessment and it said: “For further information regarding pop-up blockers, refer to your browser online help.” How do I do that?

Michelle answers:

When Firefox blocks a pop up, a little bar comes up at the top of the screen, and lets you know it has done this. You can click the options button there, and set it to always allow pop-ups from

You can also go to tools>options>content, and edit the exceptions next to the block pop-up windows tick box.

Sandy asks…

Can you download FireFox Browser over the top of existing same version?

Downloaded the latest version of FireFox Browser, 3.5.2, it’s been havin issues, can I reinstall it again over the existing version and not mess anything up, or lose any information?

Michelle answers:

Give up on Firefox until its fixed there are currently just too many problems to rate it as a reliable piece of software. Try Orca, K-Meleon or Flock they are all free Mozilla based browsers and are all faster than Firefox. They have been produced by people who agree the Mozilla search engine is best but that firefox has gone wrong somewhere. If you go to firefox help pages or Mozillazine help pages you will see that the people there are extremely arrogant and blame everything and everybody for having problems with Firefox. Not a good sign. IE8 is OK with a shell like Avant or Maxthon or slim browser. But a browser that is not part of the OS will always be more secure. The less well known it is the less likely it will be hacked.

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Your Questions About Fox News

Ruth asks…

Do you have any predictions on what Fox News will get white middle America fired up about next?

Recently Fox News got Conservative, white middle America fired up about the poet Common, who most of them probably had never heard of until recently.

Any idea of what will be next?

Michelle answers:

I really don’t understand the issue that is going on with common. I listen to his music, what did he do to upset someone, if nothing than why is it a big deal that he visited the whitehouse?

David asks…

What are the names of the liberal commentators who regularly appear on “fair and balanced” Fox News?

Since Fox News is “fair and balanced,” I assume that they give approximately equal time to both liberal and conservative commentary.

Sean Hannity is on for an hour every day. Glenn Beck is on for an hour every day. Bill O’Reilly is on for an hour every day. Each one of those men is clearly conservative.

What are the names of the liberal commentators who have hour long shows on Fox, thus making the network “fair and balanced”?
For example, Pat Buchanan regularly appears as a commentator on MSNBC.

Michelle answers:

Umm *thinking* Uhhhh lets see here…gee, i dont there is one.

Englishman in kentucky, MSNBC has conservative commenators..joe schoborough, pat buchanan, and some other people I can’t remember their n ames.

Robert asks…

Is the snubbing of Fox News his part of reaching out to the other side of the aisle with Republicans?

Obama claims to be someone who would work with Republicans and reach out to the other side. Yet he refuses to do any interviews with Fox News or any other news media that wants to ask him hard questions.

Michelle answers:

You make an excellent point. Obama has no track record of bipartisan efforts. Therefore, I don’t expect anything he does to be bipartisan. Sad, but true.

“Reaching across the isle” is merely a sales pitch to gain votes and nothing more.

A strong candidate would have no problem with all the major news outlets reporting and that includes FOX. Obama’s clear avoidance of FOX makes him look weak. I mean, even Hillary wasn’t afraid to take the pundits at FOX on; and she did it beautifully.

Thomas asks…

What is the FOX news position on the Arizona immigration law?

on one hand, I can see why they would want the law (I want the law too), but on the other hand the Arizona law is intened to slow down illegal aliens from invading…which would hurt corporate profits and put americans out of work and depress their wages.

So how is FOX news dealing with this little catch 22?

Michelle answers:

Oh come now everyone knows that none of the news organizations have positions on these topics. They merely report on the various topics in the news in a highly non partisan and thoroughly objective manner. They merely report the facts so the electorate can form their own conclusions thus making them enlightened voters. ‘None’ of the news organizations are biased. You have a good day now

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Your Questions About Fafsa

Linda asks…

What happens to my FAFSA if I get a job?

I currently am getting aid from FAFSA and I have applied for a job. If I get a job, will the amount of money I get from FAFSA change? Will I have to reapply for this year during the next semester to get my check?

Michelle answers:

It seems like you might be confused about a couple of things, so let’s see if I can help.

First of all, the FAFSA isn’t your financial aid – the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is just an application form that you use to apply for aid.

