Your Questions About Fedex

Nancy asks…

Why does it take longer for the USPS to deliver a package than Fedex?

Why does it take longer for a package to arrive through USPS than Fedex????? I love love love to shop online it is convenient and you save money. I ordered to items from 2 different online stores last thursday. 1 is going to be delivered by USPS and is scheduled to arrive this coming friday. The other 1 was delivered tuesday 3 days before. Why is this?????

Michelle answers:

There are many different levels of service provided by both shippers. You did not say what level either one was. Also, you cannot judge the two fairly unless you bought both items from the same company and both were sent out at the same time. You bought from two different companies. We don’t know that the company that used USPS didn’t send it out two days after the FedEx package went out.

Daniel asks…

Can I ship via FedEx in USPS priority mail branded boxes?

The boxes say you can only ship via priority mail, but I want to ship FedEx because it would be significantly cheaper. What should I do?

Michelle answers:

You answered your own question. “The boxes say you can only ship via priority mail”. USPS provides these materials at no additional charge because by accepting them from USPS, YOU agree to only use them for shipping through USPS at the Priority Mail rates.

If you wish to use FedEx, then you can get materials from FedEx that are only to be used for shipping through them.

Although you would unlikely ever be prosecuted, the misuse of USPS property is a Felony, covered under Title 18 of the US Code. USPS retains ownership of all of those materials so that it may control how they are used.

James asks…

Does FedEx still opeate the MD-11 at Manchester Airport?

Does FedEx still operate the MD-11 at Manchester Airport (EGCC)? If they do, what time of the day are they there?
If they’ve bin ‘banned’, then why does the Royal Air Force still fly the tristar in the UK?

Michelle answers:

Banned or not, but Tristar and the DC-10 are not the same aircraft. Tristar was made by Lockheed & Martin, while the DC-10 was made by McDonnell Douglas.
If they have really been banned, then it’s real sad. The good old DC-10 was one (and still is) one of the best 3-holers ever in the sky. It’s reputation just got blown due to human errors.

Sandy asks…

I need to fedex ID to America and provide someone with a valid UK fedex address, how do I go about this?

I need to Fedex my driving licence and a couple of other things from the UK to America, I’ve never used fedex and have absolutely no idea how to do this. Obviously they are important documents. Also I need to provide someone in America with a valid Fedex approved address to which he can return documents. I’m totally at a loss here and haven’t been able to get much help. Thanks in advance…
— There isn’t a fed-ex office anywhere near me.

Michelle answers:

Just go down to the closest Fedex station or Fedex Office they have the forms you need to fill out and you can pay there. Your home address should work for the return, if there is some kind of issue you can always have it delivered and held at the same place you ship it from.

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Your Questions About Fox News

Joseph asks…

Religious folks, how do you feel about FOX news constantly disrespecting Obama every night?

Are you a secret racist openly opposed to racism therefore he’s clearly a socialists ergo FOX news is correct .

Or are you a rational humanist who see’s FOX news as a biased political organization far from being fair and balanced ? Every night disrespecting our leader ?

How have you been trained to think ?

Michelle answers:

I have to peek in on them on occasion just to see what they are up to, but its painful to watch because if those folks represent white men y’all look like pure freaks nowadays and it makes me sick ashamed of my white side. Gingrich’s fat white cheeks hanging down to his belly flapping his ugly mouth like a gluttonous pig ,they are scared to death they might have to give up a little of their riches and power to sustain our world..They are petrified of Obama , it shows, and it looks sick evil and white..
Then we have freedom of speech and I’m all for that.

Sharon asks…

Do you think Hannity an Colmes are running a smear campaign against Obama on Fox News?

I seen an hour long special tonight of outright lies and distortions about Obama, I found it to be very unbalanced media. I am curious how fox news benefits from Obama not being president, have the rich people of the fox networks worked out a deal with Mccain hmmmm.

Michelle answers:

The smear campaign that Fox News as a whole is running right now is so obvious. Just listen to the opinions/side comments the reporters on the channel inject into just about everything they are reporting about Obama.

“Fair and Balanced” my ass!

It’s even worse now that election day is nearing and McCain is falling farther and farther behind Obama. Fox News is looking more desperate every day. It’s sad really.