The information that you submit on your FAFSA is sent to the US Department of Education, where all of those numbers are rolled into a big mathematical formula to determine your Expected Family Contribution, or EFC score. That EFC score gets sent to the financial aid office at your school, and it’s the financial aid office – right there at your college – that determines how much financial aid you are qualified for. “FAFSA” doesn’t give you anything – the financial aid department at your school, and the federal government’s student aid program are the ones responsible for providing your aid. Remember, FAFSA is just an application form.

Also, keep in mind that you are required to submit a new FAFSA for every year that you want to apply for financial aid. As a convenience, the website is set up to provide the opportunity to begin the “new” FAFSA each year with the same info that you entered the year before, but you are responsible for updating the information that you provide. You apply for aid in the early spring of every academic year – the FAFSA for 2009-2010 will be available online right around January 1st.

When you complete the FAFSA each year, you will answer questions about your income from the previous year. If you haven’t worked in the past, but you are working during the current year, you’ll report “income” on your FAFSA form next year, and that income will become part of the analysis of your financial aid need. Keep in mind that the government expects YOU to be primarily responsible for your educational expenses – so, if you have income, you are expected to put aside a good chunk of that income to pay your educational expenses.

That having been said – unless your job pays you a very large sum of money, chances are that your additional income will not have too much of an impact on the calculation of your Expected Family Contribution score for next year – and therefore, not much of an effect on the amount of aid that you are offered for next year.

If you are currently receiving any forms of “exceptional need” aid, like a Pell Grant or a Perkins loan, your income might make you ineligible or eligible for a smaller amount, but if your current aid comes in the form of a Stafford loan, it’s very unlikely that your income will affect the amount of money that you are eligible to borrow next year.

If you have questions about how your income might impact your aid eligibility, you should direct these questions to the financial aid department, because they can review all of the other information that goes into the calculation of your aid eligibility.

Good luck!

Sandy asks…

Can I apply for FAFSA even if I finished college in a foreign country?

Can I apply for FAFSA even if I finished college in a foreign country? I finished my Bachelors Degree in the Philippines and I want to study again here (U.S). Do you think I can get Pell Grant?

Michelle answers:

Are you a legal U.S. Citizen or a legal resident alien? If “yes,” you may submit a FAFSA for graduate school aid (not another bachelors.).

Richard asks…

Why does it require the household’s annual income when it comes to applying for the FAFSA?

I’m applying for the FAFSA and benefits and I just want to know why the household income matters. I’ve had the privilege of staying with my father while I try to get my feet underneath me and if I’m applying for myself, why does it matter what he makes?

Michelle answers:

The federal student aid system is based on the premise that parents should pay for their childrens’ education to the best of their ability, as determined by a formula that is applied to all students who apply. Whether parents choose to do that or not is a personal choice, but it doesn’t change the underlying principle that they should.

The FAFSA recognizes that there are situations where having to provide parent information doesn’t make sense. That’s why they have the dependency questions on there (are you over the age of 24, married, supporting a dependent, in the military or a veteran, attending a graduate school, etc.). If you cannot answer yes to one of those questions, then you are considered a dependent student whose parent should contribute to your education. This is true even if you don’t live with your parent, aren’t supported by them, or aren’t claimed on their tax return. ( It seems like it would be particularly true in your case where you actually are being supported by your parent. ) Your parent’s income matters because it’s the only way to determine what his/her fair share should be.

Incidentally, income is not the only thing that affects your eligibility, and not all of the family income is included. The calculation also takes into consideration factors like the number in the household, the number in college, where you live, the amount of taxes you have to pay, the age of your parents, their assets, whether they pay or recieve child support, etc. It also recognizes that families need money to live on, so there are income protection amounts built in. For example, the first $6,000 of a student’s wages aren’t included in the calculation. For parents, the protected amount depends on their age because as they get older they need to save more for retirement. For example, for parents who are 50 years old, the first $46,600 of their income is protected. The same is true for assets: for students, only 20% is included and for the parent it’s only 12%.

Chris asks…

How do I make a correction to the student financial information section of my FAFSA?