John asks…

Exactly what did someone on Fox News say or do that incited violence?

Exactly what did someone on Fox News that was a lie?

I keep hearing so much about how Fox lies and how Fox incites violence, but I need some details.

Michelle answers:

The only violence inciting ive seen recently is by democrats putting crosshairs on a photo of Gov Walker of wisconsin.

Susan asks…

Are you watching closely the war on terror and Fox news for the next Bin laden terror tape updates?

All we can do is watch fox news until the war on terror is over!!!
Fox news watcher

Michelle answers:

After all the false footage shown on Fox News lately I wouldn’t trust them if they said they had Bin Laden captured in the back room and led him out.

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Your Questions About Food Network

George asks…

Where can I find tickets to a live cooking show in Florida?

Such as any food network star like Emeril Lagasse? Is there any website i can look at?

Michelle answers:

Sorry- Food Network does not film here in Orlando. Emril has two restaurants here but he does not live or film here. Occasionally a show is filmed at Universal Studios (like Ellen DeGeneres) or Disney (like the now defunt Wayne Brady) but no regular cooking shows. I’m sorry- I wish there was more filmed here.

Maria asks…

Is parchment paper the same as wax paper?

I am making some cookies I saw on Food Network and it says to use parchment paper. All I have is wax paper will that do?

Michelle answers:

No, parchment paper is designed for cooking. It works great on cookies. Don’t use the wax paper. Wait until you get parchment paper.

Michael asks…

can you use a stovetop grill on an electric burner?

On Food Network they are always using a stove top grill but they use gas cooking, does it work on electric ranges?

Michelle answers:

I would not recommend it. Electric stovetops themselves are etremely inconvienient. They heat unevenly. So when you put the stovetop grill on it, it will be heated unevenly. Serious cooks use gas grills, though they are difficult to maintain, but its television. So good luck.

Daniel asks…

Is my Cheesecake supposed to have lots of air bubbles before I put it in the oven?

I’m making “The ultimate cheesecake” recipe found on the food network. I’m wondering why there are so many air bubbles. I don’t remember it being like that the last time I made it. The surface was a lot smoother. How will it affect the taste and overall appearance? Please, anyone.
Will the cheesecake still taste good? Will there be any cracks? Those are my main concerns.

Michelle answers:

It sounds like you whipped it a little too much so it incorporated air. This will not affect the taste. It might crack some, but who cares. After all, it will still be delicious cheesecake! Put fruit or chocolate shavings or a sweetened sour cream layer over the top if the crack bothers you once it’s cooled.

If you haven’t baked it yet, tap it on the counter to pop some of the bubbles or use a toothpick to pop them.

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Your Questions About Fafsa

William asks…

What are the tax documents needed to apply for the FAFSA?

I’m about to apply for the FAFSA for college next year and was wondering what were the exact tax documents that are needed from my parents? Thank you and have a nice day!

Michelle answers:


FAFSA. Free application for federal student aid.

What is federal student aid: It includes grants, work study and loans. Filling out the FAFSA you are applying for all the federal aid listed on this page, plus others certain states and colleges have individually: click the different federal aid programs on the left

When FAFSA? Jan 1 of the year you will need it.You have the option on the FAFSA to do an estimate FAFSA using the previous years taxes and send it through. Just choose will file. Then ASAP when you can you do the taxes for that year and go on the FAFSA home page under #3 where it says make corrections and put in the actual tax information. For example, my daughter was attending Fall 2010. On Jan 1 we did the FAFSA as an estimate using our 2008 taxes, then as soon as we got or W2s and did our taxes for 2009 we made the corrections on the FAFSA. Why file an estimate: Because colleges are all given so much grant/work study money and its given to students first come, first serve, even if you qualify if you file later, it may be gone. So file early!

How much do you get: Federal aid is offered given to students based on their financial need. Your financial need is determined based on the questions you are asked on the FAFSA which will be about income, amount in banks, property owned, stocks and the like, as well as questions about your current home situation, how many, how many in college at the same time etc. These questions will determine your financial need. They use all the info to determine your EFC, estimated family contribution. They use a formula using all of your answers to determine your financial need, the lower the EFC the more financial aid help you need. If you have a 0 that does mean you dont pay anything but it does mean you have great need for financial aid help. This EFC amount is subtracted from the cost of the attendance (also called school budget) and the result of this is your financial need. COA/student budget is tuition, books, travel personal expenses, housing, fees. You can get an estimate here: Even if you do not qualify for federal grants or work study you may qualify for federal loans which most all students have. This EFC and recap of your FAFSA will be put in a report called SAR, student aid report. You get an email this is ready in a week or two if you did it online and a link in that email to view your SAR..

The only way you will know what federal aid you qualify for is the colleges you listed on the FAFSA will be sent your SAR and a financial aid award created for you based on your financial need. Each college award will be different, as the cost of attendance is different, colleges have their own aid to offer, and when you apply makes a difference in what aid they have available to offer. You need to look at all the offers. If your federal aid grants, work study and federal loans do not cover your cost of attendance you will need to get a private loan to cover the rest like from a bank or lender, so it may be smarter to pick a cheaper college where you need the least loans. Rule of thumb, your total college loans for your education should not exceed your first year salary in the degree you are pursuing.

How do you get your aid once you accept it: It gets deposited into your college account, usually by semester not all at once on certain disbursement dates your school has where everyone will get their money disbursed on a certain day. We applied Jan 1 2010, school started 9-1, our semester federal aid was disbursed 8-25. The colleges takes out their charges for housing, meals, tuition, and fees. We did have money left over and if you do you get a refund either a check or card system depending on the school, and we got that a week after school started by card system. Use that refund if any for books, materials etc.

Helpful sites:
All questions FAFSA, financial aid:

Mary asks…

CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS! Is the FAFSA and CalGrant the same or different grants?

I understand that first you have to apply for FAFSA/CA. Dream Act to get any aid, but is it the same grant(money) or do you received 2 separate grants?

Also if you receive financial aid can you still be able to get the BOGFW waiver? (California Board of Governors fee waiver)
I’ve gone to the financial aid office at my community college, but the ladies there aren’t much help & are clueless -.-

Michelle answers:

FAFSA is not a grant. It’s a form. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid. It’s used to apply for financial aid from the US government. Once you submit the FAFSA, the govt will send your info to your school, and your US government financial aid will be calculated. It might include certain types of grants, such as the Pell Grant, as well as student loans. You still have time to fill out the FAFSA for the fall, but you want to do that as quickly as you can.

The Cal Grant is a grant given by the state of California. It is run separate from US financial aid. The deadline for the fall was back in March, and you’ve missed it:

The BOGFW is a type of financial aid. You can get multiple types of aid.

Lisa asks…

If I applied for fafsa, does applying to four colleges look more appealing than just one?

I applied to 4 colleges and already been notified by my top college that I’ve been accepted. I didn’t get any response yet from the other colleges, but when i apply for fafsa, do i write down all the colleges I’ve applied to or do I have to wait for a letter from them? I got a call from one of the other three colleges and told them I wasn’t planning on going to their college….

Michelle answers:

For financial aid purposes it doesn’t matter how many schools you put down. Listing them just gets your information sent to the schools financial aid office. If you know for SURE you are going to go to one, you only need to list that one. However, if you don’t have the cash in hand to PAY for that one college and want to do some shopping around to see which school you can attend with the least amount of student loans, you might consider leaving your options open by listing all four.

You’d be amazed at how many kids are absolutely positive they are going to go to one school, and when it comes time to pay the bill the kids and the parents choke and things change.

They show up at the local community college, trying to get fin aid and the school has NO record of their fafsa info because they didn’t list them. It delays everything and the student winds up starting school without financial aid.

If I were you, id put as many schools as you are considering and then a few local backups.

Lizzie asks…

Are there forms or ways to add in extenuating circumstances, such as medical bills into the FAFSA?

Currently I don’t qualify for any federal aid, because my parents make too much money, but my mom has been going through a lot of surgeries due to a car accident in November. I need to find out if there is a way to add in expenses or extenuating circumstances into the FAFSA. Without it, I’m finding it very hard to pay for college.

Michelle answers:

There is no place in the FAFSA to include that kind of information. I recommend you complete and submit the FAFSA for the 2012-13 school year. Then, after your school has processed your financial aid eligibility and notified you of the financial aid they can offer you, you talk (by phone or in-person) with an adviser in the school Financial Aid Office and explain the current financial situation for your family and your mother’s medical bills this year. The school may have some additional funds (school-based funds) that can be added to your financial aid award.