When I log into my FAFSA, I’m not able to make anymore corrections. It just reads, “View past corrections” along with a notice that says that my Fafsa has already been successfully processed. I have a correction to make to my student financial information section because I put that I will file taxes, even though I will probably not file them at all this year. Please help. I am planning on sending in a 4506-T (specifically a request for verification of nonfiling from the IRS). I’m hoping this will negate the false information that is on my fafsa. I would very much like to correct this as soon as possible!! Any help or suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks

Michelle answers:

Call them at 1-800-4FED-AID (1-800-433-3243) or 319-337-5665 they are open until 10pm tonight.

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Your Questions About Facebook

Mandy asks…

How do i facebook chat with the samsung galaxy s?

I have the android app facebook but can not seem to chat. Is this even possible?

Michelle answers:

Is ‘ebuddy’ available for you phone? I use this for facebook chat on my mobile phone 🙂

Thomas asks…

How can a add a theme wallpaper on my Facebook page?

Yes Facebook is not MySpace but is very boring to have a blue & white background. Can I add a wallpaper theme in my Facebook page? If yes, can you give a link? Thank you.

Michelle answers:

You can not change the background of Facebook. There are sites that offer you skins for FB but as soon as you load them your FB turns into Advertising Book. Don’t load them. They are all ad-ware.

Jenny asks…

How to get more likes on a facebook page?

On facebook when you make a page,how do you get more likes?Like other than sharing it with your facebook friends and it has to be free.

Michelle answers:

Offer something free. Ex. “Like our page and get this free eBook (trial, offer, software,..)”
There are plenty of things you can “give away” for the “like.” Doesn’t have to be fancy at all. People like free.

Create a welcome image with an arrow pointing towards the “Like” button.

Or combine them.
Can be easily done with this free Facebook application:

Donald asks…

What iz the difference between facebook and myspace?

So like my friend saids that myspace is better but i say facebook is better. what is the difference between myspace and facebook?

Michelle answers:

The difference between myspace and facebook is that myspace is mainly for stuff that is all about you
facebook is better for networking

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Your Questions About Firefox

Thomas asks…

Does firefox preloader make firefox start faster?

Usually firefox takes around a minute or so to sart.So i went internet looking for ways to make mozilla firefox start up faster.I found firefox preloader,but before i download it I wanted to know if it really works.

Michelle answers:

Yes it really works just take 2 seconds to load. But you have to know some issues about Preloader.

1. Preloader fast firefox in one computer session that mean your firefox will be slow at its first startup when windows startup like before but just you start it and close it. The preloader work.

2. I have some problems with preloader (youtube cache, memory consume)

Finally just try it, and the decision is yours

Sandy asks…

How can I stop firefox from deleting cookies when I close it?

Whenever I close firefox it deletes all my cookies so I have to re-login to all sites etc. I need away to stop this.

Michelle answers:

It’s a bug, so close Firefox, find cookies.sqlite and delete it.

Edit: You’ll find it in: C:Documents and Settings[user name]Application DataMozillaFirefoxProfiles

Open the ‘Profiles’ folder and cookies.sqlite will be in there.

Ruth asks…

How do I change the program Firefox streams file with?

Firefox is streaming files with quicktime, I want it to stream with windows media player. I got as default program for all media files as windows media player. IE7 works, fine, but quicktime still appears in firefox. I am running Vista.

Michelle answers:

In firefox:

Tools->Options->Content Tab->Click “Manage” button at the bottom to configure what program to use with what file extensions.

Richard asks…

How do you align a scrollbox in the middle for myspace using mozilla firefox?

okay , so i just downloaded mozilla firefox & when i use myspace & look at my profile using it it makes my scrollbox on my profile aligned to the left. on internet explorer it’s in the middle. i wanna know how i can align my scrollbox in the middle for mozilla firefox. please help ! asap !

Michelle answers:

Give up on Firefox until its fixed there are currently just too many problems to rate it as a reliable piece of software. Try Orca, K-Meleon or Flock they are all free Mozilla based browsers and are all faster than Firefox. They have been produced by people who agree the Mozilla search engine is best but that firefox has gone wrong somewhere. If you go to firefox help pages or Mozillazine help pages you will see that the people there are extremely arrogant and blame everything and everybody for having problems with Firefox. Not a good sign. IE8 is OK with a shell like Avant or Maxthon or slim browser. But a browser that is not part of the OS will always be more secure. The less well known it is the less likely it will be hacked.

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