Be prepared in your mind that you may not be able to afford to enroll in college/university this coming school year. Or, that you will need to apply to and enroll at your local community college for the 2012-13 school year and take classes that can transfer to the school you want to attend to earn a Bachelor’s degree.

The other option, is to take no college/univ. Classes during the 2012-13 school year, work at a full-time paying job or several part-time paying jobs, living with the parents to keep your living expenses down, and saving as much of your earnings to use in the 2013-14 school year. Others have done just that, lived to tell about it, and graduated from college/univ. With a degree, eventually.

I am sorry you and your parents are going through this difficult time right now.

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Best wishes

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Your Questions About Forever 21

James asks…

does forever 21 have good quality and are they a good company to trust?

i want to shop @ forever 21 with my sister, we want to know if its a good idea to shop there

Michelle answers:

YES”””””good quality and good prices

Lizzie asks…

If you have a gift certificate for target or forever 21 and you want to order something online?

I have a gift card to forever 21 and target can i order something online with the gift card number and pin just please give me more information.

Michelle answers:

Common sense just isnt your thing is it

Chris asks…

How do u use the new sizing on Forever 21?

When it comes to shopping on forever 21, what does measured from small mean? I usually wear a size small and i’m at bit confused what it’s referring to.. It is on forever 21. I usually get a small. should I get a medium? Does it mean that the clothes are smaller?

Michelle answers:

It means that the measurements they have are measured from a size small.

Meaning they took a size small shirt (or whatever) and measured it to show you how a size small really measures.


Daniel asks…

Where can I get cheap jewelry like Forever 21?

I love jewelry from stores like forever 21, charlotte ruse, AE, Urban Outfitters, aeropostale. I want to buy some jewelry but I’d like to keep it as cheap as possible. I don’t want to buy from F21 anymore because everything I have from there has since broken. Is there any online stores I can buy from?

Michelle answers: has some cute jewelry. A tad more expensive than F21, but still affordable higher quality stuff.

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Your Questions About Firefox

Carol asks…

How do I get rid of the dotted lines around links in Firefox?

I really, really, hate the dotted lines that appear around links when you click on them when using firefox. I have looked around for an answer, and many sites mention something about CSS. What is it and how do I find it so I can get rid of those infernal lines?

Michelle answers:

The dotted line is an accessibility feature for users that don’t use or don’t have a mouse. For example, when you press the tab key to navigate items on a page, the dotted line shows which element has focus.

If you are creating an html page, then you can use the “outline” css property and set it to 0 like so:
:focus {
outline: 0;

If you want to get rid of the dotted lines on other websites, you have to add your own user stylesheet to the browser. Find the css file named “userContent-example.css” and rename it to “userContent.css”. Mine is located at “C:UsersTAppDataRoaming MozillaFirefoxProfiles 82hahf2w.defaultchrome”.

Just add the following css to that stylesheet:
:focus {
outline: 0 !important;

Paul asks…

How do I move bookmarks from Firefox to Internet Explorer?

Firefox is better I just wanted to back up some website adresses in I.E. without having to go through them all one by one.

Michelle answers:

Have you installed it yet? I changed to Firefox a few weeks back and it asked me at setup if I wanted to import bookmarks.

Ken asks…

How do I remove a Secure Connection Exception in Firefox?

I tried to request a secure connection to a website in firefox, and was told that the connection couldn’t be verified as secure, and that the certificate was for the wrong site, and all sorts like that. I then added an Exception.

How would I later remove that Exception, so that the screen will come up again if I go there?

I am running the latest version of Firefox.

Any help is appreciated.

Michelle answers:

Firefox menu “Advanced -> Encryption -> View Certificates -> Servers”.

Helen asks…

How do I get videos from YouTube and other sites to play using Firefox?

I have had this problem for over a month. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Firefox. I tried updating Flash but I got an error message that they most recent version is already installed.

Michelle answers:

First exit Firefox and uninstall Flash Player, then download and Install the latest version again from adobe. That usually solves that problem.

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Your Questions About Facebook

Mark asks…

How do I get my pictures from my phone to facebook?

I can’t find a facebook address to send it to like a few people said.

Michelle answers:

Do you have a smart phone? If so, attach it to your computer and use it as a disk drive to move your pictures to your computer. Then upload to Facebook.

If not, you can send them via text. Compose a new MMS message on your mobile phone and attach the image file that you want to post to your Facebook stream with the MSS message. Send that MMS to (email, not phone) and Facebook will send you a confirmation code (via text) to associate your mobile phone number with your Facebook profile.

Robert asks…

How do I make my facebook friends private?

So my friend added me on facebook, but I don’t want her to see who my other friends are. How do I make facebook friends private to people who are already my friends?

Michelle answers:

Account-Privacy Settings-Connecting on Facebook-See your friend’s list

Ruth asks…

How do I show Facebook Events on my organization’s website?

I am a member of an alumni organization and would like to feature Facebook Events – with a guest list – on our non-Facebook webpage. Anybody know a cool widget that can accomplish this? Would we have to do a Facebook Connect integration? Cost estimate?

Michelle answers:


You can add an Event on your Facebook page.

When, time, where, other info and select guests.

Just go to your profile page on Facebook, go to the bar that says Wall, Info, there’s a +, click it and select Event., then Create an Event.

If you want people to see your web page, add the website in the section More Info or Other Info.


Sharon asks…

How do I get the little ticker thing back on Facebook?

Recently, Facebook put up a thing in the upper right hand corner that tells an update of stuff. It suddenly stopped showing on my facebook like last week but it still shows on my friend’s facebook. What happened and how do I get it back?

Michelle answers:

According to Facebook’s Help Center, the Ticker is not able to be closed, hidden, or moved. It can be resized by moving the horizontal bar.
This is a link where you can contact Facebook about your bug regarding the Ticker. Https://

Hope that helps. God bless

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Your Questions About Facebook Login

Betty asks…

What will happen if I left my alternate facebook account if I don’t know the password and email for it?

I accidentally made myself a facebook. Some months later, I found out that I had forgotten my email and password for it. And when I search for it with my Actual facebook account, it comes up. I was just curious, would anything happen to the account? Any way to delete it?

Michelle answers:

If you want to access your account just to delete your profile, try clicking on “Help” in the very bottom right-hand corner of Facebooks home page (when you aren’t already logged in!).
Then select “Login and Password”. It should be the second option under the first “Using Facebook” Section.

In the search bar at the top, type “forgot email”. “I forgot my login email” should show up, with a box underneath with a link to ‘click here’ to resolve the issue.

That will take you to a page to enter some personal info about yourself to prove that you’re actually the owner of the account. Once you can log in again, you can just delete your profile.

If you don’t delete your profile, I don’t think anything will really happen to it.

Hope this helps!

Susan asks…

How to add all facebook contacts onto an iPhone address book?

okay i know that people have already asked this but nobody has fully answered it…i know that on the facebook app you can sync contacts and add their facebook picture to people already in your address book on your phone..but is there anyway to add all of your facebook friends’ numbers onto an iphone?! thank you!

Michelle answers:

Well. Go to your Facebook account and login. You can export the Facbook contacts to computer as .csv file. Then there is a tool to add the CSV file to iPhone. Here it is. Http:// This tool can import/export contacts information files in CSV and vCard formats between your iPhone/iPod/iPad and computer.

Carol asks…

How to add every Facebook contact to an iPhone address book?

okay i know that people have already asked this but nobody has fully answered it…i know that on the facebook app you can sync contacts and add their facebook picture to people already in your address book on your phone..but is there anyway to add all of your facebook friends’ numbers onto an iphone?! thank you!

Michelle answers:

Well. Go to your Facebook account and login. You can export the Facbook contacts to computer as .csv file. Then there is a tool to add the CSV file to iPhone. Here it is. Http:// This tool can import/export contacts information files in CSV and vCard formats between your iPhone/iPod/iPad and computer.

Sharon asks…

is facebook really going to start charging people to be members?

what other changes if facebook going to make?

Michelle answers:

If you read the login page for facebook, it says “It’s free and always will be.”

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Your Questions About Forever 21

Robert asks…

Can you wear nail polish at a Forever 21 job?

I just got hired at Forever 21 and I was wondering if I could wear Nail Polish while working there.

Does anyone work there that knows the answer?

Michelle answers:

Yes, you can. I see girls wear all sorts of colors, even different hair colors and they don’t care. As long as you do your job, then you should be ok

Nancy asks…

Is there a Forever 21 in downtown Seattle yet?

I heard that they were supposed to be moving into where Old Navy was and that Old Navy was moving out in June. Is the Forever 21 open yet? Thanks!

Michelle answers:

Forever 21?
401 Northeast Northgate Way #1104
Seattle, WA 98125-8525
(206) 365-5056

Donna asks…

Can you give me some stores that are great for shopping just like Forever 21?

No store has stuff that i want other than Forever 21 but i dont want to shop at just one store. Any suggestions?

Michelle answers:,,,, Charlotte Russe, Wetseal, &

George asks…

does anyone know of a site where i can buy discontinued forever 21 headbands?

just looking to buy some headbands! looking for discontinued forever 21 headbands! anyone know of any sites? thanks!

Michelle answers:

I always shop at they have really CUTE and CHEAP CLOTHES AND JEWELRY!!! Check it outtt!

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Your Questions About Food Network

Donald asks…

Using the white part of the green onions to make more green parts?

So, I was wondering, I’m watching the food Network and the Next Food Network Star, One of the ‘saving money’ tips was to use the white part of a green onion in a glass of water to make more of the green part, does this work? Thanks!
I’m not sure, but it was on the show, and I was just curious to see if it would work.

Michelle answers:

Yes, it works. And if you keep a regular onion long enough, green shoots will come out the top of that, too.

Plants that form bulbs are particularly easy to multiply. Let them grow long enough and they produce seeds, bulblets and cloves, all of which can be planted. In addition, the basal plate (the part with the roots) can be divided with a knife and the sections planted.

The larger the bulb part, the more likely it is to sprout. The bulb provides nutrients for the green part.

Jenny asks…

How can you make ice cream in a salad spinner?

I saw a recipe on the Food Network, but when I tried it, it didn’t work.
It CAN be done. I’ve seen it on the food network several times.

Michelle answers:

That’s pretty funny.. I personally would hit Cold Stone Creamery or Baskin Robins..but I guess if I were super curious I would experiment with the following steps:

-Place the ice cream ingredients in the salad spinner and put the lid on it. Take some blue painters tape around the edge to really secure the liquids in the salad spinner.

-Set the salad spinner in a large pot or bucket. Make sure that you have at least 3-4 inches of space left to work with around the salad spinner. Take a large bag of ice and fill in the 3-4 inch gap all the way up to the top of the salad spinner, but don’t cover the salad spinner lid with ice. Pour Kosher rock salt on top of the ice to start the melting process.

-Take your whole “ice cream in the salad spinner hobby kit” and put it down on a towel in front of the TV. Turn on your favorite show(s) and start to spinning. Make sure to switch arms for even muscle tone. Come on now you don’t want to have one arm bigger than the other now do you? 🙂

-As the rock salt melts the ice, pour off the excess water, refilling the gap with more ice and top off with rock salt. After an hour (?) of spinning, there probably will be some thickness in the form of ice cream. I doubt it will get super thick since the salad spinner is made of plastic and not metal (which would conduct the freezing low temp. Needed to make ice cream).

Good luck with your experiment Agent 007. Oh by the way, you might just want to have a nice spare gallon of Rocky Road or Mint Chip Ice Cream in your freezer just in case…

Sandy asks…

How do you make this kind of cake icing?

Everytime I watch Ace of Cakes on the food network channel, they always use this dough like icing on the cake. I’m really curious to know how they make it. Does anybody know or have the recipe of how to make it?

Michelle answers:

Its hard to make but this sight has an easier version that is fairly easy and the results are great…good luck

Daniel asks…

Does anyone know where I can get a Feasting on Asphalt baseball cap?

I’ve seen the baseball shirt at Food Network‘s online store, but I saw Alton Brown wearing a baseball cap on one episode of Good Eats. Just wondering if they are available to the public?
As I said, I’ve seen the baseball shirt at Food Network‘s online store!

Michelle answers:

I found this:

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